10 Important Things to Remember About the Waukesha Attack Before The Darrell Brooks Trial Begins

Waukesha, WI – The criminal trial for Darrell Brooks, the anti-White career criminal who allegedly targeted a crowd of innocent people with his speeding SUV during an annual Christmas parade in 2021 is set to begin today. The trial, in which Darrell Brooks will be allowed to represent himself, will begin with jury selection and is expected to last approximately 1 month.

The high-profile case, which accuses the defendant of killing 6 people and injuring 62 others—a majority of which were White children and the elderly—has many experts claiming the trial will prove to be “overwhelming” for the defense. Brooks now faces a whopping 77 charges, including six counts of first-degree intentional homicide and 61 counts of felony reckless endangerment.

Darrell Brooks wearing suicide prevention smock during a court appearance, Waukesha, WI

In the short time since the incident unfolded on November 21, 2021, video clips of the incident have been shared around the world with views in the tens of millions, and the evidence of his anti-White hatred, apparent in social media posts and rap songs made under the pseudonym “Mathboi Fly,” has all but confirmed the racial motivation for the attack.

The faces of the six dead victims of the 2021 Waukesha Parade massacre allegedly caused by the openly anti-White Darrell Brooks.

In response to this clear act of violent, anti-White hatred, the Justice Report has decided to compile some fast facts about this tragic case to inform the public as we go into the high-profile trial of the accused terrorist, Darrell Brooks.

Fact #1: Darrell Brooks Has An Extensive Criminal History

Brooks has been convicted on several criminal charges dating back to 1999, including drug possession, obstructing an officer, and battery. He also has several open felony charges that were filed against him on November 5, 2021. In Milwaukee, he was charged with resisting a police officer (misdemeanor), felony bail jumping, second-degree recklessly endangering safety (felony) with domestic abuse assessments, disorderly conduct, and battery (both misdemeanors, also with domestic abuse assessments.)

He is even accused of running over an ex-girlfriend with the same red SUV used in the alleged Waukesha attack. On November 19, 2021, he posted a very low bail of $1000 and was awaiting trial for these charges when he allegedly committed the attack.

Darrell Brooks Rap Sheet, infographic courtesy of DailyMail

Fact #2: Darrell Brooks Is A Registered Sex Offender

Brooks appears on the sex offender registry of the state of Nevada for the trafficking of a 16-year-old girl and has several charges related to domestic abuse. Under the name “Darrell E. Brooks,” he was listed as a non-compliant Tier 2 sex offender.

Tier 2 offenses are considered non-violent but those with such a classification must register for at least 25 years and re-verify twice a year. In a video he posted to social media in 2016, Brooks himself affirms this information, explaining the sordid details of his personal life.

Video posted to social media by Brooks circa 2016

Fact #3: Darrell Brooks Promoted Violence Against White People

Before the attack, Darrell Brooks maintained a thoroughly anti-White presence on social media, often posting virulently anti-White hate on Facebook. In an especially telling message posted to the platform in June 2020, Brooks openly urged his followers—numbering in the hundreds—to commit widespread violence against innocent White people. His clarion call specifically included the elderly, a grim foreshadowing of the deadly parade massacre he would soon be accused of carrying out.

Brooks was also an amateur rapper, creating rap music videos and various songs on the platform SoundCloud under the pseudonym “Mathboi Fly.” The songs regularly promoted violence and contained lyrics that called for violence against White people.

Darrel Brooks aka “Mathboi Fly” voicing support for the violent anti-White criminal organization Black Lives Matter via Facebook

The disturbing finds—originally uncovered by Joseph Jordan of National-Justice—includes lyrics such as “Throw a bomb, Kenny Stills, That’s for all the coppers. Time to teach it in the schools, It’s that Black Power. Teach em how we built the country, Teach em black authors.”

An example of one of Brooks aka “Mathboi Fly’s” rap songs where he upholds black supremacist racial ideologies.

Fact #4: Darrell Brooks Admitted He Was Not Fleeing a “Knife Fight”

Despite early reporting by the Waukesha police department, Darrell Brooks himself admitted he was not “fleeing a knife fight” prior to the attack, which saw six dead and over sixty injured. By implying that Brooks was somehow in fear of bodily harm or injury, some have suggested that this was an attempt by the media or Police to dismiss any notion that the attack was racially-motivated and to diffuse a White racial grievance from fermenting.

