Infamous Black serial killer skirts death penalty in deep red Texas, woman begins grassroots campaign to demand justice

Dallas, Texas – Prolific Black serial killer Billy Chemirmir, who mercilessly killed 22 elderly women in north Texas over a bloody two-year span, is going to spend the rest of his life in a Texas State prison no thanks to a Dallas County District Attorney who shockingly declined to seek the death penalty for his reprehensible crimes.

But with several outstanding capital murder cases still pending in deep-red Collin County, one woman is now doing everything she can to spread awareness of this judicial blunder and hopes to put pressure on a controversial Conservative prosecutor to seek the death penalty in a new, upcoming trial.

Convicted serial killer Billy Chemirmir during a court appearance. Chermirmir habitually preyed upon mostly White elderly women by killing them and robbing them of their valuables.

The Dark Saga of Billy Chemirmir

Chemirmir, a Black Immigrant from Kenya, began his now infamous string of murders against helpless elderly women—largely White—as early as 2016, often smothering them with pillows as he disguised himself as a handyman “checking pipe leaks” or as an in-home caregiver, which he was gainfully employed. After killing them, he would rob them of valuables like jewelry and petty cash, only for Law Enforcement to lethargically claim the deaths occurred due to “natural causes” later on.

But it wasn’t until a 91-year-old woman, Mary Annis Bartel, miraculously survived a brutal encounter with the once-described “evil” Chemirmir that Police began to fully investigate his long history of murders in North Texas. Since his arrest, the number of innocent people suspected of being killed by Chemirmir began to grow.

In April of 2022, a jury took only 45 minutes to find Chemirmir guilty in the smothering death of an 81-year-old woman. In October, when he was convicted of murder again for the smothering death of 87-year-old Mary Brooks, the jury took less than 30.

Dallas County District Attorney, John Creuzot

In the aftermath of these two trials, the Dallas County District Attorney, John Creuzot—a mixed-race DA who curiously deviated from the norm by not seeking the death penalty in this case—decided to drop 11 other capital murder cases after Chemirmir had already been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. As Police continue to investigate, however, the number of elderly women that Chemirmir is suspected of killing could number in the hundreds.

“I believe that Justice is HARD work and HEART work. That’s why I have spent my career seeking justice for victims of crimes while pioneering ways to reduce recidivism for first time offenders. If you really care about the justice system like I do, it’s important to understand it’s not just about locking up repeat offenders and hardened criminals. It’s also about giving second chances to people who deserve second chances.”

From the Desk of DA Creuzot, Official Website

If the investigation continues to grow, it could solidify Chemirmir as one of the deadliest yet surprisingly lesser-known serial killers in American history.

Despite overwhelming evidence, he stubbornly maintains his innocence to this day.

But Chemirmir’s story doesn’t simply end here. The Kenyan murderer is still facing nine additional capital murder cases in nearby Collin County, a Republican stronghold in north Texas, though it’s still undecided whether or not Collin County District Attorney, Greg Willis, will even go to trial for them!

Collin County DA Greg Willis now has the opportunity to bring Chemirmir back to court for additional murders, and this time, put the death penalty on the table.

That’s what spurned “Colleen,” a concerned local mother and enjoyer of local politics, to contact the Justice Report and help spread awareness for a grassroots call-in campaign that she’s spearheaded. By calling into the offices of public officials, she hopes that external pressure from like-minded citizens will sway DA Greg Willis to not only go to trial for the rest of the murders but also force him to seek out the death penalty for Billy Chemirmir.

Only then does she believe that the families of the victims and the citizens of Texas will finally get the justice they were so cruelly robbed of in a Dallas county courtroom.

Colleen’s Call-in Campaign

It was a blustery fall afternoon when I first sat down to speak with Colleen, a White, working-class mother from north Texas with a drive for local politics. Quick talking, energetic, and filled with a fiery love for her home in Collin County, Colleen reached out to the Justice Report with the intention of laying it all out on the table: from her views on community, proper criminal justice, and her goals for a grassroots call-in campaign to demand the death penalty for Billy Chemirmir.

