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Black man shoots White 6-year-old and her parents after telling victims he doesn’t ‘like white people’

Update: 4/26/23 10:00: Robert Singletary, the Black man accused of shooting his White neighbors in North Carolina, including a 6-year-old-girl, reportedly told his victims that he was going to shoot them because they were White and that he doesn’t “like white people.”

In an interview conducted with the Gaston Gazette after being released from the hospital, Jamie White described how the shooting went down.

The first sign of trouble came when the basketball rolled into Singletary’s yard, according to White who said Singletary confronted other neighbors about it. 

“It looked like a normal conversation,” White said. 

Singetary walked into his home and came out with a gun, according to White.

“He comes back out the door running, firing at that man and his kids,” White said. “At that point, I took off. My youngin’ was down the road too. My little girl and about 10, 12 other kids were down there. They were all stunned. It was the first time they had ever seen anything like that.”

White ran down the road, telling the children to come with him. Singletary approached White, who told him there were too many children outside for him to be shooting, White said.

“I said, ‘Man, that’s crazy.’ And he said, “You white? I don’t even like white people. I’m going to shoot your a–,” White said.

White said that Singetary dropped the gun he was holding and grabbed another, then ran across the road and started firing at White and Kinsley.

“He fires three shots. He hasn’t hit nobody yet. So I turn around and look… My daughter’s right in front of me. I look and see, and he’s pointing straight at my daughter,” he said. “And I just run towards my daughter… and that’s when he got me.”

White fell to the ground. The bullet had punctured one of his lungs and his liver, coming out through his belly. The shrapnel lodged in Kinsley’s cheek.

The Gaston Gazette

According to an original report by Information Liberation, the Associated Press (AP) appeared to demonstrate anti-White bias by obscuring the racial motive behind the shooting. The decision to conceal White’s testimony of his shooter’s anti-White statements starkly contrasts with AP’s willingness to highlight the ‘racial component’ of other stories when the races are reversed. In the AP report citing the Gaston Gazette interview, White’s quote is cut in half, deliberately hiding the anti-White motive in the shooting from their readers.

White said he told Singletary to stop shooting because of the kids.

Singletary replied: “I’m going to shoot your a–,” and pointed the revolver at White and his girl Kinsley.

“My daughter’s right in front of me. I look and see, and he’s pointing straight at my daughter,” White said. “And I just run towards my daughter … and that’s when he got me.”


Some have already begun to publically call out AP’s anti-White bias in media reporting. On his official Telegram page, Mike Peinovich, Chairman of the pro-White advocacy organization, the National Justice Party, called AP’s actions a blatant “cover-up.”

“According to hero father Jamie White, who was shot in the back by Black criminal Robert Singletary while shielding his daughter from the gunfire, Singletary made anti-White statements prior to opening fire,” Peinovich said. “The AP has covered this up by editing Jamie White’s statements!”

Jamie White alleges that Black shooter, Robert Singletary, was motivated by anti-White hate when he opened fire on him and his 6-year-old daughter. Photo: New York Post.

The Justice Report reached out to the NJP for further comment. Warren Balogh, Central Committee member, political podcaster, and host of the show “Modern Politics” on Odysee said this about the tragic anti-White shooting.

“If you look at the case of Andrew Lester in Kansas City, an elderly White man who thought he was defending himself from an imminent home invasion, the entire media rushed to make it about race,” he said. “With Robert Singletary, none of the dozens of headlines mentioned race. Singletary wasn’t afraid or confused, and he knew exactly what he was doing. The anti-White media masters feel emboldened: they’ve put their genocidal bias against White people on full display, and they don’t care who notices.”

The Justice Report will continue to provide updates in the case of Robert Singletary and his apparent acts of racially motivated violence as soon as they become available.

Gastonia, North Carolina – An innocent White family—which included a 6-year-old girl—was shot with a hail of bullets by a Black man on Tuesday. Police assert the suspect became enraged and started opening fire after a basketball rolled into his yard during a neighborhood children’s game.

After a days-long manhunt involving Federal agents, however, authorities claim the suspect has finally been apprehended multiple states away.

Robert Singletary Mugshot 2022 (left) and 2023 (right). Photo: Police

The incident first began on Tuesday, when police responded to a 911 call about a local shooting in Gastonia. Angered by a basketball rolling into his yard, the suspect, 24-year-old Robert Louis Singletary, allegedly opened fire on a neighbor before approaching a father and his 6-year-old daughter, Kinsley White, and shooting them too.

Family members claim that Kinsley’s father, William White, attempted to draw gunfire toward himself in order to protect his family from harm. All the victims were later transported to a local hospital for treatment.

Investigators later announced that Singletary’s gunfire would lead to striking one adult male in the back, one juvenile female in the cheek, and grazing another female with a bullet while shooting at a second adult male, who went unharmed.

6-year-old Kinsley White with horrific cheek wounds. Photo: NY Post.

Singletary was charged with attempted first-degree murder, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill inflicting serious injury, and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon. While Singletary evaded Police capture at first, he ultimately turned himself into the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office in Tampa, Florida late Thursday night.