However, according to Brooks himself, he was never fleeing a knife fight. During a jailhouse interview conducted by the independent media outlet, Media2Rise, when asked if Brooks was ever fleeing a “knife incident,” Brooks responded by saying “absolutely not.”

Fact #5: Darrell Brooks Drove In a Zig-Zag Motion To Hit As Many White People As Possible

According to an eye-witness of the deadly Waukesha Christmas parade attack, Darrell Brooks seemed to drive in a zig-zag motion as he drove through the parade with his now infamous red SUV.

“As I continued to watch the SUV, it continued to drive in a zig-zag motion. It was like the SUV was trying to avoid vehicles, not people…There was no attempt made by the vehicle to stop, much less slow down.”

Eye-witness account
Darrell Brooks mugshot (right) and red SUV moments before plowing into a crowd at the 2021 Waukesha Christmas parade.

Fact #6: No Hate Crimes Charges Were Pursued

Despite the overwhelming evidence that would suggest the attack was racially motivated, Waukesha police did not pursue hate crimes charges for Darrell Brooks. During a press conference made by the Waukesha police chief Daniel Thompson—who is Black—simply reified the false “knife attack” narrative, signaling to American citizens that the attack had no racial motive, but instead, may have been done on accident.

It’s important to note that because Daniel Thomas is Black and has a history of support for BLM, his decision to explore federal hate crime charges may have been affected. Chief Thomas reportedly led a Black Lives Matter march in which he instructed his predominantly White police force to kneel in support of dead Black criminals such as George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.

“It’s beautiful to see so many colors, and creeds, and people out here without burning a city down, without throwing rocks at officers or have officers tear gas us…That’s a beautiful thing if we can all come out here, and be peaceful, and get our message across. I feel the world can move in a better place. We are part of the community. We don’t accept police brutality. It is unacceptable.”

Waukesha Police Chief Daniel Thompson, 2020

When asked if he had any plans to introduce federal hate crimes charges for Darrell Brooks during a virtual town hall meeting, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson (R) said, “I’m not a big supporter of, you know, federal hate crimes…”

Despite the claim, on April 22nd, 2021, Johnson voted in favor of the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which allows for speedy prosecution and hate crime charges for those targeting Asian Americans for their race. The bill was largely applauded by the Jewish supremacy group, the Anti-Defamation League.

Since then, Republican Senator Ron Johnson has shown his apparent willingness to act hypocritically in politics numerous times. On January 26th, 2022, Johnson claimed that “[It’s] not society’s responsibility to take care of other people’s children” yet voting in support of aid to replenish ammunition for Israel’s “Iron Dome” air defense weapon.

Republican Senator Ron Johnson Voted “Yea” on a bill enforcing hate crime charges against Asians, but claimed he “didn’t like” hate crime charges when the victims were White.

“Hate crimes are not just an attack on a single person, but on an entire community…These bills reflect the growing consensus across America that enough is enough: there is no place hate in our communities. Understanding and addressing the root causes of hate crimes has been core to our work for decades, and the resources in these bills would significantly build on the progress we’ve made. We thank the bills’ sponsors for recognizing the importance of these issues and urge the U.S. House of Representatives to move quickly to pass these pieces of legislation.”

Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO

The ADL has a history of ignoring hate crimes or racially motivated violent extremism when the targets of such violence are White people. In a December 2nd, 2021 tweet by the ADL, the Jewish supremacy group took a blind eye to Brooks’ prolific anti-White social media posts and simply claimed that “Brooks did not appear to actively engage in an extremist ideology.” They instead proposed that, if anything, his posts were anti-Semitic.

The idea that hate crime charges were only embraced by politicians when victims of violent crime are non-White has left many scratching their heads at the obvious racial double standard outlined in the criminal justice system.

