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Convicted Black sex offender arrested for attempted kidnapping of young boy

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Aurora, Colorado – A convicted Black sex offender and career criminal has been arrested for attempting to kidnap a young boy from the halls of a majority-White elementary school, police say. The incident would be the latest in a long line of horrifying allegations stemming from the Black community.

According to reports, 33-year-old Solomon Tyler Galligan is alleged to have walked into Black Forest Hills Elementary School in Aurora, approaching several children during recess. Before fleeing the scene, Galligan—who is Black—attempted to snatch a young boy.

The incident took place on Friday afternoon, with police quickly identifying and arresting Galligan, said a spokesman with the Aurora Police to CBS News.

33-year-old Solomon Tyler Galligan is a convicted sex offender and career criminal, linked to alleged acts of robbery and other crimes. Photo: Aurora Police Department.

The Black Forest Hills Elementary School administration called parents to advise them that recess had been canceled, and the students were ushered inside not long after the incident. In a follow-up email, Principal Amanda Replogle said the school would be reviewing safety protocols and procedures to prevent issues like this from ever happening again.

According to Great-Schools, which aggregates education data for parents, Black Forest Hills Elementary School’s student body is 63% White, and its test scores rank “far above” the state average.

For the chilling crime, Galligan is now facing one count of attempted kidnapping and was placed in custody at the Arapahoe County Jail in lieu of a $25,000 bond. His next court appearance was Monday morning.

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While Police confirmed that Galligan is indeed a convicted sex offender, the details of the previous crime were not made immediately clear. According to court records, Galligan appears to have failed in 2012 to register as a sex offender in Jefferson County. Aurora police told FOX31 that Galligan’s sex offenses stem from incidents in nearby Pueblo County.

In 2018, Galligan seems to have been arrested in Pueblo for an attempted second-degree burglary charge. According to reports, the incident stemmed from a violent break-in of an area residence alongside several other suspects.

A long-abandoned Facebook page belonging to Denver-based “Solomon Galligan” also netted interesting results. The account contained 5-year-old photos of what appears to be a Black man with similar facial features as the suspect, showing him wearing a female wig and makeup. One post also contains statements alleging that Galligan may have been medically transitioning into the opposite sex.

An unearthed Facebook allegedly linked to Solomon Tyler Galligan appears to show the younger suspect as a “Trans woman.” Collage: Justice Report.

“So im starting my hormone shots and i relly cant wait im on my hormone pills ive been on them for almost 4 months,” said Galligan on a revealing Facebook post on March 19th, 2011. “I wake up all depressed and crying but in the end its gonna be totally worth it you know what i mean im really excited my measurements are already changing and im super thrilled.”

According to medical studies, 44.1% of all trans-identified participants engaged with some form of clinical depression. 33.2% reported having experienced anxiety, which then manifests into physical symptoms. They are six times more likely to have high levels of depression, eight times more likely to have attempted suicide, more than three times as likely to abuse illegal drugs, and more than three times as likely to expose themselves to HIV.

Transsexuals have also regularly been caught engaging in sexually predatory behavior with minors, especially those that hail from America’s Black community. In December, it was revealed that the prominent Black, trans-LGBTQ activist, Kendall Stephens, was arrested for the violent rape of multiple young boys in his home city of Philadelphia. Police say Stephens targeted his victims due to their close proximity, offering them gifts and other benefits as a means to keep them quiet about their rape.

Statements made by Solomon Tyler Galligan on social media admit to medically transitioning by way of hormone replacement therapy. A post also alleges a history of depression. Collage: Justice Report.

The arrest of convicted sex offender Solomon Galligan for the attempted kidnapping of a young boy is an alarming allegation. Yet, it tracks alongside similar instances of Black criminality in the United States. In April, a Black man was sentenced to life in prison for the attempted murder of his own 18-day-old newborn daughter. Reports allege that Curtis Jack, of South Fulton, Georgia, poisoned the child with antifreeze in an attempt to skirt child support payments.

In Bel Aire, Maryland, a Black man was arrested for the brutal knife-killing of an 83-year-old White grandmother inside of her own home. Reports state that the accused in that crime, Black 24-year-old Angelo Terrell Spencer, walked upstairs and brutally raped the woman’s 17-year-old granddaughter before fleeing the scene.

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