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Ex-JPost writer and liberal magazine designer tied to Zionist street violence in NYC

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New York, NY – Another scandal rocked New York’s extreme leftist scene on Sunday after a group of Muslim females were violently attacked while removing Israeli propaganda posters.

But when the Zionist perpetrators were caught on cell phone video, it revealed a husband and wife duo behind a progressive lifestyle magazine that regularly promotes things like radical feminism, homosexuality, Black racial issues, and psychedelic drug use.

The incident began late Sunday evening as a group of female, keffiyeh-wearing Muslims were taking down Israeli “kidnapped” posters from neighborhood light posts. That’s when a tall, long-haired man wearing a shoulder bag could be seen angrily striking, shoving, and dragging multiple women on the concrete by their headscarves.

Video of an attack on Palestinian women that took place Sunday night. The two “Zionist” assailants were later outed by online sleuths as Samuel Long and Ronit Pinto of Manhattan, two wealthy progressive trendsetters with connections to hipster fashion, culture, and cannabis industries. Video: Stop Zionist Hate.

Video of the incident purports to show the man dragging one unidentified woman by the neck until a short woman wearing a black and white striped top can be seen racing down the block to assist him. She then stomps an individual multiple times in the man’s defense before the pair of angry Zionists storm off, and the video ends.

While removing Israeli “kidnapped” posters from public spaces is not an illegal act in the State of New York, lawmakers have previously mulled over doing so in the name of combating “antisemitism.” The series of “draconian” laws were introduced in March by Senate Republicans in order to suppress what they called “hate speech” stemming from Israel’s floundering public relations war.

In the aftermath of the attack, however, several pro-Palestine activists were injured, and it was alleged that the man had broken one person’s cell phone. Meanwhile, the video had quickly circulated throughout leftist social media channels, with many, rightfully, calling for the Zionists to be brought to justice.

48-year-old Ronit Pinto (left), and 38-year-old Samuel Clemens Long (right), two progressive Zionists believed to have carried out an attack on Palestinian women engaged in the removal of Jewish “kidnapped” posters in NYC. The two were revealed to be wealthy and influential owners of a hipster lifestyle magazine that promotes free love and unlimited drug use. Collage: Honeysuckle Podcast.

“Crazy how the NYPD never does anything about this but will assault and arrest (pro-Palestine) protestors for simply walking on the street,” said one user on X, formerly Twitter.

“If roles were reversed, they would have made so much fuzz about it, MSM headline would have been very different,” read another. “They would have brought Islam, woman, abuse all into equation. But it’s just typical Zionist so nothing to see here.”

The two individuals who were filmed assaulting the innocent women are not your typical sycophantic Zionists, however. Online sleuths quickly identified the woman as 48-year-old Ronit Pinto and the man as 38-year-old Samuel Clemens Long, two wealthy and privileged members of Manhattan’s liberal elite.

According to publically available information, Pinto—an Israeli Jew with connections in the fashion and marijuana industries—is a former journalist for Israel’s right-wing conservative Jerusalem Post and current owner of boutique media outlet, Honeysuckle Magazine.

A compilation of photos from angry leftists naming and shaming Samuel Clemens Long and his wife, the Israeli journalist Ronit Pinto, for an unhinged Zionist-inspired attack on Muslim women in NYC. Photo: @mo_hamz Instagram.

According to a professional bio of Pinto, the nearly 50-year-old socialite was raised in Texas before starting work at an Art gallery in Tel Aviv. She then interned and eventually became a journalist for the lifestyle edition of the Jerusalem Post, and would tap into her network to begin dabbling in hipster fashion, print media, and film productions in the United States.

Her current venture, Honeysuckle Magazine, is an “award-winning” boutique digital media project heavily slathered in progressive social values common among limousine liberals. Articles featured on Honeysuckle’s website include reviews of Ru Paul’s Drag Race, in-depth analysis of sex toys, calls for justice for incarcerated Black criminals, new age Tarot card readings, and dozens of articles promoting the use of psychotropic drugs and other illicit substances.

According to Honeysuckle’s website, the leftist Zine’ hopes to place an “emphasis on the realities and aesthetics of Pride,” while simultaneously working to “dismantle the gender binary.” It proudly signals to its urbanite readers its advocacy for those experiencing “incarceration” and features articles whose topics involve things like reproductive rights, feminism, healthcare, socioeconomic disparities, disability, and the ever-popular specter of mental illness.

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“At The Jerusalem Post, I interviewed directors, artists, Tarot card readers, environmentalists, animal rights activists, and filmmakers…I was kind of ‘let loose’ to do whatever I wanted,” said Pinto in an interview with Industry Era for Women. “It was a wonderful experience that enabled me to get out there on the street. That ‘boots on the ground’ approach and form of agency has informed my personal and professional approach today. You want to learn something? Go and find out about it!”

“Honeysuckle is a company that looks to better our world. To create more beauty, more freedom and to provide opportunities and jobs for people who want to do that as well – while learning to sustain itself and contributing to the overall good of the planet. It’s harder than it sounds!” Pinto would ironically profess during an interview with Aspioneer, who once hailed her as a “top women trailblazer.”

Honeysuckle’s website does not discuss Pinto’s rabid adherence to the cause of international Zionism. Nor does it mention her apparent loyalty to the state of Israel, a nation currently facing credible accusations of war crimes, and whose leaders face arrest warrants for crimes against humanity said to have been committed in Gaza.

