Transgender “daughter” of millionaire executive and son of millionaire Italian designer arrested for domestic terrorism during Antifa “Cop City” riot

Atlanta, GA – The transsexual daughter of one of the most powerful millionaires in North Carolina was arrested for his alleged role in domestic terrorism last weekend when Antifa foot soldiers set fire to the future site of the Atlanta Police Safety Training Center, aka “Cop City.” The arrest coincides with the booking of several other high-profile and immensely wealthy individuals tied to the attack, including the 30-year-old son of a plastic furniture tycoon, and a lawyer for the “utterly discredited” Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

According to police arrest records, the 29-year-old Antifa rioter, James “Jamie” Marsicano, has been identified as the “transgender daughter” of millionaire businessman Michael Marsicano. An outspoken police abolitionist, and member of the scandal-ridden National Lawyer’s Guild, James Marsicano now faces domestic terrorism charges alongside fellow Antifa and SPLC lawyer Thomas “Tommy Tonsils” Jurgens, and millionaire plastic furniture heir, Mattia Luini. Marsicano is currently being held without bail in DeKalb County Jail.

James “Jamie” Marsicano, transgender daughter of an elite millionaire executive.

According to the website of the National Lawyers Guild, James is “a queer and trans organizer from Charlotte, NC.”

“Before coming to law school, Jamie worked with mutual aid collective Charlotte Uprising to start a grassroots community bail fund,” the profile continued. “That raises money to bail people out of jail and support them through court, regardless of charge.” The trans, anti-police advocate and alleged domestic Antifa terrorist is currently in his first year of law school and is studying at the North Carolina School of Law.

James Marsicano once contributed to the leftist-activist magazine The Funambulist where he penned an article bemoaning North Carolina’s HB2 Bill, which aimed to curb transsexuals from gaining access to the private restrooms of biological women. “I remind myself that I will be in the men’s restroom wearing an orange crop top, a black skirt and a fucking headband,” James wrote. “This outfit was cute a few minutes ago and now somehow it might cost me my life.”

“Jamie Marsicano is a white trans femme organizer in Charlotte who is fiercely committed to supporting Black trans femmes, prison abolition, and destabilizing all forms of oppression. She/they was a core organizer during the Charlotte Uprising where she led direct action trainings, established a legal infrastructure so freedom fighters could get out of jail and obtain legal aid, and worked with communities in charlotte[sic] to build strong, lasting relationships. Her interested[sic] include prison abolition, gender justice, and uplifting POC trans/non-binary femme leadership.”

James “Jamie” Marsicano contributor profile, The Funambulist

Despite the tough, anti-fascist persona, however, “Jamie” actually wields an immense amount of wealth and personal privilege. His father, the recently retired Michael Marsicano, once served as president and CEO of the Foundation for the Carolinas, a philanthropic organization, for 23 years. The firm, which manages $4 billion in charitable assets and promotes “charitable giving” across 2,700 funds and other non-profits, claims its goal is to “Inspire[s] philanthropy and empower individuals to create a better community.”

Michael Marsciano, recently retired millionaire executive of the charitable fund “the Foundation for the Carolinas” and one of the 50 most powerful people in Charlotte, NC.

Michael Marsciano is such a powerful and well-respected name in the upper echelons and political leadership of Charlotte, North Carolina, that the city officially proclaimed October 24th as ‘Michael Marsicano Day.’ The millionaire also reportedly served on the Duke University Board of Trustees, the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, and the UNC Charlotte Foundation, and was once named as one of the “50 Most Powerful People in Charlotte.”

According to the Foundation for the Carolinas website, “He [Michael] was cited for his leadership with economic opportunity and upward mobility, as well as increased high school graduation rates and the Foundation’s work with disaster recovery related to Hurricane Matthew through its E4E Relief subsidiary. He was also noted for his refusal to “shy away from tough decisions and challenges.”

