14-year-old White girl driven to suicide over Black bullying, father begs others to be more ‘colorblind’

Berkeley Township, NJ – A local family is now without a loving daughter after Adriana Kuch, 14, was serially attacked and allegedly driven to suicide by a malicious Black stalker.

Four teen girls now face charges of assault and disorderly conduct after a savage attack that erupted on February 1st inside Central Regional High School. The now famous incident, which was recorded and uploaded to social media and quickly went viral, shows a gang of violent girls brutally kicking and punching 14-year-old Kuch as she lay on the ground in a fetal position.

While not all of the high school girls involved are visible during the chilling footage of the beatdown, two individuals in the video are visibly Black. Due to the age of the alleged suspects, the girls have not been identified by police. The embedded video below is blurred but the unblurred video can be seen here.

According to the father, Michael Kuch, the teens had premeditated the attack on his daughter and were stalking her via chat applications. Two days after the February 1st attack, and after repeated messages from the attackers, Adriana took her own life.

On the day of the attack, Adriana’s father, Michael Kuch, was shown the video by his daughter. The assailants had apparently “tagged her” in the video via social media to further harass and bully the White student even after school had already concluded for the day. In the aftermath of his daughter’s death, Michael took to social media to beg that people remain “colorblind.”

Michael Kuch. Photo courtesy Facebook.

Mr. Kuch reported the attack and ongoing harassment to school authorities, but in a concerning display of apathy, no action was taken, according to him, Superintendent Dr. Triantafillos Parlapanides contradicted this version of events saying, “We always address every issue of bullying, and on the day of the incident, four students were suspended.”

Dr. Parlapanides went on to say:

I don’t believe a police report was done. We normally just suspend. If a parent wants to press charges they can with the police. But we’re not going to double-whammy a kid where they are suspended and then police charges as well.

It was unclear at the time of publication if the parents would be charged as accomplices in the after-school harassment of Adriana Kuch. The Justice Report will continue to provide updates as police, school, local officials, and parents respond to inquiries, and more information becomes available.

This is not the first time Central Regional High School has been the epicenter of extreme cases of student bullying. According to google reviews of the school, the institution has long been a hotbed for inter-student violence. In 2022, concerned parent Rachel O’Dea reported that her daughter was violently attacked by a gang of girls. The school’s inaction resulted in a lawsuit filed against the school, and in the wake of Adriana Kuch’s suicide, O’Dea has only ramped up her awareness campaign via change.org petition.

The only thing Central Regional does is label these events as “hallway disturbances” so it does not reach the threshold of needing to involve the police and reports aren’t made. It gives them reason to punish the VICTIM. Parents question EVERYTHING this school says! KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! Students do better… stop hurting each other and if you see someone being hurt call 911! It is not a fight, it is not an altercation, its not a hallway disturbance…..ITS CALLED ASSAULT.

Rachel O’Dea via Change.org

Also, in 2022, anti-White activists targeted the student base, alleging that the students were racist, an allegation that Parlapanides apparently took seriously and gave his immediate and full attention.

According to the 2020 Census, Berkeley Township is 97%, White. However, just 69% of Central Regional High School is composed of White students, according to US News. Rallies in support of the victim have avoided the topic of race and the victim’s father has denied having an interest in racial justice.

Michael Kuch, pictured with wife during interview. Photo courtesy of WABC interview.

Despite this, Black students at Central Regional have identified race as a factor in their interpretation of events. As in other incidents of anti-White hate crimes directed at children, colorblindness is seen as a virtue by White victims but is rejected by Black attackers. Without a racial animus complaint from living relatives or local law enforcement, powerful federal hate crime resources are left unused, virtually ensuring more White children will be attacked for their race.

Social media posts on Snapchat by Black students show an anti-Whte bias.

Update: Superintendent Dr. Triantafillos Parlapanides has resigned after sharing personal information about the Kuch family with media outlets. Just one day after Parlapanides accused the late Adriana Kuch of being a drug addict, a video emerged of her once boldly rescuing a drowning child from a swimming pool. Parents in the community organized to demand Parlapanides’ resignation which was tendered the following day.

The ongoing Black violence epidemic continues to rock the United States, with children often becoming the unfortunate targets of racial hatred. In 2022, White teenager Ethan Liming of Akron Ohio was savagely beaten to death for his race outside of an elementary school by three Black killers. The suspects were all issued lesser charges and set free, prompting Liming’s father, Bill, to demand hate crime charges for the injustice. In January of this year, White 17-year-old Gavin David Beighley was shot in the back and killed by a Black man who later confessed to the crime. The incident was described as a blatant “racial murder.”

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