Rochester, New York – The identity of a prominent antifa ringleader—who helped organize and even participated in fiery BLM riots of 2020—has finally been unmasked. Leaked Antifa Discord chats have confirmed that “Eightman,” one of several unhinged leaders of the now-compromised American Iron Front (AIF), is in fact a middle school art teacher for the Rochester City School District in upstate New York.
Thanks to information obtained by the online activist groups Patriot Youth, and the Appalachian Archive, the Justice Report was able to independently verify that 44-year-old Adam Matthew MacIntyre-Ross of Rochester, NY, is the individual behind the deeply disturbed and highly online antifascist personality “Eightman.” With ties to rioting, doxing, harassment, and a prolific history of over 25,000 social media posts in support of militant antifascism, MacIntyre-Ross remains one of the most prolific Antifa agents in the region and, according to the leaks, one of the most abhorrent.

As early as 2020, MacIntyre-Ross, hiding behind the pseudonym “Eightman” on the social media platforms of Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and Mastodon, has anonymously helped organize left-wing agitation in the area of Western New York. A moderator of the Antifa sub-Reddit r/RochesterNYActivism, MacIntyre-Ross would use multiple online platforms to coordinate BLM protests, share leftist propaganda, promote vandalism, and disseminate the private information of working-class people simply for their opposing political views. Often, MacIntyre-Ross’s posts are crafted with clear malicious, and violent intent.
“I want every Republican to have their capacity to exist in a stranglehold,” said MacIntyre-Ross in a July 3rd post to his Eightman Mastodon account. “I want them to suffer every ounce of pain and cruelty…Get fucked.”
Instances of MacIntyre-Ross’s depravity and desire for violence can be found in any one of his social media accounts. In a post made to AIF’s official Reddit page discussing the right-wing streamer Jon Minadeo of the Goyim Defense League, MacIntyre-Ross once expressed his desire for bloodshed, replying, “Someone needs to be introduced to the curb.” In a separate post that discussed the death of a man who once protested a “drag queen story hour” event, MacIntyre-Ross eerily commented, “Hey look, a good Nazi.”
Eightman social media posts and leaked Discord chats revealed that some of MacIntyre-Ross’s most hated political enemies belong to local 2nd Amendment groups like the Western New York-based Watchmen, a conservative activist group known as the Concerned Citizen Alliance, the pro-children advocacy group, Mom’s for Liberty, members of Patriot Front, local Proud Boy chapters, and others.
“If I saw some fat white asshole in a MAGA hat slinging slurs,” commented MacIntyre-Ross on the now defunct Front Row Crew Forum, “I’d not stop attacking until there was only unrecognizable meat left.”

While anyone can make threats of violence behind a keyboard, not many can back up those assertions in real life. MacIntyre-Ross, however, appears more than willing, and in the past has proudly admitted to organizing and attending so-called “antifascist action” in the streets of Rochester. Donning his signature black-and-white colored combat helmet festooned with the number eight, MacIntyre-Ross would march alongside a sea of angry protestors across numerous BLM riots during the 2020 summer of racial reckoning.
The protests—which were birthed by fire in the city of Rochester after news spread of the deaths of Black career criminals George Floyd and Daniel Prude—would culminate in a days-long riot in which tear gas, mass arrests, and non-lethal ammunition were deployed to restore order. According to official police reporting, the urban unrest in Rochester was so widespread that taxpayers spent roughly 1.4 million dollars in overtime in a single month. In addition to thousands of dollars of property damage, personal injuries from the melee were sustained on both sides of the conflict, and victims include NGO activists, and local politicians, among others.
“I’ve been to several protests already, one at the end of May, the die-in, BLM2, and a couple others,” bragged MacIntyre-Ross on a Reddit thread in 2020 via his Eightman account. “I want to help others get there at the very least, as well as taking other actions like being a pain in the ass…If you think that’s agitating, then I’m an “agitator.”