Fact #7: The National Justice Party Was Denounced By Both Republicans & Democrats

One week after the Waukesha Christmas Parade attack, the pro-White advocacy group, the National Justice Party, marched to demand hate crimes charges for Darrell Brooks and to secure justice for the families and victims of the tragic incident. Since then, the protest has made international news, with people voicing support for the NJP’s efforts and those that would denounce them.

The National Justice Party protesting outside the Waukesha Court House

“The major Jewish media outlets have made a point of uncritically accepting Thompson’s words and refuse to report the facts—now widely circulated on the internet—that Brooks is a vocal supporter of BLM and has made anti-White rap songs and social media posts calling for violence against White people, including the elderly.”

National Justice Party Official Statement

In response, only a few hours after the protest had ended, Wisconsin Senators Tammy Baldwin (D) and Ron Johnson (R) issued a bipartisan denunciation that asked “people” not to “exploit the tragedy that occurred last Sunday in Waukesha for their own political purposes.”

Fact #8: Darrell Brooks Has a History of Pre-Trial Antics

Brooks was arrested just 20 minutes after he allegedly committed his act of violent anti-White hate, and ever since, he has had a history of crude, crass, and bizarre outbursts behind bars and during pre-trial hearings.

In the second interview given to the media after his arrest, and despite the bevy of violent crimes he is accused of, Brooks claimed that he felt like he was being unfairly judged. “I just feel like I’m being monster – demonized,” he said during a brief Fox news interview. After learning that his mother had released a statement about her son in a negative light, he broke down and refused further questioning.

On August 26th, Brooks had a disruptive outburst during a pretrial hearing and was ultimately removed from the courtroom. Brooks was removed on the behest of Judge Jennifer Dorow, who scolded him several times before sheriff’s deputies had to forcibly escort him away back to custody.

The outburst allegedly began after Brooks was denied his attorney’s request to have his homicide case removed, as they claimed that evidence was wrongfully obtained during a routine cell search by sheriff’s deputies.

Another video of a separate incident captures the moment when Brooks is asked if he understands the charges being made against him. Despite being incarcerated for almost a year, Brooks repeatedly denies understanding the charges and claims that his previous legal council did not explain them to him.

Some have claimed that this method of petty stonewalling in court is reminiscent of legal strategies employed by sovereign or “Moorish” citizens, a fringe political ideology whose believers claim total independence from the United States, and as a result, cannot be subject to its laws.

“Darrell Brooks’s claim to not understand the charges, or the fact that he is facing charges is a lie. He is performing a sovereign citizen script where they persist in claiming they don’t understand proceedings to jam up the court.There are several Black Nationalist movements, such as the Moorish Science Temple, that promote crank sovereign citizen legal theories.”

National Justice Party Chairman, Mike Peinovich

Fact #9: Some of Darrell Brooks’ Charges Have Been Dropped

Before Brooks dismissed his legal council and was allowed to defend himself in court, Waukesha County Judge Jennifer Dorow sided with the defense and struck Counts 78-83 (six counts of homicide by vehicle, use of a controlled substance). This was done because she had ruled there cannot be multiple punishments for the same crime.

Judge Jennifer Dorow. Photo courtesy of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Despite having multiple car attacks on record, the judge also disallowed any testimony from his previous car attack, a move that would hinder the prosecution’s strategy of showcasing a history of repeat violence. Judge Dorow denied the motion to allow testimony from a previous case where Brooks allegedly ran over an ex-girlfriend with the same car. She claimed because the parade was a “mass casualty” incident, and the other crime targeted an individual, the two incidents can’t be legally compared.

Fact #10: The Bus Route

Once the jury is selected, Judge Dorow has allowed the members to eventually see for themselves the route that Darrell Brooks took during the alleged Parade attack. The jury will travel via bus along the preplanned route, but only if signs in support of the victims are removed from the scene beforehand (such as the now iconic “Waukesha Strong” signs from storefronts, businesses, and homes). The bus ride must also be recorded for documentation purposes.

“I think as long as we can assure that any signs of support for or against anyone involved victim or the defendant would need to not be visible and need to be removed,” Judge Dorow said.

Map of the 2021 Waukesha parade attack, AP

Coverage of the Darrell Brooks trial and the case of the anti-White 2021 Waukesha Parade Massacre is ongoing, and more will be reported as details become available.

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