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Famous U.S Naval base erects wall to keep Black gun violence out

Gulfport, Mississippi – In an age where the Western world stands at the brink of war in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and the South China Sea, one prestigious United States military base finds itself already under siege from an unexpected source: Black gun violence on the home front.

According to a shocking new report, Gulfport’s Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC)—the U.S Navy base responsible for housing the Atlantic Fleet’s decorated Navy “Seabees”—was forced to put its engineering prowess to good use by erecting a wall around the southern end of its perimeter. Why? To physically shield its forces from a near-constant stream of gunfire originating from subsided housing complexes across the street.

Before and after photos show the wall built at Naval Construction Battalion Center (NCBC) to stop stray gunfire from hitting U.S. servicemen and their homes. Photos: Google Maps.

According to local media outlets, the 1,100-acre U.S. Naval base—made notable for being the largest storage site for the genetics-altering chemical weapon Agent Orange during the Vietnam War—first began erecting a wall of roughly 20 storage containers in late 2022. Officials claimed the purpose of the wall was to protect homes present on the base from stray bullets originating from low-income Apartment complexes nearby.

A military spokesperson for the NCBC claimed that the barrier was meant to be a “temporary solution” until the City of Gulfport found a way to reduce Black gun violence organically. But now, the U.S. Navy is considering replacing the wall of containers with a permanent concrete barrier after a rash of shooting deaths and violent incidents have only soared well into 2023.

“We took prudent measures, including a barrier between the fence line and base housing, to ensure the safest and most secure environment possible for our personnel and residents,” said Seabee Captain Jeff Powell in a statement to WLOX. “The force protection of our base, personnel and families are our highest priority.”

Outside the William Bell apartment complex, the alleged epicenter of a violent Black crime wave that now threatens the U.S. Navy. Photo: L. Kasimu Harris for NBC News.

While gun violence has long shrouded the 38% Black Gulfport, Mississippi, the source of the stray rounds which directly threaten NCBC allegedly originate from the William Bell apartment complex, a hotbed of suggested Black violence. In a series of interviews conducted by NBC with those living and working in Gulfport’s most “vibrant” and heavily affected areas, many describe a world full of dead teenagers, bullet-ridden walls, and people running for cover from sporadic gunfire.

“The force protection of our base, personnel and families are our highest priority.”

U.S. Navy Seabee Captain Jeff Powell

Earlier in the month, a 20-year-old Black man was shot and killed just a few blocks away from the NCBC wall. Earlier in the night, two others were shot at a birthday party in an unrelated incident nearby. In April, a 16-year-old pregnant Black girl was shot and killed, with Police charging a 15-year-old Black boy for the crime. A few days before that murder unfolded, Police arrested another: a Black 20-year-old for his alleged role in a bloody New Year’s Eve massacre that left four dead back in 2021.

As the bodies continue to stack and the bullets show no sign of stopping, Gulfport resembles more and more like the foreign warzones institutions like the U.S. Navy were designed to create, not home its fleets inside. But if the problem has become so desperate, what is the solution?

Republican Gulfport, Mississippi Mayor Billy Hewes at 28th Street Elementary School for National Read Across America Day in 2019. Photo: WXXV25.

According to Republican Mayor Billy Hewes, the onus is not on the state or local government to restore law and order. Instead, he blames a lack of private security, social programs for kids, and a void of parental responsibility.

“That’s where I think we start having problems, when we rely on government to solve everything,” said Mayor Hewes, a third-term Republican, in an interview with NBC. “Quite frankly, what I’ve seen and experienced and believe is that it starts at home.”

Meanwhile, opinions on the left side of the political spectrum appear to echo the same lethargic platitudes Americans have come to expect. According to State Rep. Jeffrey Hulum III, a Gulfport Democrat, he believes gun control, buyback programs, and mental health services will somehow correct the issue, even going so far as to recommend bulldozing the problem apartments altogether. One retired schoolteacher believes a lack of after-school activities are to blame and even points to the wall at NCBC itself for unfairly “separating people.”

“That’s where I think we start having problems, when we rely on government to solve everything. Quite frankly, what I’ve seen and experienced and believe is that it starts at home.”

Republican Mayor Billy Hewes

“I don’t like walls that separate people,” said Martha Lockhart-Mais in an NBC interview. “I feel that people should be able to live together without having a barrier.”

Escalating Black violence, which has forced the U.S. Navy to respond, can only be described as an international embarrassment, which further demonstrates America’s tactical unwillingness to solve its myriad domestic racial issues currently permeating throughout its crumbling Empire. In February, a bombshell report from Rolling Stone highlighted a debilitating drug epidemic present at America’s infamous Special Forces hub, Fort Bragg. In 2021, the United States Army was lambasted by federal lawmakers for its mishandling of minority-majority Fort Cavazos (formerly Fort Hood), which in 2020 saw a skyrocketing increase in murders, suicides, sexual assaults, and other crimes.

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Blows to the once prestigious U.S. Military are coming at a time when such blows are increasingly difficult to mitigate, however. Despite a budget quickly nearing 1 trillion dollars annually, the Pentagon is currently experiencing a catastrophic recruitment shortfall affecting every branch of the U.S Military simultaneously. But instead of solving the problem, the system would apparently prefer to spend time deploying powerful surveillance tools to trawl social media for mean comments in order to protect the reputations of its key functionaries online.

“The ability to express opinions, criticize, make assumptions, or form value judgments — especially regarding public officials — is a quintessential part of democratic society,” said Ilia Siatitsa, a program director for Privacy International, in an interview with The Intercept.

The Navy Construction Battalion, aka the “Seabees,” was birthed in the Second World War and is now responsible for constructing temporary and permanent infrastructure at U.S. military locations worldwide. Photo:

Those inclined to take meaningful action, however, have blamed the government’s overtly anti-White policies for its ongoing recruitment woes, as White men appear rightfully averse to the risks of joining an institution believed to be wrought with crime, corruption, and entrepreneurial intelligence agencies seeking to purge them for their political opinions or race.

“Anyone White, normal, and under 50 is a potential enemy of the U.S. Government,” said independent journalist Joseph Jordan on Telegram in response to a report which indicated that Federal prosecutors may seek the death penalty in response to an alleged leak of classified Ukraine war documents by 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guard Member, Jack Texeira. “White kid leaking documents will cause federal prosecutors to seriously consider the death penalty…He caused them to panic. They believe he needs to die for that.”

“Expect witch hunts against Whites in the military to increase,” predicted Mike Peinovich, Chairman of the pro-White advocacy organization, the National Justice Party, also via Telegram. “…stay out of the military altogether. Jews have put themselves in the difficult position of not being able to trust members of the most competent group, and as a result, systems they rely on will inevitably fail. We’re already seeing it happen. Don’t make it easier for them.”

While still formidable, widening cracks in the porcelain mask of U.S. global hegemony occasionally appear and become impossible for a concerned public to ignore. In February, a prime United States Marine Recruit was discharged, harassed, and barred from service after refusing to become a confidential informant for U.S. intelligence agencies. In May, the United States Navy made the embarrassing decision to hire an active duty “drag queen” as a Navy Digital Ambassador. The move came in the wake of its own recruitment slump, and the release of a memo by Navy brass that sought to “develop a strategy to advance DEI across the enterprise.”

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