Columbus, OH – A well-connected, Ohio-based Black activist with ties to several prominent anti-White NGOs was captured on film berating two White employees in the lobby of an upscale hotel in an attempt to garner special treatment.
Sources close to the matter now claim that the individual is seeking their termination.
According to leaked documents and never-before-seen CCTV footage obtained by the Justice Report, the career Black activist even called an unidentified Ohio State Senator on her personal cell phone in what appears to be an attempt to racially and politically intimidate staff while earning special favor from the hotel.

The incident report, penned by hotel security in the aftermath of the racially charged incident, goes on to fully detail how Tiffany Edwards—a Black certified fundraising executive (CFRE) for Ohio Conference NAACP—berated two White staff members of the historic LeVeque hotel in Columbus by baselessly accusing them of “racism,” “White privilege,” and “microassaults.”
After things escalated, the report states she phoned an unnamed Ohio State Senator for further assistance and placed the individual on speaker phone.
The incident took place on September 20th of this year and went unreported until now, and began over a minor service issue at the hotel. According to the security report, Edwards made multiple “unreasonable requests that the hotel could not accommodate.”
The report then elaborates that Edwards, a self-described “diversity, equity, and inclusion thought leader,” demanded to switch hotel rooms for an unstated reason.

Edwards then demanded the unusual: that hotel staff slide a key to a new room under the door of her current room so she could move into the new room at her leisure. When LeVeque staff advised her that this request could not be fulfilled per their company guidelines but would happily give her a new room once she vacated her current one, she flew into a lengthy tirade.
For the following 8 minutes, she went on what would best be described as a diatribe. She both implied and explicitly described [the Manager] as racist, while talking about things like “white privilege,” “microaggressions,” and “microassaults.” She said several times throughout the interaction that she was not being disruptive, that she was acting calm and not making a scene. I wholly disagree with that sentiment and it’s my opinion that she was certainly causing a disturbance within the hotel lobby
LeVeque Incident Report
Eventually, the tirade spilled out from the Lobby to the hotel’s main entrance. When hospitality staff, including the Hotel’s senior manager on duty, advised her that she was no longer welcome on the property due to her disruptive behavior, Edwards apparently escalated the situation.

“She continued with her diatribe a bit longer so [the Manager] asked her to please leave again, and added that he’d have to contact CPD if she continued making a scene in the lobby,” the report states. “She described that as a threat, then said she’d call them herself and dialed the emergency police line (911). At that point, I injected myself into the situation.”
After Edwards called the police over the minor service issue, she continued to falsely accuse the two White members of the staff of “racism” for not accommodating her special request. “She had a conversation with the police, me, and [the Manager] where she continued talking at length while refusing to listen to anyone for more than a few seconds at a time, continuing to call [the Manager] racist on multiple occasions.”

After phoning 911, Edwards only continued her warpath of racial intimidation. According to the report, “she began making remarks about how it would be very unfortunate for [the Manager] and for the hotel if she were removed, adding things about how she has powerful friends (she mentioned a state senator as well as the head of the Ohio NAACP) and trains police in diversity, equity, and inclusion.”
At one point the dispatch officer asked if there were weapons involved and she stated to the officer that “the only weapons here are the words being used against [me]”
LeVeque Incident Report
As she was being escorted out of the premises, Edwards reportedly used her powerful connections by calling an unnamed Ohio State Senator and placing them on speaker phone during the incident. “Be careful. They have every right to trespass you,” said the mysterious caller on the other end. Edwards eventually left the scene via an Uber ride, but only after subjecting the White security staff to continued anti-White harassment for over ten full minutes until it arrived.

The anonymous whistleblower who leaked the security report and CCTV footage had no trouble personally confirming the identity of the disorderly hotel guest and the events described in the report itself.
While the racially charged diatribe unleashed by NAACP chair Tiffany Edwards is worthy of reporting in and of itself, our source claims that it’s not over yet.
“This lady has come back and is now trying to get the involved parties fired.”
Protected source, Justice Report
Our source, who wishes to remain anonymous in fear of physical or financial retaliation by corrupt, scandal-ridden black activist groups like the NAACP—as well as the often deadly Black Lives Matter movement—went on to claim how Tiffany Edwards has since filed a complaint against Marriot, the company which operates Hotel LeVeque.
The complaint, our source believes, was filed with the intention of getting every White person she encountered that night terminated from their employment.

“She contacted Marriott, and gave some sort of complaint. Then that complaint came down to the head manager who then brought it to the attention of (the manager on duty that night),” claimed our source.
When the Justice Report asked if they believed Tiffany Edwards would have felt the need to harass or intimidate hotel staff or call State Senators at this location if the staff she interacted with were Black, our source soberly responded, “Certainly not.”
According to the Ohio NAACP, Tiffany Edwards is a highly credentialed Black woman who holds multiple awards, titles, and degrees, all of which were firmly established in the realm of progressive social justice.
While she currently reigns as Freedom Fund Chair for the NAACP—the committee in charge of raising money to fund the rest of the Ohio Conferences’ racial advocacy activities—her resume is a veritable laundry list of employment and association with various Black activist N.G.O’s and dotted with accolades garnered from elite leftist institutions.

