Riots break out in Dublin after migrant attack targets Irish women and children

Dublin, Ireland – A mass stabbing attack rocked the Irish capitol on Thursday, sending a total of five White casualties—including women and children—to area hospitals. According to reports, a suspect connected to the bloodshed is believed to be an Algerian national who deliberately targeted children as they left a primary school.

The Justice Report has learned that at least three Irish children have suffered stab wounds as a result of the attack, although the final casualty count may rise as details emerge. The suspect, who was reported to be an Algerian national but living in Ireland for years by a gardaí spokesman, has been placed into custody with a number of self-inflicted stab wounds.

The suspected attacker (left) is seen in gardaí custody. He is believed to be an Algerian national living in Ireland for several years. He was subdued in part by pedestrians and cyclists who intervened during his attack, which injured 5, according to reports. Photos: Telegram.

“The casualties include an adult male, an adult female and three young children. One child, a girl, has sustained serious injuries, the other two children are being treated for less serious injuries, read a statement by the gardaí. “The adult female is being treated for serious injuries and the adult male for less serious injuries.”

“An Garda Síochána is in contact with parents of all three injured children. The adult female is being treated for serious injuries and the adult male for less serious injuries,” it continued.

The mass stabbing took place at approximately 1:30 pm and was labeled by gardaí headquarters as a “serious public order incident.” According to reports, the suspect was subdued by a number of people in the area, including a children’s creche worker now being hailed as a “hero” for her actions on the scene. So far, no motive has been established, although police have ruled out terrorism as a possibility.

“She defended those children with all her strength – all that she was doing was trying to protect those little kids and people in what was is a very built-up area in the city center saw what was happening when they passed the school,” said an eyewitness to the attack.

“At this stage, a number of very brave members of the public including pedestrians and cyclists arrived on the scene and the suspect was taken down after he was hit with a motorcycle helmet in the face,” they continued.

Meanwhile, a series of fiery protests were launched in multiple cities in the wake of the attack, stemming from Irish citizens outraged at migrant-related violence that continues to target the country’s most vulnerable. On social media, video clips of demonstrators squaring off against riot police were circulated across various platforms. Some of the videos feature vehicles—including gardaí cars, Luas, and city buses—set ablaze, as violence kicked off throughout the night. Some protestors could even be seen carrying signs stating “Irish Lives Matter,” while others defiantly tossed gardaí bicycles into the river as law enforcement struggled to hold ground.

During the protests, one demonstrator could be heard defiantly chanting, “Get them out,” as gardaí checkpoints were quickly overrun. The mounting pressure in support of the victims prompted Minister for Justice Helen McEntee to decry the events as “intolerable.” It warned that a “thuggish and manipulative element must not be allowed to use an appalling tragedy to wreak havoc.” 

GardaíCommissioner Drew Harris said the outrage being expressed in Dublin originated from a “complete lunatic faction driven by far-right ideology.”

Despite claims coming from the gardaí, reports and videos emerged online purporting to show Black migrants and other non-Irish trying to take advantage of the chaos by looting retail stores for valuables. Several Irish men intervened, however, and easily chased them away. In other areas, suspected state-sponsored migrant hotels became hotbeds of opposition, and one Holiday Inn Express was even set ablaze for its support.

Meanwhile, public outrage continued to manifest online in support of the demonstrators, with people from all over Europe demanding justice in the face of foreigner-related hyper-violence. Irish Journalist Martin Daubney said, “We’re all far-right tonight” on his personal X, formerly Twitter account, while championship prize fighter Conor McGregor stated, “Ireland, we are at war.”

“Innocent children ruthlessly stabbed by a mentally deranged non-national in Dublin, Ireland today,” said McGregor in a follow-up post. “There is grave danger among us in Ireland that should never be here in the first place, and there has been zero action done to support the public in any way, shape, or form with this frightening fact

“Make change or make way. Ireland for the victory,” he continued.

“A Nation in pain tonight as the consequences of reckless government policies hit home in the most horrific way. Enough is enough,” read a statement from the pro-Irish organization, the National Party on Telegram. ” Mass immigration and policies which put Irish people last have disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of ordinary Irish people. By writing off all opposition as “far right”, the government have manifested abject chaos upon our streets.”

Right-wing influencer and Irish national Keith Woods also took to Telegram to attack Irish politicians for their hand in facilitating mass immigration, accusing them of “playing catch up” with the rest of “liberal” Europe. “Irish politicians are always keen to play catch up with the rest of liberal Europe,” he said. “Now Ireland joins other diverse liberal democracies in experiencing mass stabbings of children.”

“A Nation in pain tonight as the consequences of reckless government policies hit home in the most horrific way. Enough is enough”

The National Party, Telegram

“There has been a complete collapse in social order in Dublin tonight. This is entirely the government’s fault. They flooded our country with unsustainable levels of migrants, planted small communities with migrant centers, responded to legitimate concerns by labeling all opposition “far right,” and passed the most draconian hate speech laws in the world to shut us up. When you deny people an outlet to express concerns they know are reasonable, you make them desperate,” he said on X, formerly Twitter.

According to the pro-White Policy Institute, White-Papers, Ireland’s ongoing battle with the systemic racial replacement of its people has had numerous adverse effects over the years. Thanks to immigration, Ireland saw the largest jump in population—over 120,000 foreigners—in 14 years in 2022. The figure amounted to double that of the previous year. The sudden influx of racial diversity has—predictably—brought along with it a myriad of crimes ranging from petty to serious. Additionally, Dublin has become exceedingly cramped and remains the worst city in the world for finding housing.

The attack may be unprecedented in Ireland, but it was entirely predictable given the record of mass non-White immigration. The reality is that anti-White politicians in the West view mass migration and demographic replacement as more important than the safety of women and children.

They view violence as an abstract “possibility” and simply hope it won’t happen. Nationalists know non-White violence is an absolute certainty and we must continue to work to reclaim our nations and prevent further incidents like this.

White Papers Policy Institute

Despite these issues, In January, new integration Minister Joe O’Brien said that the government should only intensify its efforts and plan on accepting over 80,000 migrants in 2023. O’Brien’s recommendation comes in the wake of a marked increase in crimes, such as rape and predation of children.

“Dublin shows why Jews push white people out of cities. Any time an invader attacks a local, you can count on crowds of angry young men to quickly take their political grievances to the streets and overwhelm the piglice,” said independent American journalist and National Justice Party Central Committee member, Joeseph Jordan, on Telegram. “Whites being morally cowed and physically frightened by blacks is an American/British phenomenon,” he said in another.

While Ireland has suffered greatly in the face of unchecked racial replacement efforts, the Western world—from the United States to Australia—reels from similar issues. In America, migrants from places like Venezuela, Columbia, and West Africa have been directly bussed into White communities, bringing about sexual assaults, murders, and other acts of petty criminality. In France, a botched kidnapping of a young girl in broad daylight made international headlines, resulting in criticism of the French government for failing to protect citizens from the effects of unprecedented mass immigration into the country.

The latest mass stabbing in Ireland and the resulting unrest is an ongoing story and this article will be updated as new details emerge.

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