Related Story: Transgender mass shooter’s leaked manifesto reveals violent anti-White hate motivation
Nashville, Tennessee – The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) refused to classify Transgender mass-shooter Audrey Hale as a left-wing extremist because she once penned the word “faggots” in her manifesto.
The decision to exclude Hale from the list came amid a recent ADL report that claimed “right-wing extremism” was the source of all “extremism-related” shootings in 2023.
Transgender mass shooter Audrey Hale, who murdered six people, including three 9-year-old children inside a Christian school, did so because of a violent hatred towards White children, according to pages of her now-leaked manifesto. Hale had transitioned into the opposite sex, calling herself “Aiden,” and penned multiple journals and diaries outlying her hatred of White people.

“Kill those kids!!! Those crackers. Going to private fancy schools with those fancy khakis and sports backpacks with their daddies mustangs and convertibles. F–k you little sh–s,” her writings said. “I wish to shoot your weak ass d—s with your mop yellow hair, wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots with your white privileges. F–k you faggots.”
The bulk of her manifesto has so far been suppressed from public view. As a result, law enforcement officials and local politicians have been accused of operating a “cover-up” and have even sparked protests demanding their release.
Despite her apparent anti-White animus, however, the ADL believes that there was no “clear evidence of extremism” behind the Hale shooting. Instead, they believe the shooting was borne from a perceived class struggle or mental illness. The ADL also appears to use the presence of “faggots” in her writings as a convenient way to exonerate Hale of a left-wing extremist classification.
“The case of Hale does not appear in the report, as we did not find clear evidence of extremism,” said a spokesperson from the ADL to the Daily Signal. “Hale left some writings, not released by police, that they described as lacking any specific political or social issues.”
“Three pages of a document were later leaked that contained hateful epithets directed at white and LGBTQ+ people, which did not provide evidence of any particular extremist ideology, but rather primarily resentment and grievance at students from the shooter’s former school perceived to be better off than the shooter was,” it continued.
According to the ADL’s 2023 Murder and Extremism report, so-called “domestic extremists” were allegedly responsible for the deaths of 17 people in the United States. The Jewish org claims that “far-right” extremism and “white supremacy” played a part behind all of them, which they admit is down from 27 in 2022. Additionally, the ADL also makes the claim that “right-wing extremism” was responsible for all of 2022’s identified extremist-related killings.
But if the ADL is relying on police identification of extremists in order to make their yearly reports, then the ADL’s intimate role in police training cannot be ignored. In March, it was revealed that the ADL played a significant role in helping Florida police identify what is and isn’t extremism after a bombshell Freedom of Information Act request unearthed emails and texts between the two organizations.
The PROTECT plan, created by the ADL in the aftermath of the January 6th Stop the Steal protest, actively lobbies for government policies that exclusively “target White supremacist terror.” Their lauded Hate on Display: Hate Symbols Database is also frequently cited by law enforcement agencies across the country, and is stocked with explicitly right-wing or “white supremacist” logos.
The ADL also facilitates trips to Israel, where American cops can expect to benefit from IDF-inspired military techniques and other procedures frequently used to combat “domestic terrorists.”

By willfully ignoring Hale’s complicity in hate-based murder and by helping shape police to identify right-wing extremism through politically skewed training sessions, the ADL appears to get its desired result year after year.
Despite their efforts, Americans are continually bombarded with evidence that suggests mass shootings like Hale’s are far more common among non-Whites in the United States. According to data maintained by Mass-Shootings, in 2022, over 70% of mass shooters in the United States were Black. White people accounted for 15% of mass shootings that year, despite making up 62% of the general population.
The ADL’s recent statements regarding Hale are but the latest headline to emerge from the world of anti-White politics, now synonymous with the Anti-Defamation League. In September, it was revealed that a regional coordinator for the ADL’s central Pacific branch was a member of the American Iron Front, an anti-White extremist organization itself linked to violent extremism per the Federal government.
In November, a leaked phone call between ADL director Jonathan Greenblatt and several of his underlings revealed a growing concern over Gen Z’s lack of support for Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza. Blaming TikTok and a growing surge of anti-Zionist rhetoric on social media, Greenblatt used the session to brainstorm ideas on how to counteract what he called “antisemitism.”
Additionally, the controversial power figure revealed that ADL intelligence agents were operating inside multiple leftist anti-war groups and had data-mined their “tool kits” for talking points and other intel.
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