Jesse Reynolds: Talented White Tattoo Artist Shot Dead Over Cigarette In Front Of Family Home by Black Career Criminal

This story is ongoing and will be updated as more information is released.

UPDATE 9/16: The Justice Report has obtained information regarding the previously unreported criminal history of Laron E. Spalding, the Black career criminal charged with the shooting death of White tattoo artist Jesse Reynolds over a cigarette in Louisville, Kentucky.

According to Jefferson County Summit Court records, Spalding’s rap sheet includes multiple assaults and burglaries. In 2009, he was found guilty of 3 counts of terroristic threats. The system has classified the six-foot tall two hundred pound Spalding as a “Persistent Felony Offender,” and, at one point, he even escaped house arrest under Kentucky’s “Home Incarceration Program.”

Inmate record, taken from Louisville Metro Corrections Department

Our exclusive reporting on the criminal record of the alleged Black murderer Laron E. Spalding of Louisville, Kentucky, began after reaching out to the Louisville Metro Police Department. After a short e-mail correspondence with their media relations department, we were directed to the Jefferson County Summit Court, where they could provide the full details of Spalding’s record using only the suspect’s name.

The Justice Report was then able to confirm the information provided by Jefferson County by cross-referencing Spalding’s date of birth, which was provided by the inmate search function on Louisville, Kentucky’s website. Now that we have secured and confirmed the truth behind the killer of Jesse Reynolds, the Justice Report is sharing these key details.

Spalding’s rap sheet begins way back in 1997 and is listed below in full:

1994: Guilty of assault in the 2nd-degree
1996: Guilty of escape in the 2nd-degree custody (Absconded from house arrest. Home Incarceration Program (HIP))
1997: Guilty of theft over 300$, Persistent Felony Offender (PFO)
1997: Guilty of receiving stolen property
2009: Guilty of burglary in the 2nd degree,
Guilty of aggravated assault in the 2nd degree – amended down to 4th degree (misdemeanor)
Guilty of x3 counts of terroristic threats in the 3rd degree
Guilty of alcohol intoxication in a public place

The rap sheet of Laron E. Spalding, courtesy of the Jefferson County Summit Court Records Department

One begs to question why a repeat violent offender with terroristic inclinations was allowed to walk free. Many agree that the death of Jesse Reynolds and the pain his family is experiencing is a tragedy beyond words. However, none can argue that the murder itself should have been entirely avoidable had the system worked to protect its working-class families rather than continue to push its anti-White, pro-criminal agenda.

The Reynolds family is still seeking monetary support for Jesse’s funeral. The Justice Report urges its readers to consider donating to the family and show support for those victimized by Black terrorists like Laron Spalding.

The case of the murder of Jesse Reynolds by black terrorist Laron E. Spalding is ongoing, and this page will be updated as new details emerge.

UPDATE 9/15:
The Justice Report has reached out to Kelly Pack, the grieving mother of Jesse Reynolds, the White man shot dead by an alleged black career criminal in Louisville, Kentucky. In an exclusive statement, Kelly expressed in detail the immense pain of losing a son at the hands of intensifying street violence. “We cannot just keep being quiet about this,” she said. “I want my son’s name out there because he did not deserve to die.”

Photo courtesy of Facebook

Mrs. Pack was also able to enlighten us with previously unreported details about her son’s tragic shooting. She claims that Jesse’s grandmother, Mary Reynolds, spoke to an eyewitness the night of the shooting. The eyewitness, who remains unidentified, was initially dismissed by LMPD police investigators on the night of the shooting and was told to “go away.”

Only after the insistence of Mary did the police take the eyewitness’s account seriously, and what they saw was damning.

“The guy went back in the house, and snuck around the side of the house—they were on the front porch—and he shot jesse and then pistol whipped him in the head. Over a cigarette.”

Kelly Pack

According to Pack and the eyewitness, the altercation allegedly began after Jesse was taunted by Laron Spalding after bumming the last cigarette off of a generous, unidentified third party. Upset at being mocked, Jesse then apparently batted the cigarette out of the hands of the accused.

That’s when Spaulding went inside an undisclosed location, retrieved a firearm, snuck around the house, and allegedly shot Jesse Reynolds. Once the victim was bleeding, Spalding pistol-whipped him in the head for good measure before taking off to hide in the bushes.

Jesse Reynolds, photo courtesy of obituary page

Mrs. Pack continues to deny any prior knowledge of Laron Spalding, claiming that she and the family knew all of Jesse’s friends, and Laron was not one of them. “We have never heard of this guy before. We knew all of Jesse’s friends, and we never heard this guy’s name. Never, not once.” Pack confirmed. “I have to go to court to [Laron’s] probable cause hearing, and that’s probably when I’m going to learn everything about this guy.”

Louisville, Kentucky, has stood as a diverse cauldron of out-of-control non-White violence as of late. As early as July, Louisville experienced a whopping fourteen homicides, ten of which were shooting-related. On the weekend of Jesse’s murder, there were seven total homicides alone. For further context, Louisville’s ethnically White population plummeted from 83% in the year 1990 all the way down to an abysmally low figure of 63% in 2020. Non-White populations now make up 37% of the once historically White town.

