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Police hid rape of teenage girl by illegal Turkish migrant

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Albany, New York – In the heart of the Empire State, a teenage runaway was brutally abducted and raped by what police say was a border-hopping Turkish “asylum seeker.”

Authorities are drawing outrage, however, after court documents revealed they never notified the public, and may have been shielding New York’s burgeoning non-White migrant community from added public scrutiny.

News of the incident was aired publically after 21-year-old Sakir Akkan, a Turkish migrant who crossed the southern border illegally, was criminally charged with the unreported May 14th rape of a 15-year-old girl.

According to reports, the young, unidentified victim had fled a group home she had been staying when Akkan—driving a silver Toyota Prius with New Jersey plates—threatened to beat her with a metal rod and forced her inside the car.

21-year-old Sakir Akkan, an illegal Turkish immigrant, was arrested for the forcible rape of a runaway teenager in May. His alleged crime, as well as his arrest, were conspicuously covered up by the Albany Police Department, with some questioning if it was to prevent negative publicity from reaching New York’s migrant community. Mugshot: APD.

Detectives say they were able to confirm the victim’s story by accessing security camera footage of nearby businesses on Albany’s New Scotland Avenue. Akkan’s vehicle can be seen driving to an “isolated area” nearby. The victim told police that once they stopped, Akkan threatened her with the weapon again, this time directing her into the backseat, where he would forcibly undress and rape her.

Reports state that Akkan then let the girl out of his car, where she ran to a nearby residence for assistance. Investigators said they continued to track the suspect via city-wide cameras. Their reports indicated that the victim’s legs were covered with scratches, evidence of her resistance against the Turkish male.

Albany Police finally made an arrest in the case a month later, on June 18. They were assisted by the victim, who was able to spot Akkan in a police lineup. He now faces a charge of 1st-degree rape of a 15-year-old and is being held at the Albany County jail with no bail amount set.

According to immigration records reviewed by the Times Union, the Turkish suspect had crossed the Southern Border illegally with the goal of “seeking asylum” in the United States. Authorities determined this was the case after he had been apprehended in 2023 by the US Border Patrol in San Diego.

It is unknown why Akkan was allowed to roam free despite being picked up by the US Border Patrol last year. A new federal arrest warrant issued by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) could mean he spends time in Federal custody, however.

While Akkan may be behind bars for his alleged role in the pedophilic rape, many have now questioned why news of the awful crime was not made public by Albany Police weeks ago. A spokeswoman for the APD claimed that “inconsistencies” were found within the victim’s story that may have led to the incident being withheld from public view.

Black Albany Police Chief Eric Hawkins presides over a particularly violent jurisdiction. Reports indicate that any decision to properly deal with migrant offenders tagged by federal authorities as illegal would likely flow to his office. Photo: Albany Times Union.

Those inconsistencies appear muddled, as a review of police documents shows that the victim’s story remained consistent both times she was interviewed by authorities. Her rundown of events also lined up with surveillance camera footage that was also used to make an arrest of Akkan.

“It would be inappropriate for me to go into detail on this case as it is currently being adjudicated in the courts,” said APD spokeswoman Officer Megan Craft to the Times Union.

Shockingly, despite a young girl having been abducted from a city street and raped, Officer Craft said her department found there was “no threat” to public safety in the 30 days the illegal immigrant had eluded arrest.

“It was determined that there was no immediate threat to public safety during that time. Had there been a perceived threat to the public, appropriate information would have been released,” she said in a request for comment to the Times Union

“As far as the release or sexual assault reports and arrests that do not pose a threat to the public are generally not released in order to prevent retraumatization of the victim,” she continued.

Craft’s statement appears to conflict with previous APD press releases, however. Earlier in the month, the department made a public address regarding the forcible rape of a different 15-year-old girl; this time said to have been carried out by a 17-year-old boy with a handgun. When asked about this particular incident, the Times Union said Craft could not provide an answer.

The department claims Akkan’s status as an illegal immigrant “asylum seeker,” had no bearing on their department’s decision to keep mum about the incident.

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“The Albany police were not aware of the defendant’s immigration status until (the Times Union’s) inquiry (on Monday),” Craft said. “With that being said, his immigration status had no impact whatsoever on our decision regarding a news release.”

On Tuesday, Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan’s office said the mayor was unaware of the incident or Akkan’s immigration status. However, assertions by the APD and the Mayor’s office appear untruthful.

Further investigation by the Times Union confirmed that after Akkan’s arrest last week, the agency received a notification regarding his status as an illegal via an automated FBI database. The notification includes the date of his Border Patrol arrest last year and lists his charges as “alien removal,” thus making ignorance in the matter impossible to claim.

An anonymous source with ties to the investigation questioned APD’s leadership and its ultimate decision to hide the alleged rape of a child by a migrant away from the public.

Migrants from multiple third-world countries line the streets of New York City, widely understood as a hotbed and dumping ground for opportunistic peoples now flooding into the United States. Photo: John Minchillo, AP

“If an asylum-seeker snatching a kid (off a public street) and raping them and remaining on the loose is not a threat to public safety, then what is a threat to public safety?” asked the source.

In the United States, well over 7 million migrants and so-called “asylum seekers” have entered the country since 2021. The total does not include an estimated 1.8 million known “gotaways,” like Akkan, who managed to evade authorities.

In the state of New York, a near limitless flow of third-world migrants—facilitated by flights and busses set up by both Republicans and Democrats—have contributed to a myriad of social, financial, and criminal concerns, which regularly threatens the lives of those forced to cohabitate near them.

In August, a Venezuelan asylum seeker was arrested for the forcible rape of a woman in front of a three-year-old at a shelter placed in the center of a majority White community in Buffalo, New York. The lack of resources to handle the influx of migrants like these would force Democrat governor Kathy Hochul to activate the National Guard and force the integration of these people by bayonet point.

Just last week, an illegal immigrant from Ecuador was arrested for suffocating a woman on her birthday, digging a shallow grave, and burying her in a public park in Syracuse. Meanwhile, gangs of migrants in New York City—now a hotbed of illegal immigrant crime—are believed to be smuggling guns into city-run migrant shelters, using food delivery bags as a convenient cover.

Some say the influx of non-White migrants and the societal ills they bring with them are deliberate. According to the White-Papers-Policy Institute, which tracks mass immigration into the Western world, “asylum seekers” are quickly transforming not just the Empire State but the entire northeast region of the country.

Infographic: The White-Papers Policy Institute.

“Upstate New York is being flooded with hundreds of thousands of migrants, under the escort of the State’s national Guard,” said WPPI in a statement. “…And with the explicit intention of demographically transforming the state’s remaining White towns.”

In 1970, 80.1% of the state’s population was White, while today, the White population of New York stands at just 52.5%,” the WPPI stated in an analysis. “Additionally, millions of native-born Americans have fled the state in recent decades due to rapidly increasing immigrant populations.”

“New Yorkers are in desperate need of policy change to pull their state out of terminal decline and in order to do so will require a large-scale repatriation of their recent immigrant population,” it continued.

Recent polling suggests that a vast majority of New Yorkers are fed up with the ongoing migrant invasion and want them to go back. According to data obtained by a recent Siena Poll, 82% of NY voters found the migrant situation to be a “serious problem,” while 58% said that the government had done enough and should now work to stem the tide of new arrivals.

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