“Rochester NY popping off last night,” he said, cross-posting a video of Rochester PD attempting to quell BLM terror to the Iron Front USA official Reddit page. “We’ll need everyone we can get to protect protestors.”
More recently, MacIntyre-Ross adorned his signature helmet and marched in support of a widely panned “drag queen story hour” event held in Pittsford, NY, a wealthy suburb of Rochester. In a video taken by ABC13, he briefly makes an appearance amongst the crowd as counter-protestors lined the streets in support of granting paraphiliacs access to young children. The event was so locally controversial, that organizers were forced to relocate to a private venue after town officials demanded over $8,000 for added security protection, according to local media.
“I want every Republican to have their capacity to exist in a stranglehold…I want them to suffer every ounce of pain and cruelty…Get fucked.”
Adam MacIntyre-Ross aka “Eightman,” Mastodon
MacIntyre-Ross would also take his “activism” online. According to his many social media accounts and leaked chat messages within the American Iron Front Discord, the 44-year-old father of one would use the internet as an effective tool to shut down differing opinions and coordinate raids and mass reports on the accounts of his political opposition. A highly online individual, MacIntyre-Ross often expresses glee in getting others deplatformed, and morbidly refers to anyone he silences as a “scalp.”

“I’m a busy little bee…There’s people like me, who have a little extra time to look at the accounts of those vile little shits,” threatened MacIntyre-Ross via Twitter. “…and start collecting scalps.”
Justifying his pattern of abhorrent behaviors by merely labeling his many “enemies” as “fascist,” MacIntyre-Ross would game various reporting systems to target Christians, conservatives, pro-White activists, 2nd Amendment enjoyers, and even average voters of the GOP in order to get them banned. Macintyre-Ross once estimated that his collection of account “scalps” on Twitter exceeded over 700 people, denying their right to express themselves online and, instead, replacing their voices with his own Antifascist screeds.
“I burn. I have a particular kind of silent, incandescent writhing righteous fury that I can almost feel at times, shifting around in my core like a serpent. That one fact wants to do unspeakable violence. To rip flesh from bone with my hands and teeth. It’s a carnivorous rage.”
Adam MacIntyre-Ross aka “Eightman,” Front Row Crew forum
“I’m against the death penalty,” remarked MacIntyre-Ross in a Reddit thread discussing ex-President Trump’s criminal indictments. “…but I’m willing to make some exceptions.”
In addition to silencing his perceived “enemies,” MacIntyre-Ross is also a huge proponent of doxing and intimidation as a tactic to be used in his top-down war against working-class people. Along with fellow AIF Antifa, MacIntyre-Ross would maliciously tap into his network of infiltrators, “researchers,” and street militants to dredge up personal information on various individuals. Once, he even signaled a willingness to cooperate with the FBI, after he tagged the widely controversial intelligence agency into a Twitter thread where he was arguing with another user over religion and politics.
At one point in AIF’s “New York” focused chatroom, MacIntyre-Ross desperately tried to enlist others to help him dox an independent journalist working for the local news outlet, the Genesee Valley Observer (GVO). The journalist’s only slight against Eightman was negative coverage of the homosexual community at large—a constitutionally protected right—after a string of drag shows and controversies drew ire from local communities in Western and Central New York.

On June 1st, MacIntyre-Ross would unveil his most outrageous act of political agitation yet, announcing it on Twitter and Discord to anti-White extremists across the Empire State. Using his artistic talents and leveraging his BFA in illustration, MacIntyre-Ross would professionally assemble a “lookbook” of right-wing and pro-White doxes, complete with photos, names, lists of alleged “crimes,” color-coded threat assessments, and QR codes that lead readers to salacious Antifa blog sites.
Among the personalities already doxed inside MacIntyre-Ross’s propaganda brief include Covid-19-skeptics, mainstream Republicans, and others, many times only added for exceptionally petty reasons like “attended an anti-choice protest,” or “online bigotry.”
To deter further harassment, The Justice Report will not be publishing MacIntyre-Ross’s lookbook.
“If I saw some fat white asshole in a MAGA hat slinging slurs…I’d not stop attacking until there was only unrecognizable meat left.”
Adam MacIntyre Ross aka “Eightman,” Front Row Crew forum
“Sunlight is an effective medicine. And there’s going to be lots of chuddy tears. I’m eager to get this done. I want the right-wing suffering to be exquisite,” he said in a Twitter thread dated May 9th of this year. “Twitter is crowd sourcing and researching to expose the scum at the rally and get them named, known, and hopefully fired/face other repercussions for their abhorrent terrorism… If I find out that there’s any of this Nazi bullshit going on near me, I’ll be there with camera in hand,” he said in a forum post on a different website.
In some cases, MacIntyre-Ross would openly encourage others to “act” upon his gathered intelligence, by sharing his dossiers of American citizens across his myriad social media pages. When a Rochester couple was once accused of “racism” by local media for hosting a private party with right-wing themes, MacIntyre-Ross took to Reddit, promising “info” that would be released that his followers could use then use to make their lives “difficult.”
“There will be info posted soon about actions that can be taken to make their lives more difficult,” he proudly proclaimed in a Reddit post made in 2022.

