Black Teens Murder Mixed-Race Man During Illegal Gun-Sale, Call Him Anti-White Slurs During Intercepted Phone Calls

Arab, Alabama – Daniel Abbate Hopkins, 20, a man of mixed-race descent, was murdered on August 30th during a gun sale gone wrong, and anti-Whiteness may have been a motivating factor during the incident.

Phone calls to a local jail were intercepted by police, which identified a racial bent to the original crime in which associates of suspect Justin Da Shawn Fuqua, referred to the victim by an anti-White slur.

Jasmin Ferizovic, left, with Decatur Police Chief Nate Allen.

According to Detective Jasmin Ferizovic, an intercepted phone call between two individuals not charged in the case identified “G2” as the person responsible for having “snotted a White dog.” Detective Ferizovic was able to determine that “G2” was a code name for Justin Da Shawn Fuqua, 18, of Decatur, Alabama. Fuqua soon turned himself into police custody and admitted that he is known by the name “G2.”

The news that another White person has allegedly been killed by southern Blacks with an apparent anti-White bias comes on the heels of other notable anti-White attacks in recent weeks. In one incident, a Black man went on an anti-White shooting spree in Memphis, Tennessee, which saw some Black victims also injured by gunfire. In that instance, the rampage shooter appears to have approached a Black woman for help without harming her, instead opting to allegedly carjack and murder a White woman immediately after. The common vein in many of these cases is that hate crimes charges have not been pursued in any instance where a racial animus against Whites could be identified.

Justin Da Shawn Fuqua, 18, of Decatur.

Like other recent cases of Black-on-White violence with evidence of a racial hate bias, the murder of Daniel Abate Hopkins is also not being treated as a hate crime. Authorities in Decatur have charged Fuqua and an unnamed minor with capital murder but have added no modifiers for racial animus or harming Hopkins’ civil rights during the murder.

According to pre-trial testimony by Detective Ferizovic, the order of events is that Hopkins was driven to make the gun sale by Monroe Powers and two unnamed individuals. Hopkins was let out of the car to make the sale alone as Powers and associates circled the neighborhood. Powers—who is Black—heard a single gunshot, tried to call Hopkins, and then abandoned him, driving back to Huntsville rather than offering any aid to his White associate.

After the shooting, a female witness identified as “AP” claimed she took a picture of the mortally wounded Hopkins before Fuqua, and his minor accomplice dragged Hopkins behind a dumpster, where he would later be found dead.

Hopkins left.

According to Ferizovic’s interview with Fuqua, as many as 15 people may have been present during the shooting. Fuqua claims he was one of those able to hear the gunshot and saw Hopkins on the ground, still breathing. Fuqua also stated that neither he nor his minor accomplice shot Hopkins, but a third unidentified person did. It is unclear if Fuqua was asked about the testimony of “AP” which identified him as moving Hopkins’ body or if Fuqua was challenged to identify the person he claimed fired the shot.

After the body was moved, according to “AP,” Fuqua and the minor accomplice referred to as “BJ”, drove “AP” to a river where she threw Hopkin’s phone. Police have been unable to recover any electronic devices from that body of water despite several attempts.

Thus far, the combined interviews of “AP” and Fuqua describe a scene in which up to 15 bystanders—likely Black given the context—stood by or assisted the killers while Hopkins’ own Black friends abandoned him. Ironically, Hopkins himself is not of majority-European ancestry.

Despite having two White grandparents, it is apparent that Hopkins has substantial Amerindian or Asian ancestry, and was engaged to be married to a Black woman. The Blacks who killed Hopkins and those who abandoned him appear to have viewed him as sufficiently White to be discarded, as one individual referred to him, like “a White dog.”

In his testimony, Ferizovic also refers to the victim as White. No explanation has been offered by the court for not charging Fuqua and “BJ” with hate crimes modifiers, despite the accused’s anti-White slurs.

At the time of press, the District Attorney for the 8th Circuit of Alabama (Morgan County) has been contacted by the Justice Report regarding possible hate crimes charges, but we are still awaiting a response.

Hopkins, left, with fiancé. Note that Hopkins went by the name Daniel Abbate Hopkins on Facebook but is referred to in court records as Daniel James Abbate.

Please forward any tips or leads regarding the shooting of Daniel Abbate Hopkins to [email protected]

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