Jewish groups attack Florida police chief for refusing to enforce draconian new hate speech laws

Winter Garden, Florida – A group of pro-White activists were issued a traffic citation after they were pulled over for distributing promotional material in two separate Florida neighborhoods last week. When asked why the individuals were not charged in accordance with draconian new “hate speech” laws—signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis in May—a local police chief insisted the individuals allegedly involved were protected by their first amendment rights.

A flyer distributed by pro-White activists with swastika omitted by Fox News. Photo: Fox35 Orlando.

Police say a Florida man was allegedly involved in the distribution of pro-White flyers in the neighborhoods of Oakland and Winter Garden on the night of June 10th. The flyers, which contained the words “White Lives Matter” and an image of a swastika, were alleged to have been weighed down in bags of beans and tossed, by hand, out of the window of a moving SUV.

When Oakland Police intercepted the vehicle, however, none of the vehicle’s four occupants were arrested. Instead, authorities only issued the driver a minor traffic citation for having an expired tag. To some, the move was curious. Why didn’t Oakland Police issue tougher charges in accordance with Florida’s widely criticized new hate crime law, which makes littering “for the purpose of intimidating or threatening” illegal?

To Chief Darron Esan of the Oakland Police Department, the answer was simple. According to him, the men were protected by their 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech, and therefore, couldn’t be charged.

Oakland Police Chief, Darron Esan. Photo: Twitter.

“While the messages being sent were offensive to many, there were no attempts at intimidation or threats being made,” replied Oakland Police Chief, Darron Esan, in a request for comment to Fox35 Orlando. “We understand that free speech, as guaranteed through the United States Constitution applies to everyone, even if we do not agree with the speech. Making an arrest in this situation would not have fit within the guidelines of state statute.”

The principled move by Chief Esan did not go without critique from those who would stand to benefit most from the controversial law: Floridian Jews. In a growing chorus of voices seeking to denounce or “provide education” to the Chief in response to his decision, no louder was Jewish GOP State Representative of Brevard County, Randy Fine.

“We understand that free speech, as guaranteed through the United States Constitution applies to everyone, even if we do not agree with the speech. Making an arrest in this situation would not have fit within the guidelines of state statute.”

Oakland Police Chief, Darron Esan

Fine, who many consider a chief architect and the biggest cheerleader of the “unAmerican” House Bill 269, personally accompanied Governor Ron DeSantis when it was signed into law at the Jerusalem “Museum of Tolerance” in Israel. Fine was quick to call Esan’s decision to release the pro-White activists “wrong” and presumptuously called for further “remediation” and even additional “training” for a law enforcement professional who has served the public for over 26 years.

Florida House Representative Randy Fine (R). Photo: Tallahassee Democrat.

“The chief is clearly wrong. And look, in America, you have the right to be wrong, and we’ll try to give him the remediation and the training that he needs to do his job properly,” said Fine in a digital interview with Fox35 over Zoom. “If the purpose was not to intimidate or threaten, what was it? I look forward to [Esan’s] answer to that question. We’ll be working with the police to make sure they implement the law, not as they think it should be implemented, but as we passed it.”

The hyper-Zionist Fine is an often controversial character in the realm of Floridian politics. Since he won his first election in 2016, the Republican has carved an impressive niche for himself as an outspoken “staunch defender of Israel.” Using the power of his office, Fine has gone on to happily sponsor ruthless anti-Boycott, Divest, and Sanction laws (BDS) which make it illegal to avoid business dealings with the middle eastern nation-state, and as a result, has ascended to become one of the most influential lawmakers in the State capitol of Tallahassee.

A collection of hyper-Zionist Facebook comments belonging to United States politician, Randy Fine, which appears to advocate for war crimes against the Palestinian people for perceived slights against Israel.

In June of 2021, Fine made headlines when he breathlessly urged that Israel use “maximum force” to tyrannically obliterate Palestinian peoples, who he likened to “animals.” When asked by one Facebook user about the Palestinian right to defend their homes from perceived Israeli bullying and theft of property, Fine ghoulishly replied with the hashtag, “#BlowThemUp.”

