Inhumane — New state bill would allow inmates to shorten sentences, in exchange for donating organs as Massachusetts promotes anti-White ‘Health Equity’

Beacon Hill, MA – A new Massachusetts bill finds a creative way of promoting criminal justice reform and solving the long waiting list for organ transplants. HD 3822 would allow an incarcerated individual serving time in a Massachusetts correctional facility to receive anywhere from 60 days to one year off his or her sentence in exchange for donating an organ or bone marrow. The program would be administered by a committee of experts from the Department of Corrections, the District Attorney’s Association, a prisoner advocate, a medical expert, a transplant advocate, and several political appointees.

While the funding for the initiative would come from hospitals receiving donations, thus no cost to taxpayers, the bill is still wily controversial. Critics charge the measure as dystopian, tone-deaf, and unethical. The bill’s co-sponsor Rep. Judith Garcia (D-Suffolk), described the bill as a means of promoting health equity which would increase the donor pool for Black and Brown communities.

The vicious cycle of unjust incarceration and over-policing of Black and brown communities has negative ramifications across all aspects of life–contributing to health inequities, socioeconomic disparities, and generational trauma. A lesser-known yet deeply disturbing impact of this system is its interference in the organ and bone marrow donation process. Environmental factors put BIPOC communities at a higher risk for health conditions that might require organ donation, and discriminatory incarceration rates eliminate many likely donor matches from the pool. This reality is felt viscerally: African Americans spend an average of 1,335 days on the kidney transplant waitlist compared to an average of 734 days for whites. High incarceration rates mean depriving non-incarcerated family members of life-saving treatment and depriving incarcerated individuals of the opportunity to save a loved one’s life.

Judith Garcia

Garcia, who is Latina, falsely asserts that incarceration in the United States is discriminatory against non-Whites. Much of the focus is on White-Black health outcome disparities, but they are not always favorable to Whites. While the media is rightfully covering this story, Rep. Garcia has sponsored many other bills not getting the same attention—despite their implications for White people in the Bay State and beyond. Let’s examine some of her bills, those of her colleagues, and what the government is already doing to promote the diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda.

Rep. Garcia is part of a new generation of diverse Massachusetts lawmakers, a point that she herself repeats constantly on Twitter.

Another bill she sponsors, HD 2257, would create an official position (only open to BIPOC) related to Health Equity on the state’s Health Policy Commission (HPC). The Commission is currently responsible for “creating standards for care delivery systems that are accountable to better meet patients’ medical, behavioral, and social needs; analyzing the impact of health care market transactions on cost, quality, and access…” HPC is especially important in The Bay State because Massachusetts has a public health system, unlike most of America’s private system. The Commission, so the bill says, must prioritize health care decision-making for “underserved communities” and “marginalized” groups, i.e. non-Whites.

Infographic taken from HCP’s “Health Equity Framework” presented at the July 2022 meeting.

Tip of the health equity iceberg

However, the HCP already has a health equity initiative. Developed in 2020, their framework introduced various “anti-racist” programs within the Commonwealth, bound on correcting “historic injustices.” Management and regulations would now be tied to the Commission’s goals, “that are intended to reduce health care disparities in racial, ethnic and disabled communities and in doing so shall seek to incorporate the recommendations of the health disparities council and the office of health equity.”

Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) used the Covid-19 pandemic to further entrench health equity programs. The COVID-19 Health Equity Advisory Group, which met in May of 2020, featuring a slew of local businessmen, academics, and DEI activists, came up with recommendations. Current DHP Commissioner Monica Bharel argued that “racism” has long been a “public health issue” and that “change” was necessary “to eliminate health inequities.” Advisory Group Commissioner Thea James described their approach,

…to COVID-19 and future health challenges should…strengthen the underlying health of the Commonwealth…We can do this by building resilient communities and taking a critical look at how systemic racism has influenced disinvestment in communities of color. These recommendations are a starting point for taking concrete next steps into action for a more equitable future.

Commissioner Thea James, MD, Vice President of Mission and Associate Chief Medical Officer, Boston Medical Center. [formatting adjustments for clarity]

Some of their proposals included “[p]rioritizing investment in multilingual outreach to communities to increase access to testing, home and workplace protections, and access to state assistance programs.” In addition to making sure immigrants had access to welfare, “housing stability” programs would be targeted toward non-Whites. Personal protective equipment would be prioritized “equitably,” and advocacy groups representing “most-impacted communities” (read BIPOC) would have a seat at the decision-making table, a privilege not afforded to pro-Whites.

