Police crackdown begins after men chant ‘Sieg Heil’ at German beer hall

Augustinerbrau. Photo: Trip Advisor.

German police are said to have begun a “major operation” after a group of men were overheard chanting “Sieg Heil” inside a famous German brew house.

  • The incident began after a group of 20-30 men began shouting the infamous 20th-century phrase at a table inside Munich’s Augustiner brewery.
  • A witness told police that one man delivered a short speech and then began leading the group, chanting “Sieg,” to which they replied “Heil.”
  • While no arrests have been reported so far, the mere utterance of the words in post-war Germany constitutes a criminal offense. Sieg Heil, or “Hail Victory,” has been banned since it was popularized by the Third Reich in the run-up to the Second World War.

Zooming in: According to reports, police investigated all of the so-called “suspects” in the speech crime.

  • A police spokesman claimed a “major operation” was underway at the brewery but gave little details as to what that entailed.
  • “We learned of the incident with dismay and disgust. We reject such right-wing extremist activities in every form. The Augustiner Brewery stands for an open, tolerant, and democratic worldview,” said a representative of the brewery.

Why it’s important: Right-wing and nationalist political views have only surged in Europe, striking populist fear into the hearts of progressives and the current neoliberal establishment.

  • Germany’s “far-right” Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, which opposes immigration, has surged in popularity among the nation’s youth. Its mastery of social media to woo young voters has been cited as a major reason for its electoral and political success.
  • Many in Germany are also fed up with foreigners, the increase in crime, and other societal pressures associated with them. According to reports, foreigners are now said to represent 41% of all crimes committed in Germany, with six in ten violent crimes linked to foreign nationals.
  • In order to skew the numbers in favor of immigrants, the progressive regime is hurriedly moving to naturalize millions of foreigners in order to ensure they are counted as “Germans” in national crime statistics.

In the headlines: Germany has quickly become a political tinderbox of Nationalist views in recent years, and adherents are often targeted simply for the character of their speech.

  • In May, a group of Germans at a nightclub in the island town of Kampen sparked a “witch hunt” after they sang a widely embraced anti-immigration song referred to as “Ausländer Raus.” The lyrics of the song read, “Foreigners out, foreigners out, Germany for the Germans, foreigners out.”
  • Just this month, famed Holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck was once again brought to court and faces prison time for her political speech at the age of 95. German state prosecutors allege the elderly Haverbeck deserves jail time for merely questioning the established holocaust narratives post-war.
  • Meanwhile, the German establishment continues to face embarrassing allegations. Germany’s Bundestag Parliament recently passed a bill to drastically reduce the criminal penalties associated with possession of child sexual abuse materials (CSAM) as a felony crime.
  • Additionally, an openly gay politician from Germany’s Free Democratic Party (FDP) was ousted after a series of videos were discovered showing him licking toilet seats inside a train station restroom, among others.

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