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‘Jewish-American’ arrested for attempted murder of Palestinian kids

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Euless, Texas – A “racist” and “drunk” Jewish woman has been arrested after police say she attempted to drown two Palestinian children at an area swimming pool. The Islamophobic incident has sparked demands for a hate crime probe after eyewitnesses say the suspect targeted her victims exclusively for their race.

According to new reports, 42-year-old Elizabeth Wolf launched into a racist tirade against a Palestinian family at a public pool on May 19th. According to the Israeli newspaper, Ynet, Wolf was named as a Jewish-American woman who began to “interrogate” the young family after overhearing them speak a different language.

40-year-old Elizabeth Wolf, a Jewish American woman now accused of attacking a Palestinian family at a public pool and attempting to drown two children under the age of 7. Photo: Tarrant County Mugshot.

That’s when eyewitnesses assert a “very intoxicated” Wolf snatched the woman’s children and dragged them to the deep end of the swimming pool. While the woman’s 6-year-old son was able to get away, Wolf allegedly ripped the Hijab off of the mother, assaulted her, and began drowning the woman’s 3-year-old daughter.

“She was like, help me! She’s killing my baby, she’s killing my baby!” said resident Emma Aziz to Fox4. “It was crazy, you know I was shaking, my son was there. Everybody was like really, really terrified.”

Bystanders were then said to have sprung into action, with some calling 911 and others attempting to save the young girl, who police say “had been yelling for help and was coughing up water.” Thankfully, the victim survived, but as Wolf was being led away from the scene by police in handcuffs, she reportedly shouted, “Tell her I will kill her, and I will kill her whole family.”

For the crime, Wolf was booked into the Tarrant County Jail and charged with attempted capital murder and injury to a child. Despite the seriousness of her alleged crimes, Wolf bonded out of custody the same day as her arrest and now walks free pending trial.

“The bond for the Attempted Capital Murder charge was $25,000. The bond for the Injury to a Child charge was $15,000,” said Euless Police Captain Brenda Alvarado to CNN.

In a statement, the mother whose family was victimized spoke out about the attack, highlighting the trauma her daughter faces every single day.

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“We are American citizens, originally from Palestine, and I don’t know where to go to feel safe with my kids,” said the mother, who has not been named. “My country is facing a war, and we are facing that hate here.”

“My daughter is traumatized; whenever I open the apartment door, she runs away and hides, telling me she is afraid the lady will come and immerse her head in the water again,” she continued.

In an official press release, the Council on American-Islamic Relations said releasing an accused child murderer the same day of her supposed crimes has left some “devastated,” sparking demands from Texas authorities to rightfully issue hate crime charges.

CAIR_Austin Operations Manager, Shaimaa Zayan. Photo: Council on American-Islamic Relations Austin Website.

“We ask for hate-crime probe, a higher bail bond, and an open conversation with officials to address this alarming increase in Islamophobia, anti-Arab, and anti-Palestinian sentiment,” said CAIR-Austin Operations Manager Shaimaa Zayan in a statement.

The attempted murder of a small child for their Palestinian ancestry appears to be yet another example of stochastic terrorism, as Israel’s war on Gaza flounders well into 2024.

Baseless Israeli war propaganda, which paints Palestinian resistance fighters as evil and unjust maniacs, has been uncritically parroted by some of the country’s most influential institutions, including the New York Times, the pro-Jewish Anti-Defamation League, and the wealthy Israeli lobbying group, AIPAC.

Even Secretary of State Antony Blinken has lent credence to claims of things like “baby killings” and “mass rapes” despite a lack of evidence, While President Biden—who once painted anti-war campus protests as equivalent to gas chambers—has continually fear mongered over the same meritless claims.

In many cases, simmering resentment spread by these false stories led to unhinged acts of violence carried out by vigilante Zionists in the United States. In November, just weeks after the war on Gaza commenced, police arrested an unhinged man in Vermont who shot three Palestinian men wearing black-and-white keffiyeh scarves, nearly killing them.

Joseph M. Czuba (left), Jason J. Eaton (center), and Ronit Pinto/Samuel Clemens Long (right), all tied to violent incidents targeting Palestinians and their advocates post-October 7th. Collage: Justice Report.

An independent Justice Report investigation revealed the suspect, former Boy Scout leader Jason J. Eaton, was a libertarian anarchist who would use social media to opine about systemic racism and refer to the bussing of migrants into the American homeland as a “smart policy.”

The harrowing incident would be preceded by the October knife murder of a 6-year-old Palestinian child living in Chicago. Police say the suspect in the gruesome attack—identified as Joseph M. Czuba, a landlord of the family—stabbed the child 26 times out of anger stemming from “what was going on in Jerusalem.

Just last week, a pair of wealthy liberals in New York City were filmed beating and dragging a group of Palestinian women by their hijabs, after they allegedly witnessed them remove Israeli war propaganda posters from city streets. So far, the perpetrators—one of whom was outed as a former journalist for Israel’s conservative Jerusalem Post—have not faced legal liability in the attack, leaving many to demand justice.

Despite violence continually aimed at Palestinians and their advocates for perceived wrongdoing by Hamas, indiscriminate Israeli strikes on Gaza have so far resulted in the deaths of 37,396 Palestinians, including 103 journalists and over 224 humanitarian aid workers.

As a result, Israel now faces allegations of war crimes and genocide, and many of its top leaders have been issued arrest warrants by the International Criminal Court.

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