As a co-founder of the Black advocacy organization the State of Ohio Collective, Edwards was quick to capitalize on the 2020 summer of racial reckoning when career criminal George Floyd died of an apparent fentanyl drug overdose during an arrest that triggered months of riots, murders, and incidents of arson across the United States by agitated members of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Edwards’s strategy, to sound the drums of war and fundraise up to 2 billion dollars to be used exclusively for Black causes, is described as her “50-year plan to combat systemic racism In Ohio.
“If we’re looking for systemic change that’s going to change the ecosystem, we have to address the institutions, we have to address the structures.”
Tiffany Edwards
But what does it mean to combat systemic racism? One only needs to look at the events of earlier this summer in the very same state.
In June of 2022, the Ohio Conference NAACP, in conjunction with BLM, kicked off a series of violent protests in Downtown Akron as a response to the justified shooting death of Black criminal, Jayland Walker, by eight officers of the Akron Police Department. The protests, which also drew armed militia of the Black extremist group, the New Black Panther Party, led to parades of armed extremists with long rifles, triggered acts of arson, sparked vandalism, and shut the area down for some time.
Edwards has also been generously described as a “social innovator, strategist, diversity, equity, and inclusion thought leader, visionary, and serial entrepreneur” by the NAACP, and is the founder and CEO of Gramish Consulting (community service/non-profit); CSO and co-founder of The Blueprint and The Village 2.0 (Covid-19 remote-learning company); and COO of Karen Hoyos International (female self-empowerment product).
According to a claim made on her NAACP bio page, she’s also part of 2% of CFREs (Certified Fund Raising Executives) globally who are African American or Latinx.

In 2019, she won a Restorative and Social Justice award from Democratic House Minority Whip, Emilia Sykes, as well as the “Most Powerful Woman in Diversity & Inclusion” Award from the National Diversity Council, the Education Awardee from Tampa Bay Black Girls Rock, the Restorative Justice Award from the Think Make Live Organization, and the Behind the Scenes Humanitarian Award from the National Action Network.
Whenever she isn’t busy bullying and ostracising low-income White hotel workers over an alleged service dispute, she also finds time to volunteer and aid “survivors” of bullying and ostracism, as well as the racially disenfranchised.
Edwards’s leadership encompasses sales, strategic and enterprise resource planning, and public relations. Her experience includes executive project management, directorships, and information technology positions with organizations including the Pro Football Hall of Fame, Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens, and JP Morgan Chase. She was a key staff member managing and supporting the strategic and long range planning and 60-million-dollar capital campaign for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. She is a graduate of Walsh University where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration – Management and Bachelor of Arts degree – Corporate Communications with a Minor in English Literature. She has held the distinction of Certified Fundraising Executive since 2009.
Tiffany Edwards Bio, Weathervane Playhouse
While Edwards’ anti-White bona fides and credentials as a CFRE aren’t up for debate, her unethical and immoral treatment of hotel employees and acts of anti-White aggression are.
This begs the question of whether or not a woman capable of furious, racially-charged public outbursts best represents the pro-diversity, equity, and inclusion stance that the NAACP, State of Ohio Collective, and Karen Hoyos International wish to uphold.

This hostile Black-on-White interaction comes hot off the heels of a now-famous incident that occurred at a Holiday Inn Express in April of 2021. The viral video, which was promoted on Twitter by the notoriously anti-White demagogue Tariq Nasheed, showcases the cruel torment of a White Hospitality worker by a Black guest.
The young White man, seen smashing a computer in frustration, suffered a mental breakdown from the resulting verbal abuse.
Incidents like these are not uncommon in America and, in fact, have only occurred with greater frequency after the explosion of the anti-White “Karen” phenomena on social media—a derogatory racial slur predominantly used against middle-class White women filmed in the act of demanding that certain social standards be upheld in public places.
While the hefty price is something that most White people employed in the hospitality profession would consider a great extravagance, Edwards reportedly had no issue with renting a luxury room while simultaneously accusing others of exercising their “White privilege.”

The Justice Report contacted the Ohio Conference NAACP for comment but did not receive an immediate response.
White people often find themselves the collective targets of false claims of “hate” by non-White people, including those with power, privilege, or prestige. In 2019, the influential Black actor and multi-millionaire Jussie Smollett orchestrated a hate hoax in which he falsely claimed that a gang of White people attacked him for “the color of his skin.”
The resulting investigation strained an already overworked Chicago police department, cost the agency over $100,000, and revealed that Smollett’s “attackers” were actually a pair of Nigerian Blacks hired by Smollett to generate anti-White hate. Despite the anti-White libel, Smollett was sentenced to only 150 days behind bars and so far only spent six.
In 2020, infamous Black NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace was found to be lying by FBI investigators when he claimed that someone had strung up a noose in his Talladega garage stall. Despite being exposed as a liar, Wallace claimed the incident has only reinforced his commitment to fighting for change and justice.
Our investigation into the anti-White tirade launched by Tiffany Edwards is ongoing and this article will be updated as new details emerge.
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