Commissariat of Equity: grift for House Black/Latino Caucus

But Rep. Garcia’s bill wouldn’t merely reify current policy, it adds an entirely new dimension. There would be a Health Zone Equity fund, which would provide state grants for community organizations or municipalities to develop their own anti-White policies. Areas with a higher prevalence of diseases would be prioritized, regardless of whether government intervention of this variety would be most effective in reducing it.

Then-Attorney General Healey marching in the Boston Pride parade. Disturbingly, there are many children in attendance.

Much like Canada’s Ministry of Diversity & Inclusion or the UK’s Ministry of Equality & Diversity, Garcia, along with her co-sponsors, want to see Massachusetts create a similar commissariat for Equity. In theory, the Governor of Massachusetts (currently that’s Lesbian Maura Healey) would appoint a Secretary of Equity, who would insert “equity, diversity, and inclusion across state government, within each executive office, and throughout the Commonwealth.” The Secretary would appoint undersecretaries who would manage every office’s diversity initiatives and would help each set policy. The entirety of the Massachusetts government could not implement policies or programs without input from these diversity czars.

There would be a Commonwealth Equity Advisory Board whose members would include members of the LGBT+ community, various executive agency appointees, and three advisors appointed by the Massachusetts Black and Latino Legislative Caucus. Bill co-sponsor Rep. Bud Williams, just so happens to be Vice-Chair of that Caucus. Unlike the organ-donation bill, this one has ideas far more palatable to Beacon Hill’s huge Democratic majority whilst enhancing the power of minority legislators.

Say hello to my little friend

While health is the main focus of this article, there have been plenty of other bills proposed by these legislators which are moving in a similar direction. Garcia, along with Rep. Antonio Cabral (D-Bristol), who has served in the House since 1991, introduced a measure that would expand SNAP benefits to non-citizen immigrants. Another bill focused on “language access and inclusion” would mandate state agencies provide translations of documents to applicants who do not speak English. Languages included are: “Arabic, Cape Verdean Creole, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), French, Haitian Creole, Khmer, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, and any other languages deemed necessary by the agency’s language access survey.” Furthermore, the Commonwealth would have to hire new translators to assist non-English speakers in accessing state agency services.

Returning to the organ donation bill, HD 3822’s other co-sponsor is Carlos González (D-Springfield). Rep. González currently serves as President/CEO of both the Massachusetts Latino Chamber of Commerce and at Nuevo Esperanza. Nuevo Esperanza is Holyoke’s primary ethnoreligious consortium for the city’s Puerto Rican and Afro-Caribbean population—providing community programming and meeting space.

Vice Caucus Chair, Bud Williams

González and Budd introduced a bill mandating 30 percent of state contracts went to minority-owned businesses. The duo also wants to see more state grants go to minority communities. González and Rep. Estela Reyes (D-Essex) introduced HD 3815, which would create the “Micro and Minority Business Strategy Department, or MOMMOB,” which would “work to address the longstanding inequalities for minority businesses [sic] owners in gateway communities by assisting in creating opportunities for entrepreneurship.” So-called gateway communities refer to urban areas.

These bills have a varying probability of success. Some have many sponsors, whilst others have few and could get caught up in the bureaucracy of the General Court. But if these bills are passed and signed in this session or in a similar form in the next session, it will be up to the kritarchy to decide whether they violate the law.

In the case of the organ donation bill for prisoners, there is speculation that it doesn’t pass muster. Organs cannot be sold in America, nor can there be alternative forms of “valuable consideration” exchanged. In this case, reducing jail time would seem quite valuable. The consideration issue is ignored to instead make it about inclusion and anti-racism.

Rep. Carlos Gonzalez speaking in his hometown.

But never fear because when things are put in terms of equity rather than cold medical calculation, judges could take a second look. A new bill presented by none other than Carlos González and Russell E. Holmes would mandate that Judicial appointments in Massachusetts include more racial diversity. A legislative commission would help oversee the process. The commission would include members from various left-wing activist networks like the ACLU, NAACP, Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association, Asian Lawyers Association, and the Chair of the Black & Latino Legislative Caucus. The racial demographics of judges would have to correspond to the demographics of the state exactly, despite the fact that Judges tend to be older and older generations in America tend to be Whiter.

PRIM & proper

Treasurer Deb Goldberg is a strong advocate of abortion rights. She is the daughter of Avram Goldberg, the former Chairman of the popular grocery chain, Stop & Shop.

Patterns of similar behavior are beginning to become obvious, however, just like the Health Equity and Covid-19 Advisory Commission in another state office. The Office of Treasurer and Receiver General has implemented a variety of woke proposals this past year. Under the auspices of current Treasurer and Pension Reserves Investment Management (PRIM) Board Chair, Deborah Goldberg, the commonwealth has tied diversity benchmarks to pension management. Investment fund managers must now be at least 20 percent diverse. PRIM will report to the legislature periodically to update them on how well they are doing at decreasing White-male representation. Deb Goldberg is Jewish.

