Tag: stop cop city

  • Atlanta high school teacher outed as anti-White paramilitary and #StopCopCity Antifa

    Atlanta high school teacher outed as anti-White paramilitary and #StopCopCity Antifa

    Atlanta, Georgia – A heavily armed “Antifa” militant—closely affiliated to the violent #StopCopCity movement—has been successfully identified. Alarmingly, the individual is currently a high school history teacher with links to doxing, assaults, paramilitary marches, and other acts of anarchist terror in America’s deep south. Using publicly available information, the Justice Report was able to positively…

  • Exclusive – Antifa ‘Stop Cop City’ organizer has ties to national security apparatus and federal government

    Exclusive – Antifa ‘Stop Cop City’ organizer has ties to national security apparatus and federal government

    Atlanta, Georgia – The identity of an Antifa “Stop Cop City” organizer, charged with the stalking and harassment of a law enforcement officer late last month, has been revealed. After an independent investigation, the Justice Report determined that one of the suspects involved has intimate ties to a national security expert for the U.S. federal…