Israel’s ‘killing machine’ in Gaza continues despite historic genocide ruling

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Hague, Netherlands – A historic ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered the state of Israel to “take all measures” to scale back what South Africa has alleged are genocidal acts in Gaza. The ruling comes amid an escalating regional conflict now dubbed a “killing machine” that has so far resulted in the deaths of over 26,000 Palestinians.

On Friday, the ICJ said that it had jurisdiction to rule over a legal case filed by South Africa, which accuses Israel of committing genocide. Sixteen of the court’s judges were present during the session, who in turn demanded that Israel follow six provisional measures until trial.

In addition to “taking all measures” to prevent genocidal acts, the ICJ ordered Israel to “prevent and punish” future incitements to genocide and take “immediate and effective” steps to ensure humanitarian aid reaches civilians in the Gaza Strip.

The ICJ also demanded that Israel take steps to preserve any evidence of genocide, and must submit to the Hague a monthly report listing steps the regime has taken to remain in compliance.

Israel has denied these genocide allegations and asked the court to throw out the case. It was denied. Instead, the ruling was imposed upon Israel on the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, on January 27th.

In the two days since Israel was ordered to abide by the court’s ruling, however, at least 183 Palestinians have been killed, and 377 have been injured as a result of continued IDF military offensives. In the past 24 hours alone, Israel is believed to have killed at least 174 and injured an additional 310, according to the Gazan Health Ministry. The lion’s share of these casualties has come from strikes in the war-ravaged southern regions of Khan Younis, al-Masdar, and east of Rafah.

The demands of the ICJ have been met with harsh criticisms, however, with some of Tel Aviv’s top representatives lashing out. In the wake of the ruling, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir decried the court as “antisemitic,” and appeared to evoke the holocaust in defense.

“Far-right” Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir (center) has issued American-made assault rifles to Israeli citizens and is responsible for deputizing Jewish civilians into “security squads” in the wake of the October 7th attack. US Officials believe Gvir is attempting to fuel regional violence against Palestinians. Photo: Menahem Kahana, Getty Images

Hague Schmague! The decision of the antisemitic court in The Hague proves what was already known: This court does not seek justice, but rather the persecution of Jewish people,” said Gvir. “They were silent during the Holocaust and today they continue the hypocrisy and take it another step further.”

On X/Twitter, Zvi Sukkot, Knesset Member, called the international court a “circus of evil, bias, and Jew-hatred.” Minister Benny Gantz used the opportunity to bizarrely compare the liberation of Auschwitz to Israel’s so-called “self-defense” measures against Hamas.

“Tomorrow we will mark 79 years since the liberation of Auschwitz. Israel was established so that there will never again be an Auschwitz,” said Gantz. “Today, we face an enemy who not only wanted to carry out the deadliest pogrom since the Holocaust, but actually tried to do so.”

In response, Western nations—including the United States—began work to immediately defund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), a UN body responsible for providing critical aid to Palestinian civilians. Some have speculated that defunding UNRWA would itself constitute a violation of the genocide convention.

While the financial cuts were said to have been carried out after Israel accused some of the organization’s on-the-ground members of being involved in the October 7th attack, others said the West was merely retaliating for the ICJ’s ruling.

Hague Schmague! The decision of the antisemitic court in The Hague proves what was already known: This court does not seek justice, but rather the persecution of Jewish people.

Israeli National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir

One UNRWA official, Philippe Lazzarini, called it “collective punishment” against 2 million innocent people trapped in Gaza, which, to this day, is completely besieged by Israeli forces.

“Our humanitarian operation, on which 2 million people depend as a lifeline in Gaza, is collapsing,” Lazzarini said on X, formerly Twitter. “I am shocked such decisions are taken based on alleged behavior of a few individuals, and as the war continues, needs are deepening and famine looms.”

“Palestinians in Gaza did not need this additional collective punishment. This stains all of us,” he continued.

Judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, Netherlands, on January 26, 2024. Photo: Piroschka van de Wouw, Reuters.

South Africa’s hotly contested genocide case against Israel has received international support, as casualties continue to mount all across the region. Both nations are signatories of the Genocide Convention, a 1948 UN charter created to prevent explicit acts of genocidal activities among its adopters. South Africa alleges Israel has demonstrated “genocidal intent” throughout its ongoing war and, in an 84-page filing, says Israel’s actions flagrantly violated the convention by “intend(ing) to bring about the destruction of a substantial part” of the Palestinian people.

South Africa’s legal team—the body responsible for arguing the Israeli genocide claim—is overwhelmingly White, a factor made evident by American White civil rights activist, Mike Peinovich. On social media, Peinovich speculated that White liberals are currently providing the largest stumbling block for world Zionism, which could ultimately sway how Jewish power figures manage Western institutions in the coming decades.

“The legal team for South Africa in their genocide claim against Israel at The Hague is overwhelmingly White,” he said on his official Telegram page. “This reinforces my theory that claims of Jews having “buyer remorse” on Non-White immigration or turning against the browns and blacks over Palestine is just a narrative to trick right-wing Whites into supporting Zionism.”

“None of these people could have prestigious international law degrees if they were just kept out of universities altogether, and a legal team made up of South African blacks pressing this case would be a complete joke,” he continued.

The South African legal team (pictured) says that Israel has acted with “genocidal intent” in its ongoing Gaza war. The team is noted to have a substantial amount of White members and functionaries. Photo: @sahouraxo X/Twitter

Since the war began on October 7th, 2023, Israel has been implicated in the deaths of over 26,000 Palestinians in Gaza, with over 70% reported to be innocent civilians. Providing aid to those suffering has proven difficult, with water, fuel, electricity, and communications having effectively been cut by encroaching Israeli forces.

According to reports, Israel has made a large portion of Gaza “uninhabitable” through the unrepentant bombing of largely civilian areas. Despite overwhelming force and a nearly limitless supply of weapons from the US taxpayer, Israel’s goal of the “complete destruction” of Hamas appears far from sight.

Last week, a concentration of 24 IDF soldiers were killed in central Gaza after a daring attack by Hamas commandos. Reports say the Israeli troops were attempting a controlled demolition of Gazan infrastructure when a rocket-propelled grenade attack detonated Israeli explosives in a chain reaction.

On Friday, it was reported that almost one-fifth of Israeli deaths since the war began in October have been accidentally caused by IDF friendly fire. In addition to missed airstrikes and shrapnel attacks, the report claimed that some Israeli fighters in Gaza were even run over by their own armored vehicles, hinting at a potential strategic unraveling of Israel’s ground invasion.

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