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Florida Rep Randy Fine attacks Imam for anti-Zionist sermon

Florida State Represenative Randy Fine (R-District 33). Photo: Florida House of Represenatives Website.

Florida State Rep. Randy Fine on Monday called for the termination of a Muslim dentist and Imam over anti-Zionist rhetoric perceived in his online sermons. Fine—who is Jewish—even published his business address and phone number using official state letterhead.

  • In a public X/Twitter post, Rep. Randy Fine called on the Florida Board of Dentistry to suspend the dental license of a Muslim Imam displaying anti-Israel sentiments on Facebook. He couched the demand by claiming the Imam was “openly advocating” for violence against his own Jewish patients.
  • The subject of the letter was Dr. Fadi Kablawi, of North Miami, who Fine accused of having said, “Show us the black days that you inflict upon the Jews” in the aftermath of October 7th, and equated Jews to “brothers of apes and pigs.”
  • The letter goes on to insinuate that because most of Florida’s Jews are Zionist, Dr. Kablawi wants to specifically “kill all Floridian Jews,” despite no evidence of this ever being produced. He then calls for an investigation into his activities.
Letter sent by Randy Fine and promoted on X/Twitter. Photo: Randy Fine X/Twitter.

Why It’s Important: While Rep. Fine is attempting to de-person Dr. Kablawi for using harsh language against the perpetrators of genocide in Gaza, Fine himself has openly called for the extermination of innocent Palestinians while in office.

  • In June of 2021, Fine made headlines when he breathlessly urged that Israel use “maximum force” to tyrannically obliterate Palestinian peoples, who he likened to “animals.”
  • When asked by one Facebook user about the Palestinian right to defend their homes from perceived Israeli bullying and theft of property, Fine ghoulishly replied with the hashtag, “#BlowThemUp.”

In the headlines: In recent months, powerful figures in American politics have come out to flex bipartisan power against those who speak out against war crimes being perpetrated in Gaza.

  • In April, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton called for Americans to use vigilante justice to forcibly remove pro-Palestine protests, up to and including throwing them from bridges.
  • In Austin, Texas, dozens of students were arrested after police violently cracked down on a peaceful pro-Palestine sit-in at the University of Texas. The crackdown saw the use of batons, pepper spray, and horseback units, with Texas Governor Greg Abbott threatening expulsion for those daring to oppose Israel’s interests on campus.
  • Just last week, in an attempt to intimidate and paint those with pro-Palestine views as monsters, President Joe Biden and House Speaker Mike Johnson used their time at a Holocaust Remembrance ceremony to liken modern-day anti-Israel campus protests to “gas chambers.”

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