MacIntyre-Ross’s history of doxing, intimidation, and threats of sickening displays of violence became all the more alarming when leaked AIF Discord chats revealed his identity and profession. Since at least 2020, the dangerous Antifa ringleader has worked for the Rochester City School District as an art teacher, according to his now-deleted LinkedIn. With intimate access to American youth, the thought of a toxic and rage-prone leftist extremist with ties to politically motivated violence, vandalism, and harassment should sound the alarm for any parents—especially White ones—who may be forced to send their children to Monroe Lower Middle School, where he currently holds classes for students grades 7-8.
“Greetings WNY (Western New York) Chuds. We’re getting to work identifying all of you :)…Sunlight is an effective medicine. And there’s going to be lots of chuddy tears. I’m eager to get this done. I want the right-wing suffering to be exquisite.”
Adam MacIntyre-Ross aka “Eightman,” Facebook, Twitter.
The Justice Report reached out to Adam MacIntyre-Ross in a request for comment about his longtime involvement in the anti-White extremist group, the American Iron Front, via telephone but did not hear back in time for a response. The Justice Report also reached out to Monroe Lower Middle School in a request for comment by email and telephone but did not hear back in time for a response.

The investigation
There is no question that the violent and sadistic “Eightman” is an individual who embodies the worst aspects of anti-White extremism and militant anti-fascism. But tying his objectively abhorrent statements to a real-life person was a more difficult task. The Justice Report first learned of Eightman after local pro-White activists became some of his many online targets. With a penchant for bragging and a knack for obscenity-laden commentary, it was only a matter of time before he gave something up that would lead to his identity.
We were correct. Thanks to the efforts of online activists, the private Discord chat of the American Iron Front—in which Eightman is not only a member but an administrator—was leaked, giving us a unique view into never-before-seen communications between Eightman and his fellow extremists.
In a series of posts made in the AIF’s graphic design chat, a place where AIF crafts designs for promotional material and eventually sells at inflated prices on the art website, Redbubble, Eightman gave us the largest clue of all. In the posts, he admits to being the creator behind a unique design: an American flag in a red, black, and blue circle with the words “American Anti-Fascist” scrawled around the rim. When another user asks him if he is that “relentless” guy, Eightman gleefully replies “Yup! Where did you find it? The stars took forever.”

A quick Google reverse-image search brought us to the “Front Row Crew” forum, a message board belonging to a video gaming and nerd culture podcast. More specifically, the search produced a thread from February 2017 titled “Which logo do you like best?” The thread details a user’s attempts at producing the perfect Antifa logo and includes the current iteration used by AIF years later.
The thread’s creator was a user named “adam” whose profile picture depicted the shield of Captain America, a comic book hero often used as a tool to promote US imperialism by the Jewish-run comic book industry. Under “adam’s” profile were three usernames, one to a permanently suspended Twitter account labeled “@AdamMacRoss,” and two others to gaming accounts with the name “relentless.”
In a September 2018 post, the same user, “adam” admits to having been contacted by the American Iron Front and asked by an unidentified party if he could “help them make/sell stuff.” He then confirms that many of the designs being peddled by the AIF appear to come directly from him, an easy task for a man suspected to have credentials in the realm of art, illustration, and design.
“They (AIF) liked the American Resistance and American Antifa logos I’d done, and I redesigned some of their logos to better suit the stuff they wanted to make,” said Adam.
With three online accounts registered to Eightman, It didn’t take long for the Justice Report’s team of researchers and independent journalists to comb through publicly available information and connect the dots of anti-White bigotry to a real-life person. The team then quickly confirmed “Eightman’s” real name as Adam Matthew MacIntyre-Ross, a 44-year-old art teacher for the Rochester City School District, and much, much more.
Profile of anti-White hate: Adam MacIntyre-Ross of Rochester, New York
Adam MacIntyre-Ross—who is Jewish—is a native of New York and has lived in multiple regions before finally settling down in the suburbs of Rochester. Having attended the Rochester Institute of Technology from 1997-2001, he graduated with a degree in illustration and participated in the school’s Anime Club. After graduating with a BFA, he would soon advance his career by attending SUNY Buffalo from 2004-2006 and earning a master’s degree in art education.
Adam’s path to radicalization appears to have intensified after the election of then-president Donald J. Trump, whose ascension to power was only made possible through a concentrated effort by predominantly White voters who rejected the neoliberal status quo.
Petrified with the idea of fomenting White racial consciousness, social media posts indicate that MacIntyre-Ross became increasingly unhinged over the years, believing Trump to be a “full dictator” despite his underwhelming performance as commander-in-chief. Other times, he shifted his ire onto the electorate themselves, commenting, “Everyone who voted for a Republican are(sic) either evil or ignorant. There’s no other options.”