“There were eight [sic] other people shot on the same night as Jesse, and one of them was like, down the street and around the corner,” says Pack. “and I have not seen anything from the other families. We can not keep being quiet about this.”

The Justice Report has reached out to the Louisville Metro Police Department—which currently has Laron Spalding in custody—to see if they plan to issue hate crime charges. We are also seeking to uncover Spalding’s unreported criminal history. We have yet to receive a response; however, the Justice Report will continue to provide updates as soon as they are made available.

“Jesse was the most kindhearted person that has ever lived… He got around on a bike, it was his only way of getting around. And he gave that bike to a homeless man,” Said Pack. “That’s just the kind of person he was.”

Kelly Pack

Louisville, KY – A beloved local tattoo artist was shot dead outside of a relative’s house this weekend. The reason? He asked a Black man for a cigarette.

According to the Louisville Metro Police, 29-year-old Jesse Reynolds—who is White—was allegedly shot dead by 51-year-old Laron Spalding, a Black ex-convict in possession of an illegal firearm. The shooting occurred a little after 8 p.m. Sunday night and was one of six completely unrelated homicides in the Louisville area that weekend alone.

Black career criminal Laron Spalding

The arrest citation written by Louisville Metro Police Department for the accused describes multiple witnesses reporting that after Spalding had shot Reynolds, he proceeded to pistol whip the innocent White man in the face.

“He is the type of guy that would give everything to make somebody just a little bit happier than him. He would give you the shirt off of his back for you to have it better than him,”

Dylan Reynolds, victim’s brother

After suffering the gunshot wound, Jesse Reynolds was driven, bleeding, to the University of Louisville hospital by his family. Despite being rushed into surgery after arrival, he succumbed to his wounds a short time later. “They tried all they could to try to help him, but they couldn’t. It did too much damage,” Reynolds said.

LMPD responding to the crime at the 200 block of East Wampum Avenue, near the Watterson Expressway, in the city’s Beechmont neighborhood.

But while many are left outraged and questioning what could have possibly led to this savage act of Black violence in their hometown, Jesse’s mother, Kelly Pack, knows the truth. According to her, Jesse’s gunshot murder was all over a cigarette.

“All I heard is that it was over a cigarette,” Pack said. “That Jesse apparently asked this guy for a cigarette and then he shot him.”

Kelly Pack, victim’s mother

To make matters worse, the Reynolds family has had a history with the shooter. At a holiday family get-together, Laron Spalding once approached the Reynolds family, desperately asking for food. In his moment of need, they provided a meal and hospitality, but he repaid their kindness by claiming the life of one of their own.

A grieving mother, Kelly Pack

“During every holiday, we throw a huge family get-together and that guy came down there hungry and our family provided to him,”

Dylan Reynolds

Pack, who is now seeking justice for her son, has had contact with Police detectives since the shooting. They claim the investigation is still ongoing. “The detectives told me there was no reason for Jesse to be shot. There was no argument, there was nothing, he just shot him,” said Pack. “I’ll be at court…I’ll watch him go to jail, to go to prison, I’ll be there.”

The Black terrorist, Spalding, was found hiding in the bushes near the crime scene by responding officers and was arrested early the following morning. He has since been charged with murder and possession of a handgun by a convicted felon. Spalding has pleaded not guilty and sits in custody with bail set at $750,000.

The Justice Report has reached out to the LMPD for a statement and is still awaiting a response.

Jesse Reynolds, the latest victim of surging black violence

The anti-White murder has sent ripples of grief throughout the White community of Louisville, especially for the Reynolds family, who mourn the loss of a beloved relative and a talented artist who was popular in the area.

The family has expressed difficulty in getting the funds together for a proper burial for her son. To fulfill the wish of the deceased, the family has set up a GoFundMe to assist with the cost of a proper funeral. The Justice Report urges its readers to consider donating to the family and show support for those victimized by surging black violence.

“He said he always wanted to be buried in a cemetery and we’re trying to find a place that’s reasonably affordable, but it’s like every place is too much. We’re trying the best we can, but this hit out of nowhere,”

Dylan Reynolds

The case of Jesse Reynolds is yet another Black-on-White killing that has plagued the nation since the 2020 summer of racial terror. In Memphis, ex-convict Ezekiel Kelly went on an violent shooting rampage that specifically targeted White people for apparent execution. His rampage was live-streamed to the world on the social media platforms Facebook and Instagram and led to the death of a White mother and hard-working nurse, Allison Parker.

In December of 2021, a White family, including their 18-month-old baby, was attacked in a savage ambush in Kirksville, Missouri, by Black career criminal Anquan Glover. The shooting spree left White father Braxton Cottrill, 22, and his baby son, Parker, dead. They are survived only by the mother.

Please forward any tips or leads regarding the murder of Jesse Reynolds or any other incident of anti-White hate to [email protected]

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