Love of reading and writing is considered ‘White supremacy’ in majority-White school

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Seattle, Washington – Students at a predominately White high school are being taught that a love of reading and writing is “White supremacy.” Outraged, one local father has sounded the alarm against what he calls “educational malpractice.”

Seattle’s Lincoln High School became the center of controversy after KTTH revealed that World Literature and Composition students had been issued worksheets defining “9 characteristics of White supremacy.” The sheets were issued as part of Lincoln’s celebration of “Black Lives Matter at School Week,” which described concepts like “Worship of the Written Word” and “Perfectionism” as indicators of being a White supremacist.

According to the educational nonprofit, GreatSchools—which tracks student racial demographics—Lincoln’s student base is 68% White, with only 3% Black in attendance. The school previously drew ire from parents when it was discovered that White students were barred from attending a”Multicultural Week” event in 2023.

The “9 Characteristics of White Supremacy” worksheet being issued in Seattle public schools. The list includes the concepts of “denial,” “fear,” and “perfectionism” as racist traits. Photo: Jason Rantz, KTTH

The worksheets would go on to further elaborate that “Worship of the Written Word” is White supremacy because it erases the many “diverse ways” in which others communicate and “honor(s) only what is written and even then only what is written to a narrow standard, full of misinformation and lies.” The worksheet does not appear to have a source, nor does it go into further detail.

But despite the worksheet being issued to students in a World Literature class, wouldn’t the class qualify as “White supremacy” itself? That’s the question one local father asked, who chose to remain anonymous out of fear of reprisals against his child.

“I feel bad for any students who actually internalize stuff like this as it is setting them up for failure,” said the father in an interview on KTTH’s Jason Rantz show. “How is a 15-year-old kid supposed to object in class when ‘denial and defensiveness’ is itself a characteristic of white supremacy? This is truly educational malpractice.”

In addition to a love of reading and writing, the worksheet continues to list the concepts of “Individualism,” “Perfectionism,” “Objectivity,” “Denial and Defensiveness,” “Power Hoarding,” “The Binary,” and even “Fear” as indicative of White supremacy. Students would then have to correctly match the definitions to the concepts correctly in order to get a passing grade.

Worksheets issued by a predominantly White Seattle high school ask students to engage with the “13 principals” of Black Lives Matter, using sources and quotes from half-Jewish comedian, Trevor Noah, to complete the assignment. Photo: Jason Rantz, KTTH

It also goes on to allege that if White students become overly defensive or deny their “innate racism,” it could stem from “entitlement” and a perceived “right to be shielded from the stresses of antiracist work.”

In another handout, students are then asked how they can use the so-called “13 Principals of Black Lives Matter” to “disrupt” their own White supremacist traits. Students can accomplish this by combing through material from Vox, Saturday Night Live, Disney, and even the anti-White ideologue Trevor Noah.

The class would then follow up with a video titled “Getting Called Out: How to Apologize” by Franchesca Ramsey, which teaches White students how to deal with accusations of White Supremacy by what presumes to be Black or non-White students.

“How is a 15-year-old kid supposed to object in class when ‘denial and defensiveness’ is itself a characteristic of white supremacy? This is truly educational malpractice.”

Father of a Linoln student, KTTH

Ramsey, a Black comedienne made famous for recording anti-White screeds on YouTube, once claimed that objectively bigoted terms like “cracker,” “white trash,” and “redneck” aren’t racist if used by Black people.

If the coursework is to be taken at face value, however, it would suggest that White students are expected to acknowledge their complicity in “racism.” According to the worksheet, if a White student expresses any desire for independence—or shows a passion for reading and writing at all—then they are supposed to stop and understand that these sentiments are merely rooted in White supremacist ideology, and should stop acting independently or loving reading and writing in the future.

“My problem with this curriculum is that this is supposed to be a writing and literature class, and lessons like these do nothing to help my kid become a better writer,” said the father. “Is this really the best use of class time?”

The Youtube video alleged to have been played inside Seattle’s Lincoln High School, a hotbed of anti-White incidents in recent years. Video: chescaleigh

While pushing anti-White hatred and other self-destructive ideas onto young children is not a new concept in America, the worksheets being doled out to students in Seattle represent only the latest attempt to do so. Commonly referred to as “Critical Race Theory” or “CRT,” parents have begun to push back against these curriculums in recent years.

In June of 2023, a series of heated protests and fistfights erupted outside the Glendale Unified School District. Once described as a “battlefield,” crowds of predominately White parents of Armenian background clashed with members of the anti-White extremist movement, also known as “Antifa,” over the district’s push to adopt pro-trans and other homosexual values inside the schools.

Resistance to these types of institutional mandates can also be found in places like Maine, which remains the Whitest state in the nation. In January, an Iraqi DEI director from South Portland was forced to resign his position and flee the state after a concerned citizen expressed his outrage at a planned “bussing” scheme to break up local White schools with non-White kids. The plan was hatched as a way to give non-White families “access” to the benefits of homogenous White schools, which, according to reports, were alleged to have performed better than their less-White counterparts.

Infographic: White-Papers Policy Institute

Anti-White hatred in schools can often result in disastrous consequences for White students, however. In February, a group of White kids at an Ohio elementary school were beaten, traumatized, and forced to support Black Lives Matter during scheduled recess. The entire incident was caught on tape and revealed a gang of Black students rounding up White kids and forcing them onto their knees.

Violence and racial disharmony like this should not come as a shock. According to an analysis by the White-Papers Policy Institute, American schools have become unsafe for White children, as Black students are 85% more likely to commit violence than their White counterparts. Additionally, Black students are currently responsible for 72% of America’s school shootings, an alarming phenomenon that appears to only increase in frequency as the years go on.

With violence and indoctrination always a possibility inside America’s public schools, parents are increasingly looking to alternative methods of education to spare their kids from physical or mental harm. In February of 2023, a pro-White, Christian, and traditional homeschooling family made headlines for their curriculum, which rejected many of the public school system’s ideas and perceived failures.

For their efforts, the small-town family then became the subject of doxing, threats of violence, harassment, and even national-level news coverage from journalists and leftist extremists, who smeared their views as “White supremacists.” Despite this, the family pushed back and vowed to continue providing their kids with a wholesome education.

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