“I’m all worked up about it, and I feel like nobody else is, and it’s frustrating,” she said of the Billy Chermirmir case. “I don’t think a lot of people are paying attention, to be honest. The people around here would assume that a death penalty judgment should be brought, but I just don’t think people are paying attention…if they’re paying attention to politics (at all), it’s just about the elections.”

M.J. Jennings holding a photo of her mother, Leah Corken, killed by Chemirmir. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

With Collin County now at the epicenter of a potential new trial—and with it, another shot at the death penalty for the convicted Black serial killer—Colleen wants nothing more than to remind others that they have a chance to right the wrongs of neighboring Dallas County, for which she shows little love for.

“I think if Collin County has an opportunity to right an injustice that Dallas did, the public should go for it…There’s a chance for us in Collin County to be just…not Dallas.”


Colleen’s antipathy for the liberal-leaning Dallas County, the second most populous county in Texas, is not unfounded. While the DFW area is mainly dominated by leftist liberals and West coast progressives, the political and racial ideologies of the big city strongly contrast with the traditionally conservative, deeply red sensibilities of the remainder of the state.

Dallas is also what many believe to be the violent birthplace of the “Black Lives Matter” movement. It was here in 2016 when armed Black terrorists opened fire on police officers, killing five and injuring seven others. In 2020, riots intensified in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.

“Everything that Dallas has done in the past couple of years has been bad…In 2020 when all that BLM stuff was going on, they (Dallas) decided not to prosecute crimes under 750 dollars or less,” she said. “I think when the Billy Chemirmir case is rolling through Collin County, it’s going to go really quick. The county is very fiscally conservative and Republican, but anytime that the death penalty is brought up, it’s only ever leveraged against a cop killer.”

Collin County Courthouse

Colleen explained that during many of her phone calls to elected officials and offices of local law enforcement, it was hinted to her that Death penalty convictions were typically reserved for only the most heinous cases. This legal strategy of inaction, she claims, is sold to conservative constituents under the guise of being “fiscally sound.”

This explanation baffled Colleen and left her with more questions than answers. If the murder of dozens of elderly White women didn’t qualify for the death penalty, then what does? “Because it costs the county around 10 million dollars to render a verdict like that…Personally, I’m like, ‘okay, well, spend it.’

“Do we have to remind people that this guy is a serial killer, he wasn’t supposed to be here, and he preyed upon well-established people?” She asked. “You guys talk a lot of smack about all that BLM rioting stuff, well here’s an illegal alien who wasn’t supposed to be here, killing our old people! Can we, like, deal with that properly?”

Serial Killer, Billy Chemirmir, mugshot.

The frustration, she says, is what led her to start a one-woman call-in campaign to Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis. Willis, a notable Conservative figure who was once awarded the “Leadership in the Prevention of Terrorism Award” for his role in prosecuting an “ISIS-style” lone wolf attacker, has all the power in the world to push for a new trial and seek the death penalty for what many would consider a different kind of terrorism.

“I demand that Collin county seeks justice unlike what Dallas county did by seeking the death penalty,” she asserts. “So far, I’ve talked to all of my friends about it, and I’ve posted this to the Texas White Lives Matter group. I’ve called my local representatives about this, and to be honest, it didn’t go over badly!”

“I think it is really important, at this time for there to be a public pressure campaign calling out the DA and top Collin County officials to push for the death penalty on this case.”

“Colleen” Call-In Campaign Organizer

Colleen felt relieved when her initial calls were not immediately dismissed when she spoke with several prominent Collin County officials. But while her concerns as a White person are at least being pandered to, for now, Colleen fears that this may not be the case in the near future.

“Colin County right now is exploding with people right now, foreigners like crazy, it’s awful. Everyone is moving north. I live on a nice piece of rural land, and who knows how long it’ll be rural, she said. “Even just our public transport, it stops in Plano, and basically if you happen to find yourself there, you’re just dealing with the detritus from downtown that made itself up here. It’s really scary. You think, okay, I guess I’m the next victim.”

