Breaking—Video surfaces of White students beaten, dragged, and forced to support BLM at Ohio elementary school

Original Story: “White children beaten, ‘left traumatized,’ forced to support Black Lives Matter at Ohio elementary school

Update 3/2/23: Video footage has now surfaced of the racially-charged attack that erupted at Kenwood Elementary School, in Springfield, Ohio. The shocking video—which can be viewed below—shows the exact moment several White children are suddenly surrounded, intimidated, dragged, bullied, and beaten for their race by a number of Black students.

The video’s release comes in the wake of an independent Justice Report investigation that revealed Springfield police’s decision to charge four non-White students for their alleged role in the racially-motivated attack. While the SPD initially declined to comment on the nature of the violence, they now believe the incident to be an “anti-White” bias crime, per recently obtained police documents.

According to parents, Kenwood elementary school administration failed to inform them of the anti-White attack for three days after it erupted on Friday. The Justice Report will continue to provide updates in the case as they are made available.

Springfield, Ohio New details have emerged in the case of four Black juveniles now charged with assault and menacing one week after filming the beating of six White children at an Ohio elementary school. The parents of the victims—whose children were forced to support the pro-Black activism group, Black Lives Matter (BLM), under threat of violence—were only informed of the alleged violence by school administrators days after it erupted.

In an independent investigation by the Justice Report, police documents reveal the charges against the alleged non-White perpetrators have officially been classified as “anti-White” bias crimes. Law enforcement officials and school administrators, however, are still working to cover up key details from the public.

BLM protest in Austin, Texas. Photo: Sergio Flores/Getty Images

As previously reported, parents and children alike were left traumatized after the alleged beatings took place inside Springfield’s Kenwood Elementary school. The victims, aged between 11 and 12 years old, were punched in the head, forced to kneel, and publically support “Black Lives Matter” while the assailants filmed them under duress.

Ryan Springer, the father to one victim, asked, “where was the school staff when all of this was taking place? And why? Why did it get so far?” Thanks to public records requests by Justice Report contributors, we may now be closer to the answers.

According to Springfield Police documents obtained by the Justice Report, we are now able to confirm that law enforcement responded on Monday, February 13th, to find that school staff led by Principal Evan Hunsaker were still only interviewing students from the incident, which occurred days prior on Friday, February 10th.

In the wake of the incident on Friday, the parents of the young victims were not immediately notified by school administrators or police, despite an act of racially-motivated violence against their children.

Instead, parents were left to obtain information from their terrified children firsthand. Ashley Henthorne, a local mother, was quoted by Ohio TV 7 as saying, “I kept asking him all weekend, are you OK? And he kept saying, ‘yeah, I’m just tired’ And then when I got the phone call Monday about it, I was like, ‘that explained a lot.’”

“I kept asking him all weekend, are you OK? And he kept saying, ‘yeah, I’m just tired’”

Ashley Henthorne, parent of racially targeted son, Ohio TV 7

Six days ago, the Springfield City School District released a statement thanking police for their efforts but couldn’t inform parents of the alleged racially motivated assault until the police could file an official report first. No explanation was offered as to why it took law enforcement three full days to make the report, however.

Prior to the information lockdown, News 7 reported that Springfield Police were “investigating whether the incident is a hate crime.” Thanks to the recently obtained incident report, we can confirm that on page one, the offenses were indeed classified as “Hate/Bias – Anti-White,” according to Springfield Police themselves.

The four alleged perpetrators of the anti-White bias crimes at Kenwood elementary. The names appear traditionally Black.

Despite taking place inside an elementary school, the victims and suspects appear to be middle schoolers. The suspects are identified by name due to an Ohio law that not only allows but requires, that juvenile suspects be publicly identified. This interpretation of Ohio law was affirmed as recently as 2003 by then-Attorney General Mike DeWine.

Today, Mike DeWine is Governor of Ohio and lives just 12 miles from Springfield in the exclusive village of Cedarville. While Springfield is just 73% White and exists as one of the most violent cities in America, Cedarville is 95% White and, comparably, much safer. Despite choosing to live in a homogenous and healthy community, DeWine has seemingly made it a priority to ensure that other Ohioans are denied this option. In 2020, DeWine declared that “racism is a public health crisis,” and in 2021, he opened Ohio to settlement by Afghan migrants.

“We have to do everything within our power to deal with this,” DeWine said in an August 2020 press conference. “It really is a work in progress. … Racism is a public health crisis. It is something we have to work on every day.

In 2023, DeWine is now under fire for his failure to seek aid for Ohioans suffering in East Palestine, after an environmental disaster coated the region in cancer-causing pollution. According to 2022 data, East Palestine is 92% White, but the average wealth is far lower than DeWine’s enclave in Cedarville. Many have now criticized DeWine for not declaring a state of emergency that would allow residents of East Palestine to receive much-needed federal aid. After Bill Johnson was challenged by regional activists of the pro-White advocacy group, the National Justice Party last week, the same activists are now calling for Mike DeWine to resign.

“Racism is a public health crisis. It is something we have to work on every day.”

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (R)

Like in East Palestine, Governor DeWine has not publically expressed interest or initiative in addressing race-based violence occurring so close to his own backyard. The glaring inaction has left some to wonder if the reason for his dynamic silence is because of the inconvenient racial make-up of the young victims.

DeWine, a Republican, has so far declined to make any statement about the anti-White hate crime and appears to steadfastly refuse to defend White constituents as a group who have a right to exist. The Justice Report attempted to contact DeWine’s office for comment but did not receive a response by the time of press.

Additionally, DeWine was able to say without any doubt that the 2022 justified police shooting of Jayland Walker—who allegedly fired at police during a high-speed chase—was “a great, great, great tragedy.” DeWine made no comment on the alleged beating death of White high-schooler, Ethan Liming, at the hands of a group of Black adults only days prior.

Unlike DeWine, who has kept quiet on the abuse of White children in his community, pro-Black news media outlets like The Root and BLM Dayton have indirectly mocked the victims of the attack. BLM Dayton was merely frustrated and “disheartened” at the attack, which they strove to remind the public that it was just an “alleged” incident. The Root went further, and avoided denouncing the beating and forced political statements from White children, writing:

On the 10th day of Black History Month, a couple of Black elementary students took matters into their own hands (literally) and forced their white peers to declare “Black Lives Matter” or otherwise suffer physical consequences.

In the selection above, The Root links to an incidence of blackface at a daycare in Florida in which no students were targeted, comparing it indirectly to the much more serious offense of White students being punched in the head, thrown, and forced to kneel.

“[The incident was] frustrating to say the least”

BLM Dayton, Ohio.

While security footage of the Springfield incident—as well as the footage taken by the suspects—does exist, the videos have yet to be made public. The Justice Report has made multiple requests for comment and clarification from Police Chief Allison Elliot. Still, we have so far been met with evasion and unresponsiveness from a department struggling to get its story straight.

Acts of horrific violence that specifically target White students inside American schools are becoming an unfortunate, growing trend. Earlier this year, a 14-year-old White girl ultimately committed suicide after being bullied and harassed at a violent New Jersey high school by her non-White peers. In 2022, a special needs White student in Memphis, Tennessee, was pummeled on the ground as his attackers—who were Black—filmed the entire incident. Despite the outrage, the story was not widely reported.

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