U.S. government funds anti-White research project headed by ‘Antifa’ professor with ties to riots, doxing

Dayton, Ohio – A damning new report by a conservative watchdog organization has revealed that the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) is funneling thousands of dollars in federal grant money toward anti-White research projects. One recipient is a notorious Jewish professor who advocates doxing and has ties to “Antifa” street rioting.

According to documents obtained by the Media Research Center (MRC) through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Biden administration has awarded 80 grants through the DOJ’s Terrorism Prevention Grant Program (TVTP). The program, which provides funding to various institutions, non-profit organizations, and universities, seeks to funnel tax dollars to causes that are believed to “establish or enhance capabilities to prevent targeted violence and terrorism” in the United States.

President Joseph Biden (left) and Jewish head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. Photo: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images.

The amount of money issued through the TVTP totaled just under $40 million, according to the report. One such recipient of a TVTP grant was the University of Dayton, which was awarded $352,109 to fund its PREVENTS-OH program: a research project which was initiated to “draw on the expertise of the University of Dayton faculty” to fight “domestic extremism and hate movements.”

In one PREVENTS-OH seminar titled “Extremism, Rhetoric, and Democratic Precarity,” speakers included DHS Agent Joseph “J.R.” Masztalics, a “Regional Prevention Coordinator” as well as University of Cincinnati researcher, Michael Loadenthal, a notorious Antifa doxer who personally took part in the J20 riots.

University of Cincinnati researcher Dr. Michael Loadenthal.

In the seminar, Loadenthal—who is Jewish—openly advocates for the infiltration of social media platforms like Twitter and Telegram to “destabilize” budding political movements which might threaten the status quo. He proudly reminisces his time as a young member of “anti-racist action” in Philadelphia and how at 17 years old, he was performing “abortion services” while serving as a “direct medical worker.”

His introduction to the seminar confirms what he believes is Antifa’s true purpose: to follow what he calls “White supremacists” where they go and then “physically confront” them. The goal, he explains, is to deny them the space to meet in public and prevent them from their right to advocate politically or be involved in any public discourse.

Michael Loadenthal explains Antifa’s purpose

At a PREVENTS-OH seminar titled “White Nationalism Workshop,” Loadenthal leveraged his credentials as a University researcher to educate fellow Antifa on repressing pro-White activists for their constitutionally protected speech.

Loadenthal teaches up-and-coming Antifa prospects how to compose what he calls “antifascist open-source intelligence (OSINT)” against pro-White users online. He directs his students on how to properly “document, archive, and map” a target so that they can “create dossiers” on their fellow American citizens before “releasing information” publically.

Michael Loadenthal explains Antifa OSINT process

“What do antifascists do with this information?” Asked Loadenthal during the seminar. “…We contact employers, landlords, commanding officers, school officials, family, clergy. Family is a difficult one, but it’s important.”

Michael Loadenthal Explains What to do with Dox Information

He would continue to explain that services like GoFundMe, Patreon, PayPal, Venmo, and even retailers like Amazon or apps like Airbnb and Tinder were all valid targets for Antifa to harass until their opposition was unceremoniously “kicked off.” He also applauded the de-platforming of “fascists” from Twitter and Facebook and gave a crash course on maintaining digital OPSEC. He instructed students on how to create a “drawer of sock(s)” accounts for social media websites like Gab, Telegram, and Rumble, which Antifa could then use to “paralyze” pro-White organizing and “manufacture infighting” amongst their political opposition.

“What can liberals do?… You can give money, that’s always really appreciated. We have legal defense funds because we get in trouble,” explained Loadenthal in a rare-yet-sobering admission. “A lot of things we’re doing are illegal. A lot of it involves breaking the law. And this is what the FBI will say. I’ve had many conversations with the FBI about this.”

Michael Loadenthal Admits what Antifa does is Illegal and confirms FBI cooperation.

In a 2016 “International Peace and Justice Studies” conference, Loadethnal called for Antifa rioters to embrace militancy and—paradoxically—called for non-collaboration with Police.

2016 International Peace and Justice Studies Conference

Loadenthal rejects notions that he is simply a participant in an exchange of ideas but sees himself in a winner-take-all power struggle against White Americans, saying, “hate speech is more than speech.” He explains during the seminar that “It’s materiality. It’s organizing. It’s mobilization. It’s not an exchange of ideas in the marketplace, and the best one wins. It’s something else. It’s the strategic deployment of organizational energy and power.”

“What do antifascists do with this information?… We contact employers, landlords, commanding officers, school officials, family, clergy. Family is a difficult one, but it’s important.”

Michael Loadenthal, Seminar at the University of Dayton

In the end, Loadenthal would go on to promote more violent means if and when online meddling fails to stop growing dissent in the government-enforced, neo-liberal project of the United States. “To deny people that, to shut down their websites, to close their meetings, [and] to physically prevent them from assembling in public. This is the belief,” he said.

Loadenthal’s seminar included this ideologically incoherent “Pyramid of far-right radicalization” created by Iron Front Antifa, a violent anti-White extremist group whose imagry has been banned from major league soccer venues.

Loadenthal was famously included in a peer-reviewed study conducted by Dr. Eoin Lenihan, which set out to profile the leading Antifa academics on Twitter. Since the shocking videos and seminars were uncovered, Loadenthal has locked his Twitter account to prevent criticism of his radically anti-White beliefs. An archive of his former Tweets reveals a pattern of militancy, however. In a series of tweets made in the wake of the Disrupt J20 riots, Loadenthal would brag about going to jail, being released, and then resuming his job teaching within a 20-hour timespan.

A series of archived tweets from Professor Michael Loadenthal. Screenshot courtesy of Dr. Eoin Lenihan.

“To all my comrades facing charges, from our crew to yours: ‘hang in there.’ #disruptj20,” read one Loadenthal tweet. “Out of jail & back in OH. Ready to begin teaching 1st day of new term in a few hours.”

“A lot of things we’re doing are illegal. A lot of it involves breaking the law. And this is what the FBI will say. I’ve had many conversations with the FBI about this.”

Michael Loadenthal, Seminar at the University of Dayton

The stunning decision by the DOJ to fund an avowed member of the anti-White extremist organization commonly referred to as “Antifa” shouldn’t come as a surprise. The revelations come in the wake of a recent move by President Joseph Biden to use every resource of the federal government, big business, and civil society to ruthlessly suppress criticism of Jewish political power in the United States. Dubbed the “US National Strategy To Combat Anti-Semitism,” University professors like Michael Loadenthal are just some of the assets Biden and DHS head Alejandro Mayorkas have at their fingertips to enforce the mandates of Zionism and Western hegemony.

Antifa, as a whole, continues to prove useful to an increasingly delegitimized American empire, however. In May, it was revealed that the antifascist wife of a Jewish national security expert and data scientist for the federal government was arrested for flyering the identity of an Atlanta-based cop on neighborhood mailboxes. In April, a Justice Report investigation revealed that “GothBotAlice,” a columnist for the Antifa gossip blog It’s Going Down, was a wealthy trust fund beneficiary who—like Michael Loadenthal—advocated for the doxing of White Americans and promoted the act of “militant antifascism” in the streets.

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