“I burn. I have a particular kind of silent, incandescent writhing righteous fury that I can almost feel at times, shifting around in my core like a serpent,” he ghoulishly commented on the Front Row Crew forum in October of 2018. “That one fact wants to do unspeakable violence. To rip flesh from bone with my hands and teeth. It’s a carnivorous rage.”
As the years went on, the increasingly paranoid Adam MacIntyre-Ross began to get more involved with antifascist organizing, and eventually, he would join and spearhead his local chapter of the American Iron Front. Networking with a multitude of leftist organizations, including the Rochester DSA, the local Socialist Rifle Association, Flower City Firearms, the scandal-laden Red Right Hand Rifle Syndicate, the Antifa-linked Food Not Bombs, and others, MacIntyre-Ross would coordinate “mutual aid” efforts for adjacent leftist causes on social media. Sometimes, he would even organize counter-demonstrations to mundane conservative causes and try to get them shut down.
Eventually, MacIntyre-Ross would meet Kathleen M. MacIntyre, and the two would marry. A self-described “intersectional feminist” and “human rights & liberal activist,” Kate would participate in the aforementioned Front Row Crew forum under the username “Kate_Monster” for years. Her prolific commentary on the board would reveal a mindset of anti-White extremism and a penchant for abhorrent violence as deep and unsettling as her husband’s.
In one post made to the board in February of 2020, Kate MacIntyre-Ross admitted she felt a certain “visceral joy” in watching people sadistically kill and torture German people in the Jewish revenge fantasy series, Hunters. “It is incredibly well-acted, written, and directed. It has a graphic novel turned TV show feel. Also, the visceral joy of watching Jewish people and others killing Nazis,” she said.

Currently, Adam works as an art teacher for grades 7-8 at the Rochester School District’s Monroe Lower Campus. While the city of Rochester is predominantly Black and Hispanic according to the 2020 US Census report, the pair seemingly abandoned their antiracist ideals and self-segregated themselves into the 85% White suburbs of Chili, New York. They live together in a six-bedroom home where they currently raise their five-year-old son and two dogs. Adam is fluent in Japanese, per his LinkedIn, and is currently suffering from a bad back. Kate is homebound and immunocompromised but may be working part-time as a web designer on the side.
“No matter the size, a good strike to the throat, eyes, or kneecap will stop most people pretty quick,” said MacIntyre-Ross in a Reddit thread discussing the lack of physical prowess in antifascist circles. “In Minecraft. Just saying.”

Due to an ever-present history of violent threats, doxing, harassment, and ties to BLM terror, Adam MacIntyre-Ross should be considered an extremely dangerous and disturbed individual. The Justice Report urges any and all pro-White activists, outspoken conservatives, Christians, or those that express pro-2nd Amendment sympathies in the area of Rochester, New York, and its outlying suburbs to exercise the utmost caution.
Currently, MacIntyre-Ross is known to frequent the Monroe Lower campus for work, but social media posts indicate he may also frequent the tabletop gaming store, Millenium Games in Henrietta, as well as the Flying Squirrel, an Antifa-aligned “art space” in Corn Hill.
Violent anti-White extremists, left-wing ideologues, and those who identify as “antifascist,” have long integrated themselves into American institutions, only to regurgitate their values to American students and reproduce through indoctrination. In May, it was revealed that notorious Jewish professor, Michael Loadenthal, was receiving grant money from the Department of Homeland Security to teach students how to be more effective antifascist agents.
His curriculum drew attention from the mainstream media when it was discovered that he was using an ideologically unsound “Pyramid of far-right radicalization,” invented by none other than the American Iron Front.
Update 1: Adam MacIntyre-Ross aka “Eightman” of Rochester, New York has deleted his professional LinkedIn page and has protected his tweets. The move comes in the wake of online activists appearing to confront him with knowledge of his now-leaked identity. MacIntyre-Ross’s sudden, digital retreat vindicates the Justice Report’s investigation and has confirmed his identity to the public.

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