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Black felon with drugs arrested in malice murder of White woman

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Tifton, Georgia – A White mother of two was found dead on Wednesday after a fatal shooting erupted in a sleepy south Georgia town. For the crime, police arrested a convicted Black felon who reportedly tried to steal a responding officer’s gun.

According to reports, Deputies with the Tift County Sheriff’s Department responded to a call regarding two shooting victims on West 21st Street. That’s where they found White 39-year-old Anzley Gandy dead at the scene. Another victim, who has remained unidentified, was later taken to the hospital and survived the incident.

38-year-old Wayne Doyle (left) and 39-year-old Anzley Gandy (right). Doyle was alleged to have shot and killed Gandy and injured another at a home in Tifton. Gandy is a working mother of two teenage boys, according to a GoFundMe set up by the victim’s family. Collage: Justice Report.

In order to track down a suspect, Tift County enlisted help from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, who later arrested 38-year-old Wayne Doyle. Doyle—who is Black—reportedly fought with officers and even tried to wrest control of an officer’s firearm.

Doyle was ultimately subdued and placed in Tift County jail without bond. He now faces charges of malice murder, felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, attempted removal of a weapon from an officer, possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

According to booking records, the 6’2″, 230lbs Doyle was found to be in possession of a considerable amount of drugs, including cocaine and meth, according to booking records. He would also be charged with possession of a controlled substance.

A cursory investigation revealed a LinkedIn profile belonging to Wayne Doyle, with similar facial features. According to the profile, he may have worked as a supervisor with CTJ Contracting and Developing, a construction company headquartered in northeast Atlanta. While the charges against Doyle indicate he is a convicted Felon, it is currently unknown what he was previously convicted of and when he was released from prison.

Anzley Gandy and one other victim were shot after police say Doyle opened fire with an unknown motive. During an encounter with police, Doyle was accused of resisting arrest and attempted to grab an officer’s firearm. Collage: Justice Report.

Further details surrounding the shooting death of Anzley Gandy appear slim, and authorities have yet to piece together a narrative. According to them, the shooting appears to have “no motive,” but those with information are urged to contact the GBI to better assist in the investigation.

Meanwhile, neighbors and residents of Tifton say that a gunshot murder erupting inside their town is unfortunate, but unexpected. One man asserted that Doyle was a complete stranger, and had never seen him come around before.

”It’s strange and it’s crazy for him to come in this neighborhood. He’s never been over here I’ve never seen him a day in my life,” said Jermaine Williams in a request for comment by WALB10 ”That just left a lot of people startled over here because don’t nobody know his motive…I grew up over here and out of 30 years I’ve never seen nothing like this happen.”

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Meanwhile, the now-deceased Gandy leaves behind a loving family, including two teenage sons. A GoFundMe has been set up to assist them during this time, which includes the cost of a funeral so Gandy can be laid to rest.

“Our Momma was tragically taken too soon from us. We are Noah and Mason Beck. We are her direct survivors,” read the GoFundMe. “She had no life insurance and now we are responsible for these expenses. Please help us give Our Beautiful Momma a proper burial. Thank you all in advance for any donations, kind words & prayers.”

Anzley Gandy pictured with her two sons. Anzley was a loving, working-class mother before police say she was shot dead by a convicted felon at a home in Tifton. Collage: Justice Report.

Despite claims made by residents, the city of Tifton is no stranger to murders and other acts of violent crime. In January, a shootout between Black men claimed the life of a 33-year-old, later identified as Tifton resident Brendan Rashad Burns.

In July of 2023, a similar incident unfolded at a Sunoco gas station, when a Black man from Sylvester was shot dead by a Black suspect. For the crime, police arrested a Tifton resident, and charged him with malice murder, felony murder, and aggravated assault.

Crime has become such a pervasive issue in Tifton that in 2023, local police were forced to increase their patrols, specifically at night, to stop an increase of so-called “crimes of opportunity.”

“We have almost weekly reports of people lurking in people’s yards and stealing,” read a Facebook post by Tifton PD. “Lock all your doors and windows, and stay aware of your surroundings.”

Infographic: White Papers Policy Institute

Tifton, a town once famous for its cotton mills, railways, and magnolia trees, has long struggled with the ill effects of demographic change. In addition to an increase in violent crime, Tifton has also seen a sharp uptick in its non-White population, which currently sits at 37.25% Black and 13.44% Hispanic, according to the 2020 US Census report.

The State of Georgia itself has become an unwitting hotbed of Black violence, which often targets White people and their most vulnerable. In July of 2023, four White people were shot dead in a horrific mass shooting in Hampton, a suburb of Atlanta. The suspect, a deranged Black killer who led police on a 24-hour manhunt, was said to have gone door to door, killing his neighbors in broad daylight.

In February, a Black man was tried for the brutal killing of a White mother and school teacher, who was stabbed 31 times with a knife before kidnapping her infant daughter. The savage killer would later be convicted and condemned to over 100 years in Georgia State Prison.

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