The stunning pedigree of antifascist protestors doesn’t stop at the undeniably elite, James Marsicano, however. Among those arrested for the same crimes are 30-year-old Mattia Luini, the son of a wealthy New York City plastic furniture tycoon. Mattia was open with his involvement in Antifa when it was reported that he had told his mother, Martegani, that he was heading to Atlanta this past weekend to “attend a concert” and “protest the development of the forest.”

30-year-old Mattia Luini, millionaire son of the late Italian designer, Ivan Luini.

Mattia Luini’s father, Ivan Luini, was an Italian native, designer, and amateur pilot who moved to New York later in life. Described as a “tireless cheerleader for Italian design,” Ivan amassed a fortune helping bring cheap plastic furniture into American living rooms and creating the designer lighting company, Luceplan USA. Ivan tragically died in a plane crash in Colorado in 2006. His son, an avid leftist extremist, remained in custody under domestic terrorism charges as late as Wednesday night. His mother owns a condo estimated to cost a whopping $2 million.

James Marsicano and Mattia Luini were just some of the over 100 Antifa rioters who violently attacked police with Molotov cocktails, bricks, and improvised explosives at the site of the future Atlanta Police Safety Training Center on the evening of Sunday, March 5. Dubbed “Cop City,” the construction site has quickly become a hotbed of anarchist violence and the epicenter of multiple clarion calls for “action” by the country’s increasingly irrelevant, yet ever-violent black bloc organizations.

The riots and protests surrounding Cop City appear comprehensively organized, as they were reported to include amenities such as “know your rights” legal classes, herbal healing workshops, and even hosting Jewish Shabbat services. In the aftermath of the initial violence, Antifa organizers have come out to defend their alleged terrorism, claiming that the “Weelaunee Forest” where “Cop City” is being constructed is actually “stolen Muscogee land.”

A Jewish sukkah hut constructed in October 2022 during the “Cop City” protests. Photo: Jewish Bird Watcher Union

In an effort to instill further terror amongst the community of Atlanta and the city’s embattled Police force, Antifa released their own two-minute propaganda video titled “Cop City Finds Out.” The clip highlights various Antifa members swarming the construction site wielding improvised weapons, and shields, while wearing military garb, masks, and hoodies. The footage clearly shows the rioters causing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of property damage and endangering human lives.

The Atlanta Police Department alleged in a statement that Antifa, who traveled across state lines to “protest” the construction of the training center, “changed into black clothing, entered the construction area, and began to throw large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police officers.”

“The agitators destroyed multiple pieces of construction equipment by fire and vandalism. Multiple law enforcement agencies deployed to the area and detained several people committing illegal activity,” the statement continued. “The illegal actions of the agitators could have resulted in bodily harm, and clearly do not reflect a peaceful demonstration. Thankfully, officers exercised sound judgment and restraint while conducting non-lethal enforcement and arrests.”

The aftermath of the March 5th “Cop City” riot. Photo: Sean Keenan/The New York Times/Redux

The violent, leftist-extremist organization known as “Antifa” have long attracted the sons and daughters of America’s most rich and powerful into its black-clad ranks. In January of this year, 22-year-old Francis ‘Frankie’ Carroll, was arrested and charged with domestic terrorism for his role in a riot that took place in the wake of the justified police shooting of fellow Antifa member, Manuel Esteban Paez Teran. Carroll—whose family owns a yacht—is the son of a prestigious surgeon who grew up in a $2 million palace in the 99% White Kennebunkport, Maine.

In December of 2022, a Justice Report investigation revealed that disgraced ex-journalist and Roslindale, Massachusets resident Hilary Sargent, to be the brainchild behind the notorious doxing blog and Twitter account, the “Anonymous Comrade Collective.” Sargent, much like Marsicano, was raised in abject luxury, having been born the blue-blooded daughter of a wealthy clinical psychologist and architectural firm founder. She is loosely related to the renowned English landscape painter, John Singer Sargent, and her brother is George Sargent, the millionaire CEO of the advertising company, Arnold Advertising.

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