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Elon Musk heads to Auschwitz after calling for Patriot Front to be ‘unmasked’

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New York, New York – X/Twitter owner Elon Musk called for the “unmasking” of the pro-White street activist group, Patriot Front, on Sunday, after a march in New York City went viral. Musk’s demand came amid a trip to Auschwitz alongside Jewish conservative Ben Shapiro at a conference to address so-called “online anti-semitism.”

On Saturday, the pro-White street activist organization, Patriot Front, took to the streets of Manhattan to protest foreign interests and Jewish overrepresentation in the US government. The march—which commanded roughly 90-100 masked members—passed by the 9/11 memorial before stopping for a speech outside the National Archives.

The procession included signs that said “no Zionists in government” and was led by Thomas Rousseau, the group’s Texan-based leader who could be seen giving interviews to local journalists throughout the day.

“…(American) politics, especially the politics of America’s largest city, are almost exclusively defined by foreigners and their foreign interests,” said Rousseau in an interview. “That’s where we come in. Our interest is solely that of our people and our nation who have this land as home and no others.”

“America’s policy towards all these people with foreign interests should be simple. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here,” he continued.

While the march was successful in generating interest online, Patriot Front faced a wave of attacks from mainstream conservatives who took to X/Twitter to hurl unsubstantiated accusations that Patriot Front is made up of federal informants or “feds.”

Thomas Rousseau, leader of Patriot Front in NYC on Saturday. Photo: Patriot Front.

“If Patriot Front was actually a real organic white supremacy group, the media would be all over this story to expose every member and ruin their lives,” said finance account Wall Street Silver on X/Twitter. “The fact that this is NOT happening confirms they are Feds.”

“The most likely answer is that they are a mixture of federal agents and paid stooges.” Wall Street Silver continued. Eventually, Elon Musk himself would chime in to demand that Patriot Front activists be “unmasked.”

“Seems like they should be followed and unmasked. Why doesn’t the media or government care about their identities?” he said, replying to Wall Street Silver.

“This does seem odd. Why no mask removal after arrest?” Musk tweeted to his 169.8 million X/Twitter followers. The post would later earn an X/Twitter “community note” which corrected Musk and led users to the identities of Patriot Front members who were targeted by local law enforcement in a protest-related sting in Idaho.

On Monday, tech billionaire Elon Musk would attend a private ceremony at the site of the Auschwitz concentration camp, a day after demanding that pro-White advocates be unmasked for daring to criticize Jewish overrepresentation in the US government. Collage: X/Twitter.

This would not be the first time Musk would help amplify disinformation on his own platform. In June of 2023, Musk and fellow conservative commentators falsely identified a member of Oregon’s Rose City Nationalists as a Jewish, San Fernando Valley-based political science major. Despite the claims being entirely false, X/Twitter posts containing the man’s identity went viral, with Musk demanding that his followers “always remove their masks.”

In response, Musk’s “fed” accusation was met by a veritable wall of rebuke from other right-wing personalities on the internet, many of whom retain sizeable followings on X, and elsewhere.

“Every time Patriot Front appear(s), ‘Conservative’ Inc. unanimously attack(s) them as Feds, but I’ve never heard ‘conservatives’ say anything this based or true,” said x/Twitter user Way of the World.

“I’ve seen accounts with millions of subscribers doing the fedjacketing routine on Patriot Front today,” said Australian nationalist, Thomas Sewell. “It’s obvious that mainstream fed accounts that are part of a ZOG controlled network on Twitter are being turbo algorithm boosted.”

The pro-White street activist group, Patriot Front, is known for its rousing marches throughout major American cities. Their flash pop-up-style protests earn millions of views around the world, despite being banned from many different social media platforms. Photo: Patriot Front Sightings.

“Not only is Elon visiting Auschwitz and censoring anti-Israel accounts, he’s essentially telling his millions of followers to assault and dox members of Patriot Front,” said pro-White activist, artist, and podcaster, Emily Youcis on Telegram.

Shortly after demanding Patriot Front members be unmasked, Musk would travel alongside Ben Shapiro to pay homage at the site of Poland’s Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. Once there, the pair would attend a European Jewish Association conference on combating so-called “anti-semitism” online.

The trip was scheduled after Musk had continually come under fire from the international Jewish community for his perceived failure to reign in anti-semitic sentiment on X/Twitter since his controversial purchase in 2022.

“Not only is Elon visiting Auschwitz and censoring anti-Israel accounts, he’s essentially telling his millions of followers to assault and dox members of Patriot Front.”

Emily Youcis, Telegram

The tech billionaire laid a wreath and lit a candle to honor Jews across the globe at a private “ceremony.” During a talk with Ben Shapiro at the following conference, Musk appeared eager to reassure Jews in attendance that he couldn’t be antisemitic because he was “aspirationally Jewish” himself.

“2/3’s of my friends are Jewish. I’m like Jewish by association, I’m aspirationally Jewish,” he said to Shapiro during the conference. “I grew up around a lot of Jewish people, I went to Hebrew preschool — my name is pretty Jewish.”

“I went to Israel when I was 13. Most of my friends are Jewish, sometimes I forget ‘Am I Jewish?’, I’m Jew-ish, aspirationally Jewish,” he continued.

News of Musk’s recommitment to fight “anti-semitism” on the platform has resulted in a troubling downturn in engagements for X/Twitter accounts accused of it. According to the independent news outlet, Information Liberation, anti-Zionist users found that their reach has “plummeted” in advance of Monday’s conference.

“As I noted in September, the pressure campaign to get Elon Musk to censor more on X is not only coming from Jonathan Greenblatt at the ADL and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel but also Attorney General Merrick Garland at the DOJ and Gary Gensler at the SEC — both of whom have been threatening him with lawsuits and investigations to get him to bend to their will,” said Chris Menahan for Information Liberation.

Musk’s willingness to tamp down on Jewish-critical voices also led to the de-platforming of right-wing anti-Zionist, Lucas Gage, whose account had hundreds of thousands of followers before its suspension in December.

Tech billionaire Elon Musk (pictured) has made several brazen displays of love for the Jewish community, including a trip to Israel to visit embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Some have equated Musk’s role as head of X/Twitter as part of a pro-Zionist operation to control free speech. Collage: X/Twitter.

Musk has often been criticized by both sides of the political spectrum for his heavy-handed control of the platform, censoring and removing content deemed too critical of Jewish power or its functionaries. The Justice Report was permanently banned from X/Twitter with no warning shortly after Musk’s acquisition, with users even prohibited from posting links to the website. To this day, the Justice Report continues to have no access to a platform many claim is the modern “public square.”

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