“Our goal is to help level the playing field and increase access for minorities, women, and disabled investment managers and consultants… In doing so, we seek to ensure that opportunities with the state pension fund will enhance economic equity in the business community for generations to come.”

Treasurer Goldberg

In 2022, MassPRIM allocated an additional $2.8 billion to ‘diverse’ asset managers. The total assets managed by diverse managers is $9 billion or approximately 10 percent. But there is a new mentoring program created by Goldberg at PRIM to add an additional billion dollars for non-White managers through the FUTURE program. That figure was not added to the most recent publicly available total for 2022.

Logo of MassPrim

In a January 2023 statement, Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer of MassPRIM, Michael G. Trotsky, said, “I’m proud of the progress MassPRIM has made in allocating funds to diverse managers…While these numbers are encouraging, we will continue to work tirelessly to find new, diverse managers who help us meet our rigorous equity goals as we advance our reputation for excellence.” MassPRIM ranks 7th in the nation among asset managers for diverse asset management talent, despite being a relatively small player, in no small part due to commissars Goldberg and Trotsky.

That action is part of a broader series of actions taken by Goldberg and Trotsky at MassPRIM to implement Environmental & Social Governance (ESG) standards. PRIM takes an active investment management approach. They actively vote against boards of directors who are not progressive enough on climate change, LGBTQ rights, racial diversity, and the gender pay gap. Other ESG policies include divesting from gun or ammunition manufacturers or sellers—but not Israeli terrorists or military contractors. Goldberg, acting at the behest of Jewish gun-control activist John Rosenthal (Meredith Management Corporation), wants to go further. They are both lobbying the General Court to pass an ‘assault rifles’ ban. We know about Rosenthal’s involvement because the Treasury’s own divestment press release thanked Rosenthal for his advocacy! MassPRIM, in partnership with MIT, even received an award from Institutional Investor for partnering on research aimed at making ESG investment goals more concrete and measurable.

Whilst the organ bill is shocking, it’s not unlike so much else coming out of the Massachusetts government, which is intended to give legal and economic advantages to non-White groups based on their race.

But wait, there’s more!

When a nationalist march came to Boston for Independence Day and was physically assaulted by counter-protestors, Boston investigated the nationalists rather than the leftists who violently attacked them. At the same time, left-wing extremist groups which operate out of New England harass pro-White dissidents with impunity. For instance, failed Boston Globe journalist turned ‘Antifa doxer’ Hilary Elizabeth Sargent orchestrated the Anonymous Comrade Collective blog. Sargent, who comes from a well-connected family, holds a Private Investigator’s license under suspicious circumstances. She lives in upscale Roslindale, MA.

Alex McNabb, co-host of TDS describes the incident at Carilion Clinic.

In the case of the organ bill, it’s a double-edged sword for the easily exploitable inmates themselves. The dehumanization of prisoners is hardly unique to corrections in the Commonwealth. Prison-reform nationalist authors with experience in the industry have written extensively about how the system fails the taxpayer, inmate, and corrections officer under today’s conditions.

In several other states, we have seen how ‘health equity’ played out during the pandemic. The insertion of politics into the medical field has led to treatment differences. White activist Alex McNabb faced discrimination for his political views when trying to visit his wife and newborn son at a Virginia hospital. There are several examples of Whites being turned away from receiving vaccines to move marginalized groups to the front of the line. California, for instance, prioritized illegal aliens before White citizens whilst New York prioritized both immigrants and so-called Holocaust survivors to the detriment of others. Republican Utah, (before a lawsuit stopped them) proposed a similar measure to ration access to monoclonal antibodies based on race. Minnesota and Vermont (under mixed Republican-Democrat governments) did just that.

Corporate America is very strongly for abortion to keep women in the workforce and to avoid paying out extra health benefits for children of employees. Many bear blame for financing or consulting for opioid industry or support ESG.

Trey Garrison and Richard McClure in Opioids for the Masses detail how America’s failure to respond to the opioid crisis is partially due private profiteering but also because of a lack of empathy for White working-class people by elites. Garrison and McClure did most of their research before the health equity rationing became more popular, so the medical field is arguably more anti-White now. In neighboring Rhode Island, a White woman is suing a diversity non-profit called “Equity Institute” for anti-White discrimination after she was terminated allegedly for displaying “White supremacist” characteristics. Just this week, Justice Report highlighted a story in Texas, where a young girl who died of a food allergy had her kidney transplanted into an aging homosexual with various terminal diseases. That’s who is being prioritized! It’s fair to say that anti-White discrimination in the health field is quite common and that the Bay State, while maybe farther along, portends the direction to come.

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