Atlanta, Georgia – A heavily armed “Antifa” militant—closely affiliated to the violent #StopCopCity movement—has been successfully identified. Alarmingly, the individual is currently a high school history teacher with links to doxing, assaults, paramilitary marches, and other acts of anarchist terror in America’s deep south.
Using publicly available information, the Justice Report was able to positively identify 50-year-old Jeff Jay Corkill, a high school history teacher at Dekalb County’s Tucker High School as an affiliate of dozens of extremist groups, including the Atlanta Antifascists, a part of the infamously violent TORCH Antifa Network.

Corkill, a heavily armed veteran of multiple Antifascist paramilitary units, was identified after a pseudo-anonymous X, formerly Twitter, account led researchers to a confirmation. Using the handle @_noone_you_know or “Just Jeff,” Corkill would heavily promote the ongoing #StopCopCity campaign, an Antifa pet project whose organizers and participants have so far been linked to abhorrent acts of domestic terror and multiple RICO indictments.
An independent investigation into Corkill’s activities revealed a years-long career of street action all across Northern Georgia, having ties to groups like the DeKalb Democrats, Frontline Organizations Working to End Racism (FLOWER), Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR), Metro Atlanta Democratic Socialists of America (Metro Atlanta DSA), North Georgia Socialist Rifle Association (North Georgia SRA), Our Revolution Georgia, and the Socialist Workers Party.
Most disturbingly, the middle-aged teacher has used the internet to justify violent assaults made against his political opponents in real life. An avid social media user, Corkill would organize and advocate for several anti-White communist groups and anarchist cells, using his activist influence to buddy up with the electoral campaigns of mainstream politicians like Stacey Abrams.

Not satisfied with backroom organizing, Corkill is also a prolific demonstrator, marching numerous times in defense of concepts like open borders and the removal of historical monuments. Wearing body armor and open-carrying a high-powered assault rifle, Corkill would rub shoulders with Antifa paramilitaries from groups like the infamous SRA, the effigy burning FLOWER, and others, whose vile rhetoric includes advocating for the use of molotov cocktails against police, and other explicitly violent methods.
“It is exhausting, but someone has to do it, and I realize not everyone has it in them (or even cares enough) all the time and that’s ok,” bemoaned Corkill in a Reddit thread of his on-the-ground extremism. “Between working directly with campaigns, working in various political orgs, and the direct actions like protesting, politics has basically become a 2nd full-time job without pay. As a parent, this is a way I can try to make the world a better place for my kids.”
In 2020, Corkill would attend a violent 2020 Antifa rally at Stone Mountain, Georgia, as part of the FLOWER coalition's heavily armed "security detail." An FAQ by the FLOWER coalition claimed that a security committee known as "SQUACK" had been established for the event. Images of Corkill show him wearing a large sign on his back that read "SECURITY" and a patch depicting a raven or crow with a red and black background.
Joining Corkill at this event were other prominent anarchist extremists, including Corey Lemley. Lemley—who was present at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia—is believed to be tied to threats of violence against protesters. In September 2020, Lemley passed out riot gear to fellow Antifa from the back of a U-Haul truck in Louisville, Kentucky. Just a few months ago, however, Corkill's associate Lemley was finally arrested, this time for selling cocaine and fentanyl to an undercover police officer.
During the Stone Mountain event that Corkill attended, Lemley—who was armed with a rifle—was witnessed sneaking up behind a preacher speaking with a FLOWER coalition member and stealing a microphone from his hand. The incident led to a violent gang assault with a baseball bat, where individuals opposed to Antifa were viciously attacked and beaten into the ground for merely attempting to retrieve the microphone.
Alarmingly, the assaults continued as Corkill's FLOWER coalition engaged in what appeared to be strong-armed robberies, with its members stealing the hats and flags of pro-monument attendees and lighting them on fire. One unknown SRA member, identified by the SRA patch on his backpack, was photographed snatching the hat off of a man's head as he wrestled with FLOWER coalition members trying to steal his flag.
The violence would all be conducted under Corkill's alleged "security" watch.
The Investigation
Earlier this year, the Justice Report began investigating Corkill after an anonymous tip advised that he had begun affiliating himself with the violent #StopCopCity campaign. At first, it was not immediately clear who the Twitter/X account of "Just Jeff" (@_noone_you_know) belonged to, but it was clear the owner was linked to anti-White extremist activity.
Eventually, a publicly available Facebook photo album from 2017 was unearthed, providing the face of one person wearing a White T-shirt attending a "Our Revolution Georgia" meeting. The man, whose T-shirt was adorned with symbols linked to anti-White extremism, also had a name tag with the name "Jeff."