Ronit Pinto (right) is an influential Jewish figure in the legal cannabis scene, has been invited to speak at numerous conferences, and was once on the advisory board for a pro-marijuana education company. She was removed from her position after the attack was made public. Photo: Honeysuckle Magazine Facebook.

Pinto is not the only person implicated in petty street violence. Joining her is her husband, Samuel Clemens Long, a White man ten years her younger who originally hails from the Midwest. The two live in Manhattan’s west side, where even meager two-room apartments can sometimes go upwards of $1 million dollars.

Honeysuckle Magazine’s co-founder, Pinto, married Long in a traditional Japanese ceremony in 2023. In photos published by the marijuana news website Celebstoner, the two could be seen donning kimonos and kissing at a Japanese-inspired venue, which later evoked cries of cultural appropriation from fellow leftists.

The White European Samuel Long and the Jewish Ronit Pinto wed in a traditional Japanese ceremony, which sparked accusations of “cultural appropriation” from members of the leftist fringe. Photo: Celebstoner Twitter.

According to Long’s publically available Curriculum Vitae, the curly-haired self-professed “cinephile” has a long career in the amateur film industry. Long is Honeysuckle’s creative director, photographer, and quarterly columnist. His film projects revolve around interracial relationships featuring Black men and White women, and one script involving Black lesbian neo-noir.

In contributions to Honeysuckle, the Zionist Long appears to contain a deep-seated hatred of his own race, taking to 2015-era anti-White rhetoric to exonerate himself of perceived wrongdoing against his Black, Brown, and Jewish betters.

“So here we are, those of us who partake, enjoying this miracle plant, and the subject of race comes up. Great, I need fodder for my column,” bemoaned Long in a Honeysuckle article titled The Only Human in the Room.

38-year-old Samuel Clemens Long, Honeysuckle Magazine’s Zionist co-founder and creative director, reviewing a cannabis product and educating those on how to skirt local laws in order to get high. Video: Honeysuckle YouTube.

“As everyone should know, black people were only counted as a fraction of a human in the not too distant American past…Not to be outdone, someone from the Jewish delegation one upped their black colleague by saying that at least they were a fraction human, unlike the Jews whom, as everyone should know, have been accused of descending from ‘apes and pigs’ by another major world religion (and some Reichs of the past),” wrote Long.

“Then someone looked around the room and did the math. Everyone in the room was black, brown or Jewish except one person. And who do you think that was, dear reader? Of course it was I, your humble narrator, the exotically white guy,” he continued.

“Let’s just hope that the revolution contained in these pages continues. And those black and brown men and women get let out of their cages, where they can finally be just as human as me,” he said.

Ronit Pinto, an Israeli Jewish former journalist for the conservative Jerusalem Post, has been featured as a top female entrepreneur and has even won awards for her progressive advocacy with Honeysuckle magazine. Her alleged attack on pro-Palestine activists would create a schism in the same community she peddles her goods. Photo:

After the two were filmed allegedly beating Muslim women on the streets of Manhattan in the name of Israel, Pinto and Long’s social media accounts—including their LinkedIn profiles, Facebook pages, and even Honeysuckle’s official X/Twitter page—were frantically scrubbed clean.

While neither has publicly apologized or made any official statements regarding the attack so far, a spokesman for the cannabis education and training company Cannabiziac announced they removed Pinto from their advisory board, citing a violation of the company’s inclusivity principles. They also pulled her from an upcoming speaking engagement in Brooklyn.

“Thank you for doing the right thing,” said one x/Twitter user in response. “The sadistic violence Honeysuckle Magazine participates in is illegal and a sick example of the impunity (Zionists) have to spread anti-Palestinian and Muslim hate right now in New York.”

A statement from Cannabiziac announcing it has parted ways with Zionist agitator Ronit Pinto for violating its inclusivity policies. Photo: Cannabiziac X/Twitter.

As the war on Gaza continues well into 2024, leftists and their gatekeepers continue to run into schisms over the razor-sharp wedge issue of pro-Palestine activism.

In May, a pro-Palestine encampment at UCLA came under a savage attack by a gang of Zionists wielding clubs, sticks, and other improvised weapons. An independent Justice Report investigation confirmed that one of the assailants was behind a series of pro-gay, anti-racist non-profit organizations seeking to court Black and homosexual support for Israel.

Pinto and Long are pictured together in a studio. Photo: Ronitpintofilm Instagram.

In November of 2023, a pair of Zionist “Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice”—a subset of the far-left “Antifa” movement—engaged in petty street violence against fellow leftists marching for Palestine. The attack was conceived as peaceful demonstrators picketed outside a private screening of the enigmatic “Bearing Witness,” an IDF war atrocity film said to be filled with false claims of Hamas war crimes allegedly carried out on October 7th.

Meanwhile, leftists, anarchists, and other anti-White ideologues who previously enjoyed full-spectrum protections are increasingly running into roadblocks when championing the Palestinian cause. In April, a leftist teacher in Seattle, Washington, faced doxing, harassment, and journalistic smears due to his vocal opposition to the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Additionally, mainstream politicians and other powerful institutions have moved quickly to crack down on speech critical of Israel, especially on college campuses. In conjunction, the broadly unconstitutional IHRA definition of antisemitism is quickly being enshrined by many local, state, and even federal government apparatuses, which would make even tepid opposition to Israel and its war aims an expressly antisemitic act.

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