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Exclusive: Crazed transsexual arrested for unhinged knife attack on young girls

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Disclaimer: This story is developing and will be updated as new information comes to light.

Braintree, Massachusetts – Four young girls were subjected to a bloody knife attack in a movie theater on Saturday. For the crime, Police arrested an unhinged transgender activist, who may have already been wanted for murder, and a string of attacks that erupted earlier in the day.

According to early reports, 26-year-old Jared Ravizza was alleged to have launched a bloody attack against four young girls, aged 9 to 17, inside an AMC movie theater in Braintree. Authorities stated the attack was totally unprovoked, leaving the four young victims with non-life-threatening injuries.

26-year-old Jared Ravizza is a wealthy transgender activist with ties to the Ravizza Sports Psychology fortune. On Saturday, they were arrested by authorities on suspicion of launching a bloody knife attack through multiple states, including Connecticut and Massachusetts. Photo: Instagram.

While police have yet to release the suspect’s name, online sleuths quickly identified the individual as Jared Ravizza, a wealthy Trans activist with ties to opulent Martha’s Vineyard, Beverly Hills, and the Hamptons.

A movie theater employee said that the suspect was wearing “an oversized trench coat, sunglasses, and a long blonde wig.” After allegedly stabbing the young girls, Ravizza fled the scene in a Black SUV and was apprehended after a short vehicle chase, which ended in the town of Sandwich.

A photo of Jared Ravizza being taken into custody after a string of attacks in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Authorities have yet to officially name Ravizza as the suspect, but online sleuths and criminal researchers have already confirmed Ravizza as the suspect. Photo: David Curran, SATELITTENEWSSERVICE.COM

According to reports, Ravizza was said to have launched another attack inside a McDonald’s restaurant in Plymouth, injuring a 21-year-old woman and a 29-year-old male later in the day. When addressing that attack, Police said it appeared the crimes were “related.”

“Preliminary investigation suggests a likely connection to an earlier incident at a movie theatre in Braintree resulting in non-life threatening injuries to four juveniles,” said the Massachusetts State Police in a news release.

Additionally, Ravizza was also believed to be responsible for a murder in Deep River, Connecticut. Authorities in Connecticut had issued an alert for the suspect earlier on Saturday, asserting he was armed with a 10-inch blade. Like authorities in Massachusetts, Connecticut police did not specifically name the suspect.

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“It’s so heartbreaking that’s what I’ll be thinking about the rest of the night is seeing those kids coming down the steps and just crying,” said Matteo Rojas to CBS News. “They looked really stunned, like they just saw a horror movie, not a kid’s movie.”

According to his Instagram, Ravizza appears to be a trans-identified male who prefers She/Her pronouns. Photos uploaded to social media reveal he is a trans activist and artist, showing off pictures of former president Barack Obama as well as selfies of himself smoking marijuana.

Jared Ravizza shows off spliffs, Obama posters, and self-made art on Instagram. Many of the photos uploaded are tagged to very wealthy geographical locations in the United States, including Martha’s Vineyard and the Hamptons. Collage: Instagram.

An independent Justice Report investigation revealed that Ravizza is the wealthy son of Jason Christian Ravizza, a psychiatric consultant, therapist, performance advisor, and President of Ravizza Sport Psychology & Elite Performance. In an online clinician profile, Ravizza is described as a consummate mental health professional with 25 years of experience specializing in children, adolescents, and young families.

Alarmingly, the elder Ravizza is credited as a School Counselor at White Street Elementary School in Springfield, Massachusetts. An unearthed YouTube video contains a poem that Ravizza wrote to honor first responders and healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jason Christian Ravizza, the wealthy children’s psychologist and father of alleged transgender knife attacker, Jared Christian Ravizza. Photo:

The family appears to be linked to the late Kenneth Ravizza, a legendary sports psychologist who was once described as “one of the most highly sought-after clinicians in the world.”

“Ravizza conducted over 1,000 sports psychology programs and workshops nationally and internationally,” read a bio on a website linked to Kenneth Ravizza, who died in 2018. “His work was featured on ESPN, Fox Sports Net and was the focus of numerous programs and publications worldwide.”

It is unknown how the son of a prominent children’s psychologist could have matured into an alleged transgender knife-murderer, but this story is currently developing, and the Justice Report will continue to provide updates as they become available.

The legendary Sports Psychologist Kenneth Ravizza (left) pictured with the president of baseball operations for the Chicago Cubs, Theo Epstein (right). Epstein hired Ravizza as a consultant to the baseball team, per the NYT. Photo: Steve Green, Chicago Cubs

Homosexuals, trans-identified people, and other sexual deviants regularly become implicated in sadistic crimes, which often target vulnerable people for their perceived acceptance by polite society.

In January, an openly “genderfluid” student at a high school in Des Moines, Iowa, launched a bloody mass shooting, injuring six and ultimately killing three, including one 6th grader. On social media, the killer—identified as Dylan “DJ” Jesse Butler—admitted to struggling with his transgender identity and hesitated to become a girl in fear of “looking ugly.”

In March of 2023, the nation was rocked to its core after trans-mass shooter Audrey “Aiden” Hale killed six people, including three nine-year-olds, in the halls of a predominately White Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee. In a series of leaked pages from her many political writings, the female-to-male transsexual described her visceral hatred for White children with “mop-yellow” hair and highlighted her desire to specifically murder them for their race.

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