“Why did you shoot my daddy and me? Why did you shoot a kid’s dad?”

Kinsley White, Victim

Singletary’s first court appearance regarding his extradition back to North Carolina is scheduled in Hillsborough County on Friday. Due to the racial dynamics of the crime, It is currently unknown if hate crime charges have been considered for Singletary, but the Justice Report is monitoring the story and will provide updates as they develop.

Kinsley White, the 6-year-old White girl who now has stitches from bullet fragments in her cheek, spoke to the media in an interview and expressed concern for her father, who was the most seriously injured.

“We don’t even know the man,” said White who miraculously survived the shooting during the interview with local news. “Why did you shoot my daddy and me? Why did you shoot a kid’s dad?”

“He looked at my husband and my daughter and told them, ‘I’m going to kill you,’” said Ashley Hilderbrand. “Just please turn yourself in. There was no sense in what you did,”

“The bullet came back, and it hit me. The bullet went in my cheek…I couldn’t get inside in time so he just, he shot my daddy in the back. After he hit my dad in the back, that’s when my dad dropped to the ground…I want him to go to jail forever.”

Kinsley White, Victim

Singletary’s history of violence has proven to be a cause for concern. According to records, the alleged spree shooter was already out on bond for a December 2022 incident in which he was previously charged with violently assaulting his girlfriend with a sledgehammer. The attack apparently resulted in profuse bleeding from the back of the victim’s head, and Police assert Singletary held the woman hostage in an apartment for two hours, stating that she couldn’t leave until he had “cleaned up” the evidence from the assault.

Willliam White and Ashley Hilderbrand. Photo: Social Media

“I believe he would have got me and my husband too,” said Carolyn Hilderbrand, Kinsley’s grandmother. “He just run out of bullets.”

The violent shooting of William White, Ashley Hilderbrand, and Kinsley White comes on the heels of a different property-related shooting that took place in Missouri on the 13th. The controversial incident involved 6ft tall Black teenager, Ralph Yarl, who was shot while allegedly attempting to break into the property of an 84-year-old White man, Andrew Lester. Lester has since been charged with assault in the first degree and armed criminal action, to which he plead not guilty.

Reports claim that the frail Lester was “scared to death” of Yarl, who he spotted violently pulling at an exterior door of his home in an attempt to gain entry. The alleged intruder survived the self-defense shooting but has since inspired a storm of media and institutional support in order to legally crush Lester, and has occupied the mainstream news cycle for days.

The stark contrast between the two stories—and the lack of media coverage for one and not the other—has not gone unnoticed by those paying attention. “Civil Rights law in America essentially means that White people do not have the right to perceive reality,” said Mike Peinovich, Chairman of the pro-White advocacy organization, the National Justice Party (NJP), on Telegram.

Andrew Lester arrived to his initial court appearance using a cane to approach the bench. Photo: PoolTV Reuters

Joseph Jordan, citizen journalist and Central Committee member of the NJP urged people to share the story of Kinsley White and her family on his official Telegram page to show solidarity with the victims and break the media’s double standard.

“This will not get 1/100 the attention the shooting of the black guy (Yarl) is getting, but that is not a foregone conclusion. Drop everything you’re doing and post this story everywhere,” he said in one post. “(The) Ralf Yarl shooting is at best an unfortunate misunderstanding. Elderly man is being targeted because prosecutors and media want to take collective vengeance on whites for Mike Brown, Trayvon and George Floyd. They are not examining the facts in the case.”

“Civil Rights law in America essentially means that White people do not have the right to perceive reality.”

Mike Peniovich, Chairman, National Justice Party

A GoFundMe has been set up to assist the White family during these times and has already surpassed $30,000. When compared to a GoFundMe set up for the Black teenager, Ralph Yarl, however, one can clearly see an established racial bias in community fundraising, top-down support, and access to mutual aid. At the time of publishing, Yarl’s GoFundMe has already raised over three million dollars and counting.

Ralph Yarl Fundraiser (left) and White Family Fundraiser (right). Collage: GoFundMe

Gastonia’s proximity to the minority-majority city of Charlotte, North Carolina has unfortunately exposed it to an influx of violent crime—mainly homicides—stemming from the State’s most populated city. While it’s only a satellite city to Charlotte, according to the 2020 U.S. Census report, Gastonia, North Carolina has experienced a steady decline in its overall White population. As early as 2010, White residents of Gastonia made up 62% of the population, while 27% were Black. In ten short years, the White population has shrunk to only 50.81% White as of 2020, with the Black population rising to 30.26%.

Stories of innocent White people falling victim to acts of gun violence in heavily Black neighborhoods have only become more commonplace in the United States. Earlier in the month, a White father-of-two was shot and killed as he made a pizza delivery to what Police say was an abandoned home in a Black area of Indianapolis. In January, a White teenager and her cousin were allegedly executed in their car by a Black career criminal in South Milwaukee. The suspect was let out of jail 17 years early for previous crimes.

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