To put things in perspective, Dallas County holds a super-minority White population, clocking in at an alarming 27.74% White according to the 2020 United States Census report. 21.61% is registered black. A whopping 40.48% is registered as “Hispanic” or “Latino.”

Collin County, on the other hand, is a different story. In 2010, the county had a robust 63% White population. In ten short years, the number plummeted to 50.96% White population in 2020, due in part to an influx of Black, “Hispanic” and Asian people. The racial demographics have become so troubling that Colleen now worries if Collin County could end up just like neighboring Dallas.

Chemirmir’s murder spree occurred over a two-year span in several Texas counties. With Dallas finished with its prosecution, it’s now up to Collin County.

Colleen is also concerned that the case of Billy Chemirmir, whose victim pool consisted of mostly White female victims, is now being “non-White washed” by the mainstream media. How? By showcasing one of the very few non-White victims as the face of this horrific murder spree, an Asian woman named Lu Thi Harris, she believes Harris could be being used to drown out the racial suffering the White community is feeling. Chemirmir was convicted of killing Lu Thi Harris back in June.

“Look how often her name comes up as a victim—all the time—and it has to be done to downplay the reality of what’s going on here.”

Still, Colleen is optimistic. She’s passionate. More importantly, she’s filled with hope. “I work with old people all the time, and I think about these people (non-White criminals) preying on them when they’re the ones that are the most recent builders of Collin County. I just cannot handle it.”

A courtroom map of some of Chemirmir’s victims, mostly White ones, at a nursing home.

The case is being followed closely by citizens across the world, and many have already weighed their opinions on Billy Chemirmir. Joseph Jordan, a central committee member of the pro-White organization the National Justice Party and editor-in-chief of the Main Street Tribune, said, “Judges and prosecutors in Texas fail to deliver justice yet again” on Telegram. “An African serial killer murdered dozens of elderly white people for fun. The families of the victims wanted him to be sentenced to death, but the corrupt actors in the criminal justice system have adamantly refused.”

The Justice Report reached out to Dr. Michael Hill, president of the League of the South, a self-described Southern nationalist organization headquartered in Killen, Alabama, for his thoughts on the matter. The League, a pro-White, religious, and social movement that advocates for a return to a more traditional, conservative Christian-oriented Southern culture, had no qualms with speaking freely on what needed to be done in Texas.

“This case helps destroy the myth that most serial killers are White…I can’t think of a more appropriate use of the death penalty than here. Should this Black criminal escape justice because White liberals fear charges of “racism,” then the system has failed all Whites. This is why Southerners must stand for hard, uncompromising justice in this case. Otherwise, you can expect our elderly—and our young—to be subjected to more abuse at the hands of non-Whites.

Moreover, can you imagine how this matter would play out if the races of perpetrator and victims were reversed? But you don’t have to imagine it. Instead, just look at the McMichael injustice in Georgia. It’s long past time that Whites stand together, in the South and elsewhere, to demand and secure justice for our people.”

Dr. Michael Hill, President of the League of the South

Colleen is urging White people everywhere to call the District Attorney of Collin County, Greg Willis, and demand the death penalty for the Black serial killer, Billy Chemirmir. By phone, letter, or e-mail, Colleen believes there is a fighting chance that working-class Whites can turn the tide of unfair, judicial double standards and win a victory not only for the victim’s families but also for national justice.

Collin County, TX District Attorney’s Office Contact Information
D.A. Greg Willis
2100 Bloomdale Road, Suite 100
McKinney, TX 75071

(972) 548-4323
(972) 424-1460 (metro)
(214) 491-4860 (fax)

In recent years, North Texas and its White population have been the target of a series of extraordinarily violent Black crimes. In 2020, suspected Black serial killer Jeremy Harris was arrested for his alleged role in a shooting spree that left four men dead, including one in Collin County. In June of 2021, alleged Black kidnapper and knife-murderer Darriynn Brown whisked Cash Gernon—an 8-year-old White boy—away from his crib in the middle of the night and left him for dead on the ground outside. The horrific, now-viral video of Gernon’s kidnapping has been circulated worldwide

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