The man's face also appeared to match a masked individual showcased in the profile picture for the "Just Jeff" account. Researchers were then able to identify "Jeff" as Corkill after a series of news articles about Corkill's exploits were discovered online, some of which also appeared to match the interior of a posh home in which Corkill is listed as living.
Under Corkill's @_noone_you_know account, several photos were uploaded showing off his ammunition can, proudly emblazoned with an Antifa logo. The sticker would officially link the Tucker High School teacher with Atlanta Antifascists, a chapter of the TORCH Antifa Network, previously known as Anti-Racist Action Network.
In 2020, the anti-White hate monitor, the William McKinley Institute (WMKI) published an extensive 36-page report detailing the TORCH Antifa Network, documenting its politically motivated violence. According to the report, various chapters of the TORCH syndicate have engaged in unspeakable acts of violence including riots, and clandestine attacks of its perceived enemies.

While the Atlanta Antifascists are best known for the illicit doxing of working-class people on the basis of their political beliefs, members linked to the anarchist cell have also been tied to violent street engagements, including the All Out ATL coalition in 2016. The event was marked with a series of riots and violence when members of Atlanta Antifascists attacked law enforcement in an attempt to stop the "Rock Stone Mountain" event from occurring.
While the extent of Corkill's working relationship with the group is unknown, the official Atlanta Antifascists X, formerly Twitter account is a follower of Corkill's "Just Jeff" account. Interestingly, the Atlanta Antifascists sticker Corkill displays is not available for purchase on the group's website, indicating that Corkill's support of the extremist cell is so great he had the sticker custom-made, or, is likely a member himself.
Regardless, Corkill's personal endorsement of the often violent, anti-White hate movement is quite clear. At an Our Revolution Georgia event in 2017, Corkill proudly wore an "Antifaschistische Aktion" t-shirt in public. On the bumper of a personal vehicle linked to Corkill—a Kia Soul that the 50-year-old high school teacher uses to commute to work—a Justice Report tipster spotted a sticker purporting to show the three "down arrows" of the Iron Front next to his license plate.

According to a 2023 FBI report on violent extremism, both symbols have been designated as emblematic of "Anarchist Violent Extremism" or "AVE." A document released by the Biden administration states that countering Anarchist Violent Extremists, like groups Corkill is believed to be a key player in, is currently part of the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. Despite the designation, the FBI has yet to bring federal RICO indictments against any of the violence-prone "antifa" organizations currently running amok within the United States, including the Atlanta Antifascists and the TORCH Antifa Network.
Like Atlanta Antifascists, Corkill has also engaged in doxing and harassment campaigns, publishing the home addresses and residential information of Georgia law enforcement officers to his followers on X. The stunt was done in revenge for antifascist "Stop Cop City" idol "Tortiguita," who was shot and killed in self-defense. Corkill's post would garner approximately 72k views.
While the post stood as a clear violation of X/Twitter's Private Information & Media Policy, neither the post nor Corkill's account has been terminated as a result.
An avid contributor to the subreddit r/AntifascistsofReddit, Corkill regularly posts original content and joins in on discussions from other members, giving them advice. When r/AntifascistsofReddit once asked their followers "How do I join my local antifa group?" Corkill eagerly replied with some advice, recommending others "Look for groups/sympathizers on Twitter. Follow them for a while and you'll start to realize who are legitimate and who are cops."