Fine’s history of flexing his political power over members of the underclasses—non-Jews specifically—can even become petty and erupt at personal slights, not ethnic ones. Under the auspices of working for concerned Jewish constituents, Fine called for the removal of a terrestrial FM radio host, Bill Mick, accusing him of anti-semitism, racism, and white nationalism for criticizing a different Fine-sponsored hate crime bill, HB-741. In April of 2022, Fine allegedly threatened to pull charitable funding for the Special Olympics after a female county school board member was invited to a fundraising event and he wasn’t. A petty personal feud developed in which Fine allegedly directed protests outside of her home, and vulgarly referred to the woman as a “whore” according to texts received from a freedom of information act (FOIA) request by Florida Today.

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It comes as no surprise then why House Representative Fine would be so staunchly opposed to Chief Esan and his noble decision to let a group of alleged “anti-semites” off scot-free on the basis of preserving constitutionality. Jewish objections, however, kept coming, with some even originating outside of the “Free State” of Florida. The national organization, “Stop Anti-Semitism” also objected, hoping to “connect” with the Chief and, like Fine, provide him additional “education.”

“We’re hoping to connect with him and provide some education into why this isn’t just free speech, and what he and his department can specifically do to stop this rhetoric,” said Liora Rez, the Executive Director of in an interview with WFTV9. “We’d love to get to the bottom of this.”

Liora Rez, the Executive Director of Photo: Linkedin.

The kind of “education” a group titled “StopAntisemitism” could possibly offer a seasoned law enforcement professional for over two decades can only be speculated. On the social media platform, Twitter, however, StopAntisemitism’s true feelings for Chief Esan were made more obvious. In one thread dated June 14th, the organization appeared to “name and shame” Police Chief Esan, posting a picture of his face and linking to his personal Twitter account, effectively allowing their 71k followers—many of them out and proud Jewish Zionists—to harass him and call for additional action.

“Certainly need to bring this to the attention of the Orange County Prosecutor’s Office,” said Twitter user, Richard Seegler, a self-professed “political activist” who is currently working to strengthen hate crime laws in the state of Michigan. “…as otherwise @Cloudflare should be called on to take down the flyer website that is being hosted on their servers now that distribution is supposed to violate Florida law.”

“I’d like to unleash some free speech on Darron but I don’t want to get banned…” said Twitter user @jennafromearth, an openly Jewish “misanthropist” with 9,500 tweets, per the user’s profile page. Twitter thread. Screencap: Twitter.

“The Florida Jewish community and ALL decent people should assemble and confront @RonDeSantis, clean up your state,” said @memoryisourhome, a Twitter account connected to the Jewish holocaust affirmer and anti-Communism author Suzanna Eibuszyc. “City litter codes can hold these Antisemites accountable…try it,” said another.

“If the purpose was not to intimidate or threaten, what was it? I look forward to [Esan’s] answer to that question. We’ll be working with the police to make sure they implement the law, not as they think it should be implemented, but as we passed it.”

Jewish Florida House Representative Randy Fine (R)

As we continued to scroll through’s Twitter thread, it became apparent that an underlying theme was consistent across all of the replies in agreement with the Jewish organization: the total censorship and state repression of not only those who would critique Jewish interests in America, but also for those who would fail to carry out the orders satisfactorily. In the end, appeared to get their wish. Chief Esan was forced to delete his Twitter account.

Oakland Police Chief Esan’s Twitter account was deleted after being linked to a thread created by Screencap: Twitter.

In the United States of America, powerful Jews have consistently used their proximity to the levers of power to safeguard their own privilege and prestige in a hopelessly delegitimized neo-liberal empire. In March, texts and emails that were provided to the Justice Report revealed an intimate relationship between the Florida branch of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the City of Atlantis Police Department. In them, law enforcement appeared to be colluding, conspiring with, and even taking direction from the interim director, Yael Hershfield.

In May, the predominantly Jewish Biden Administration, with the help of Doug Emhoff—the Jewish husband of Vice President Kamala Harris—announced a plan to use virtually every branch of the federal government, big business, and civil society to ruthlessly suppress First Amendment-protected criticism of Jewish political power in the United States.

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