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Four men charged with the gunshot murder of a White teenager

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Judsonia, Arkansas – A White teenager was shot and left to die on a back country road, only for his body to be hit by a passing car hours later, police say.

For the crime, police later arrested four non-White men—some of which were inadvertently let go—after they were involved in a high-speed chase for a completely different crime.

The incident first began when White County Sheriff’s deputies witnessed a van strike the body of a male lying in the middle of the road at 3:30 in the morning.

18-year-old Jayden Styles Solang, 20-year-old Jonathan Arrington, 18-year-old J’vion Todd, and 18-year-old Kydavien Green, four non-White men charged with murder for the shooting death of White 17-year-old Brendon Berryhill. Compilation: Justice Report.

Further investigation revealed the victim’s body, identified as White 17-year-old Brendon Berryhill, had suffered numerous gunshot wounds before being struck. Berryhill was quickly taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Reports indicate that Berryhill had died from gunshot wounds before he was struck by the passing vehicle. Using surveillance camera footage from nearby businesses, investigators determined that Berryhill had been the victim of a drive-by shooting miles away at a Circle K gas station.

He was ultimately struck twice by shooters before he was able to flee the scene, where he was found dead later on.

“There is someone close to him that was in that area, we think he was trying to make contact with them when he expired,” said Lt. Scott Seiders to KARK, Channel 4.

According to Seiders, authorities had no idea the shooting occurred as no one had immediately dialed 911. Instead, police encountered the suspects and engaged in a high-speed pursuit for unrelated traffic offenses shortly after Berryhill was shot. Numerous agencies were involved until the Arkansas State Police ultimately apprehended them through the use of a “tactical vehicle intervention.”

17-year-old Brendon Berryhill was shot, killed, and left for dead on a back country road in rural Arkansas. For the crime, police arrested four non-White males and charged them with murder. Compilation: Justice Report., GoFundMe, Facebook.

“Four males were removed from the vehicle…the driver was taken into custody for several traffic-related offenses. At the time, ASP was unaware of the homicide that happened here in White County, and the other three occupants were identified and released,” read a report surrounding the incident. “ASP located a firearm in the vehicle that is believed to have been used in the homicide.”

At the time, Police arrested only the driver, 18-year-old Jayden Styles Solang. Shockingly, they let the other three go, as they were totally unaware of the shooting of Brendon Berryhill and had yet to believe any of them had committed crimes.

Authorities eventually connected the dots and rearrested the suspects, taking into custody 20-year-old Jonathan Arrington, 18-year-old Kydavien Green, and 18-year-old J’vion Todd, all of whom lived around the Memphis, Tennessee, area.

“Unfortunately, I think this could’ve been solved a lot faster if the public had come forward quicker, there were people at the gas station when this happened, and they didn’t call,” said Seiders to KARK news.

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While little is known about the suspects, a cursory investigation reveals that Kydavien Green and J’Vion Todd were senior varsity football players for Millington Central High School. A player profile for the 5’11” 170 lb Todd on the sports website Hudl lists the running back with 642 public highlight views.

Meanwhile, Berryhill leaves behind an extended family and girlfriend, forced to pick up the pieces after the loss of their loving son. A GoFundMe set up for Berryhill’s cremation described the “amazing young man” as a hard worker at a local retail store who had a hard time adjusting to life after moving to live with his mother in Arkansas.

“Brendon was such an amazing young man. He always tried to make the best of every situation. When Brendon came to me in Arkansas, he tried so hard to prove himself. And he had a hard time at first until he met his girlfriend, Sheridan. At which point, he decided he was staying forever,” read the GoFundMe.

Police say Brendon Berryhill was shot in his car in the parking lot of a Circle K gas station before he fled, eventually expiring on a back country road. The four non-White men would later be stopped by police during a chase, but only the driver, Jayden Styles Solang (far left), would be arrested as police did not know a shooting took place at the time. Compilation: Google Maps, Facebook, Justice Report.

On Facebook, Berryhill’s girlfriend, Sheridan Costello, described her loss as “unfathomable” and vowed to “never stop fighting to get justice.”

“This sweet, handsome boy was murdered in the early hours of July 6th, 2024. he deserves justice in every fucking way. I miss him so much…He didn’t deserve to be ripped away from this world,” she said in a post.

“He had a whole life ahead of him. I will never stop spreading awareness of this tragedy. losing your significant other is a nightmare I wish upon no one. I miss him so much it’s unfathomable,” she said in another.

According to the latest US Census Reports, the small town of Judsonia is squarely between the cities of 40.15% Black Little Rock, Arkansas, and 61.28% Black Memphis, Tennessee. Both cities are considered minority-majority and have served as front lines for the ongoing racial replacement of America’s dwindling White community.

J’vion Todd (left) and KyDavien Green (right) were senior varsity football players for Millington Central High School, according to public player database Hudl. Compilation: Hudl.

The discordant racial situation present in the United States only serves to make savage acts of Black violence a common reality, frequently targeting White youth and their families.

In June, a 3-year-old White boy was mercilessly stabbed to death in the parking lot of a Giant Eagle grocery store in North Olmstead, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. For the crime, police arrested Black 32-year-old Bionca Ellis, who they say stalked her victim through a strip mall before fatally striking 3-year-old Julian Wood and wounding his mother, Margot.

Ellis had already been walking free from a different crime when the attack occurred, thanks to a liberal judge who let her go, citing a lack of mental health staff.

In April, a violent gang assault on a White teenager in upscale Greenwich, Connecticut, was met with rousing cheers from the Black community. The horrific ambush came just weeks after Black Americans celebrated the now-viral attack on White teenager Kaylee Gain, who hailed the near-fatal experience as “Black excellence.”

In November, White 18-year-old Julian Ludwig, a freshman college student, was shot and killed by a stray bullet at a local park. For the crime, police arrested 29-year-old Shaquille Taylor, a Black career criminal, who was later found incompetent to stand trial.

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