UK government threatens children’s charity in latest anti-White ‘attack’

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London, England – A White civil rights organization is “under attack” by the UK’s top diversity czars for conducting a Christmas toy drive for White children. The legal threat comes amid a series of similar outrages that have targeted some of British nationalism’s top activists.

On Monday, Mark Collett, leader of the UK-based White civil rights organization, Patriotic Alternative (PA), announced that he received a letter from the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). In it, the body appeared to threaten PA with legal action if it continued to host Operation White Christmas, a non-profit toy drive for White children in need.

PA’s Operation White Christmas is a spiritual successor to the original toy drive, pioneered by the now defunct, North American-based National Justice Party (NJP). The NJP’s previous efforts were able to facilitate tens of thousands of dollars worth of gifts for vulnerable White families in the United States. Like the NJP, PA’s toy drive was also widely successful.

Citing Britain’s Equality Act of 2010, the EHRC claims that the toy drive is considered discriminatory against non-White people. As a result, it has demanded that PA cease all future Christmas charities, and provide a written confirmation that it will not “organize, promote, or be involved” in any pro-White charity under threat of “regulatory action.”

According to its official website, the EHRC is the UK’s top “equality and human rights regulator” and bills itself as an organization tasked with making the “country a fairer place.” Ironically, the EHRC has come under fire in the past for alleged discrimination against its own Black employees and a failure to represent disabled citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic. In recent years, it even came under threat of losing access to the UN Human Rights Council and faced mass walk-offs for instances of “Transphobia” in the office.

Currently, the EHRC is run by the Baroness of Margravine, Kishwer Falkner, a Pakistani immigrant who was once accused by LGBTQ+ extremists for being a “trans-exclusionary radical feminist or “TERF” for a ruling that allowed the exclusion of transsexuals from some single-sex services.

Baroness Falkner of Margravine, current head of the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). Photo: Hollie Adams, The Times

“This letter is clearly a warning to Patriotic Alternative of potential legal action against the organisation because of our pro-White charity work,” said Mark Collett on his official Telegram page. “There are dozens if not hundreds of charities that exist to help ethnic minority groups, all of these are legally registered and smiled upon by the political establishment and media.”

“Patriotic Alternative is the only pro-White group in the UK that does charity work for the benefit of White communities, and now we are under attack!” He continued.

A simple Google search will result in dozens of race-based, exclusionary charities that benefit Black, Asian, Minority, and Ethnic (BAME) individuals, while none appear to exist for the sole benefit of Britain’s White communities. One such charity is the long-running Stormzy Scholarship, which has provided free education to Black students at Britain’s legendary Cambridge University. According to the fund’s official website, those seeking a Stromzy scholarship must be Black or mixed-race, totally excluding Britain’s White population.

Another is BME Youth, a “national youth organisation” consisting of children from BAME backgrounds. Through BME Youth, non-White children are provided “unique, innovative and life-changing opportunities, projects and programmes” which exclusively “better the lives of BAME young people in the UK.”

While the UK Government may call PA’s attempts at bridging the racial charity gap “discriminatory,” internet users were quick to point out that threatening PA with legal action is discriminatory in and of itself. Kent-based journalist and White father of three, Steve Laws, took to X, formerly Twitter, to point out the moral hypocrisy in the decision.

“Patriotic Alternative provides charity to White families at Christmas, and the Equality & Human Rights Commission has essentially forced them to stop doing it because they don’t provide for foreigners,” said Laws. “People like Stormzy can provide Black-only scholarships, though, and that’s fine.”

The latest move against Patriotic Alternative appears to track with a long line of institutional attacks aimed at silencing political dissidents and their pro-White work. Just last month, the husband of PA’s deputy leader, Sam Melia, was convicted in a court of law for stirring up what the government claimed was “racial hatred.”

The charges stemmed from ownership of stickers and political messages that warned citizens of the consequences of unchecked immigration into the UK.

Patriotic Alternative’s Mark Collett (right) and Laura Towler (left) conducting a nationwide survey on demographic change in the UK. Photo:

The UK Government’s attempted repression of Operation White Christmas is not a new phenomenon in the Western world. In December, the National Justice Party—from which PA’s Operation White Christmas was originally derived—came under similar attack merely for providing gifts to vulnerable children.

Motivated by a viral surge of misinformation borne from the social media platform TikTok, internet leftists and even some professors of the lauded University of Nebraska accused the NJP of racism, and attempted to use the opportunity to tie the conservative mother’s group, Mom’s for Liberty, to what it alleged was a “neo-Nazi” organization.

Despite the online defamation, the NJP’s Operation White Christmas for 2023 concluded successfully, using anonymous methods to amass over $35,000 for needy White families.

A flyer promoting Patriotic Alternative’s Operation White Christmas in 2023. Photo: Patriotic Alternative Telegram.

While the future remains uncertain, Collett says PA has no plans to stop its charitable efforts in support of White children and families.

“We want to carry on helping our people, building our community and we want to fight back against this anti-White attack on our ability to organise,” he said on Telegram.

The Justice Report reached out to Mark Collett for additional comment and was told that more information about the incident would be forthcoming. In the meantime, he asks readers, members, and international supporters to send in further examples of UK-based charities that exclude White people in hopes of mounting a better defense against the EHRC’s claims.

“We need your help, can you please send us as many examples as possible of other groups, charities, companies, individuals or government-funded schemes that provide help, resources or charitable aid to other groups based on their ethnicity,” he added.

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