One alarming post—endorsed by Corkill via a "retweet" on X—was from the TORCH Antifa Network itself. The post, which commented on a video published by Antifa DFW, was of a coordinated, anti-White attack launched by the syndicate's Northern California chapters in 2016. Celebrating their assault, TORCH Antifa proclaimed "One WEIRD trick to get fascists out of your neighborhood! Nazis HATE it!"
The attack was well documented by the California Highway Patrol, with Helicopter video footage and a 2,000-page report written by the agency that concluded the attack was a premeditated conspiracy by multiple organizations and that assailants were motivated by anti-White hatred.
Profile of anti-White hate: Jeff Corkill aka "Just Jeff" of Atlanta, Georgia
Corkill grew up in Hoover, Alabama, according to an admission made by Corkill on Reddit to another user. According to a Fulton County public records search, Corkill was once arrested in 2003 for a domestic violence charge, however, the Justice Report was unable to locate a court docket for the arrest, meaning the case against him was likely dropped or expunged.
Corkill is currently married to Tracy Ann Prescott, who according to statements made by Corkill is a local veterinarian. Prescott—who is Jewish—is no stranger to extremist beliefs and radical activism. According to statements made by Prescott, she labels herself as "a mom of badass kids, including a queer daughter who organizes for YDSA at her college, a communist 17-year old son, and two socialist feminists ages 19 and 17."

Fully immersed in their extremist views, Prescott once celebrated Christmas with Corkill by gifting him a communist wristwatch. On X, formerly Twitter, Corkill would proudly display his radical garb, which includes a hockey jersey and other memorabilia from the communist Soviet Union, which members of the "Antifa" movement often regard as coveted artifacts.
Unlike many extremists, Corkill's understanding of the Jewish people is more advanced than most, accurately identifying Judaism as an ethnoreligion linked to a biological lineage. Ironically, this understanding of Jews has resulted in unwanted attention from the anti-White, anti-Muslim, Zionist watch group Canary Mission, a group that targets people critical of Israel's "genocidal" policies. The group characterized Corkill as "anti-Semitic" based on statements he made in support of the Palestinian people.
As an undergrad, Corkill claims to have studied linguistic anthropology. He worked for the Gwinnett County School District for over eighteen years, teaching at Brookwood High School. In 2019, Corkill would join other Antifa in a violent attempt to shut down an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility. After he handcuffed himself to a fence, the stunt would result in his arrest as well as a poor performance review from his employer. Corkill then decided to sue the district in federal court, claiming the poor review was a violation of his First and Fourteenth Amendment rights.
The following school year, Corkill then claimed that his arrest led to harassment by Brookwood High School's administration, causing him to ultimately leave the school district. He promptly filed another lawsuit that named the GCSD, Superintendent of the GCSD J. Alvin Willbanks, and Superintendent Bo Ford as defendants. The complaint claimed that a photo of Corkill at the "protest" had been seen by a parent and sent to the school's principal, who called Corkill to his office and reprimanded him for not notifying the school.
The complaint was quickly settled for an undisclosed amount, and according to Corkill. "The school district chose to settle out of court rather than risk going to trial." After leaving the GCSD, he took a job at Tucker High School in DeKalb County. A listing on the school's website shows Corkill to be currently employed as a social studies teacher. A website linked to Corkill from the site lists a syllabus from the 2021-2022 school year.
The Justice Report reached out to the school via telephone and confirmed Corkill's employment. Additionally, an anonymous tipster for the Justice Report identified Corkill's vehicle in the school's parking garage.

In 2018, Corkill served as an officer of the MTDSA, a radical left-wing socialist organization. During his time as a functionary, Corkill would pen several propaganda articles for the group's website. His wife, Prescott was also heavily involved with the local DSA, volunteering along with her husband to represent Georgia's District 6 at the 2020 Democratic National Convention as a delegate for Bernie Sanders. In her statement volunteering as a delegate, Prescott revealed that her children were enrolled as members of the group's youth wing, the Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA).
In a news update to the Atlanta DSA website on February 8, 2019, Corkill bragged about how he and several Metro Atlanta DSA members had infiltrated and taken over the DeKalb County Democrats. When the DSA celebrated on Reddit that DeKalb County Democrats elected two DSA members—including the Chair of Metro Atlanta DSA—to the Democratic Party of Georgia State Committee, some expressed concern that the consensus among DSA members was that entryism in the Democrat Party would bring about "socialism."
"It will help to normalize socialism," assured Corkill in the thread. "That will make forming an actual Socialist Party, that can compete against the Democratic Party, easier to attain. Any push left within the Dem Party until then can only be better for workers as well."
Corkill then posted an announcement about the development to r/DSA and gloated about how "The State Committee is responsible for is [sic] writing the Party Platform for the Democratic Party of Georgia (DPG)."

As members of the DeKalb County Democrats, Corkill and his wife protested for open borders, demonstrating against President Trump's moderate immigration restrictions at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport with a throng of other extremists. Prescott herself worked for Jon Ossoff's campaign for Georgia's Sixth Congressional District. She also hosted a canvassing lunch for Mom's Demand Action organizer Lucy McBath, who was challenging GOP Representative Karen Handel. Handel beat Ossoff in 2017.
Both Corkill and Prescott were listed by the DeKalb Democrats as Post Seat Holder Delegates for the Democrat party in 2018, and Corkill served as the chair of HD 81.
As a result of his underground communist clique, Corkill appears to have become well-connected to mainstream Democratic politicians. An archived image of Corkill uploaded to a Key Wiki profile depicts him and his wife taking a photo with Black political figurehead Stacey Abrams. While working with the group Our Revolution Georgia, Corkill had campaigned for her failed gubernatorial run.

When Abrams refused to accept Kemp's declaration of victory, Corkill claimed that he "spoke with Rep. Hank Johnson last night. He stated that many counties show very different numbers from the SOS website. Until the votes are certified, any numbers on the SOS website should be viewed as suspect. There is simply no way to state that there are not enough votes at this point."
According to reports, Corkill is also a member of the infamous Socialist Rifle Association (SRA), a catch-all for anarchists, communists, and anti-White paramilitaries arming themselves for an eventual battle against their perceived political opposition. A 2019 German article in Neues Deutschland titled Die Bewaffneten Linken (The Armed Leftists) published photos of Corkill at an SRA shooting range in Atlanta called Quickshot and claimed that the gun range was working with the SRA.
The article confirmed Corkill's long history in "leftist" politics and alleged he was once a member of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). Multiple posts Corkill had made on X, formerly Twitter show SRA target cutouts that he used during firearms training. On Reddit, Corkill would promote the Antifa-aligned SRA, even going so far as to recruit a firearms instructor.

Members of the SRA have a long history of vile anti-White rhetoric and calls for violence. On X, the North Georgia branch of the SRA once promoted the genocide of European peoples through the use of vile memes on its official media page. The group has also advocated for the use of Molotov cocktails against law enforcement to "Stop Cop City," a now-common phrase used to refer to the ongoing construction of a police training facility in South Atlanta.
Corkill once wrote an article for the DSA about how the SRA's North Georgia branch had carpooled with him from Atlanta to an Antifa protest in nearby Dahlonega on September 13, 2019. Despite the SRA strictly forbidding armed protests of any kind, an entrepreneurial Corkill skirted this rule by instead showing up armed at Stone Mountain protests under the banner of the violent, anti-White coalition known as the Frontline Organizations Working to End Racism (FLOWER). Alongside this group, Corkill donned body armor and marched with an assault rifle in hand as a part of its aforementioned SQUACK security force.
Corkill's Just Jeff X/Twitter account profile photo of him geared up with a rifle was taken at a Stone Mountain protest, believed to be conducted by the Atlanta Justice Alliance.
Like many Antifa now involved in the Stop Cop City campaign, Corkill has demonstrated breathless support and expressions of "solidarity" with the now-deceased Manuel “Tortuguita” Teran.
Teran, a homosexual Antifa militant who police say was justifiably killed during a sweep of an illegal encampment, was an anti-White extremist whose death only intensified anarchist terror around the country. Teran's diary would later reveal his innate violent nature, having called for the wholesale killing of police, the torching of public property, and the total abolishment of all prisons.
"If the cops kill me, I want you to riot, burn down their stations and set their cars alight," he said in one entry. In the end, it's exactly what his comrades would proceed to do.

The outing of High School history teacher Jeff Corkill as a documented anti-White extremist and paramilitary jackboot follows a long line of other militant antifascists with intimate access to American youth. In May, it was revealed that Jewish University of Cincinnati researcher Dr. Michael Loadenthal was accepting grants from the US federal government to teach college students how to become antifascist activists. His curriculum included how to infiltrate social media platforms, dox, harass, and intimidate political opposition in the name of anti-White extremism.
In September, an independent Justice Report investigation unmasked a middle school art teacher in upstate New York as a ringleader and key organizer for the Antifa cell, the American Iron Front. The teacher, 44-year-old Adam Matthew MacIntyre-Ross, would maintain an alarming digital footprint rife with violent threats and hatred of White people, Christians, conservatives, and others.
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