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Hilary Sargent unmasked as member of infamous ‘Anonymous Comrade Collective’

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This article was originally published on December 15th, 2022. It has been updated to include new information, context, and updates after their removal from X/Twitter.

Roslindale, Massachusetts – The identity of a key member behind the prolific “Antifa” doxing blog, the Anonymous Comrade Collective, has finally been revealed.

Thanks to the combined efforts of a team of counter-extremist researchers and data submitted by a confidential informant, the Justice Report was able to independently verify that a user behind the infamous extremist handle is disgraced former Boston Globe journalist Hilary Elizabeth Sargent of Roslindale, MA.

Sargent, a licensed Massachusetts private investigator and a marketing analyst for the temp hiring company Kelly’s Services, regularly engaged in behavior unbecoming of either position. Known as “doxing,” Sargent would use the “Anoncommie” pseudonym to insult, slander, and release, in detail, the private information of ordinary citizens who simply exercised their First Amendment right to freedom of speech.

Hilary Sargent of Roslindale, MA present at court for failed sexual harassment accusations. Photo WBZ-TV

Some examples of her morally reprehensible handiwork include harassing and intimidating a pregnant woman in her third trimester, waiting to dox an underage girl in Kentucky until the day of her eighteenth birthday, and threatening the livelihood of a low-income worker employed at Family Dollar. At one point, after she was confronted with the obituary of a right-wing activist, Hilary Sargent ghoulishly commented via Anoncommie, “One down…”

By uncovering places of employment and preening through social media for family ties, Sargent would coordinate raids and targeted harassment campaigns alongside many other high-profile Antifa accounts in order to get targets fired from their jobs. Additionally, her doxxes were specifically crafted to destroy personal relationships, sow division within political organizations, and generally make life miserable for those with whom she disagreed politically.

A collage of just some of the vitriolic hate expressed by Hilary Sargent towards her targets, which include celebrating the death of a member of the working class. Collage: X/Twitter.

Sargent, under the Anoncommie moniker, would purposely plan doxing sprees around the holiday season, adding undue stress and economic precarity to her perceived enemies during sensitive times. She would proudly call these events “Doxmas,” and would brag about them on a year-to-year basis.

“Despite an increasingly hostile environment for citizen journalism,” said Anoncommie in a December 2022 Twitter post, “(We) are planning to squeeze in a few spicy new reports before the holidays. Doxmas is our favorite season of the year.”

“Put Cyberbullying Monday on the calendar!” She continued.

Jewish Antifa agent Talia Ben Ora, aka “Talia Jane,” often collaborates with Anoncommie by amplifying their doxxes. Seen here was the “boosting” of a malicious expose of a pregnant woman in her third trimester. Photo: @taliaotg X/Twitter

To make matters worse, Sargent’s long-lasting Anoncommie account was actually practicing ban evasion, which according to Twitter’s terms of service, disqualified it from being used. The anti-White extremist database AntifaWatch alleged that Anoncommie’s original account had already been banned once before after it had maliciously posted the real-life addresses of several of its targets to an audience of anarchist thugs.

Despite this, Sargent would use the apparently illegal account to publish dozens of dox reports and other foul tweets while actively working a day job at Kelly’s Services. Simply put, her online hate was being paid for with company time.

The fruits of her unfettered anti-White extremism, when combined with powerful public records databases like LexisNexis—available to Human resources employees and private investigators like Sargent—would go on to be sourced by public-facing journalists at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Vice News, and other leftist media outlets eager to cash in on reports regarding the rise of “right-wing extremism” in the United States.

An example of two SPLC “Hatewatch” articles that clearly sourced Hilary Sargent’s Anoncommie blog for their own “research.” All sensitive information has been redacted to protect the identities of the individuals involved. Collage: Southern Poverty Law Center.

What was long speculated in the dissident community was now confirmed: that there exists a veritable information laundering ring, with Sargent and a team of anonymous ‘Antifa’ doing the lion’s share of unethical doxing, allowing journalists to formulate career-killing articles against innocent people, and proliferated around the world.

Of course, all of this could only have been made possible by the unethically gathered information first published by Sargent and her Anoncommie’s prolific blog and Twitter posts.

The Justice Report’s team of in-house counter-extremism researchers had long suspected Sargent of being a formative member of the Anoncommie doxing ring. A disgraced ex-journalist for various publications, including the Boston Globe and left-wing extremist site, The Informant, once made a name for herself on Twitter by covering the emergent alt-right movement in the wake of President Donald Trump’s electoral success. Her fame culminated with a series of articles breathlessly covering the life of right-wing influencer Christopher Cantwell after an arrest by the F.B.I.

When she was still publically facing, Sargent would often stalk and report on high-profile right-wing activists and report her findings on her now gutted Twitter account, @lilsarg

Then in the early 2020s—seemingly overnight—Hilary Sargent went semi-inactive, no longer tweeting original content on her main account @lilsarg. The account, which had accumulated a massive collection of over 7,000 tweets made since 2009, went dormant, only “retweeting” or “liking” other tweets made by similar left-wing journalists, activists, and names popular in the anti-White extremism movement, commonly referred to as “Antifa.”

Hilary Sargent, under the Anoncommie pseudonym, would often launch malicious call-in campaigns, urging their leftist followers to harass and intimidate the employers of right-wing citizens in an attempt to provoke a termination. She would brag about it when it worked. Collage: X/Twitter.

While taking a step back from social media is not exactly breaking news, what was curious was the rise of a new Twitter account that had entered the Antifascist scene, which appeared to fill the void in Sargent’s absence. Enter the “Anonymous Comrade Collective,” an account that posits itself as a group of left-wing “citizen journalists,” which quickly began to dox, harass, and intimidate nationalists, America first conservatives, southern secessionists, first-amendment protected protestors, legitimate businesses, and working-class families.

At the time of this article, the blog, which serves as an archive of private information, photographs, public records, and residential information, had collected the identities of dozens of private citizens. Many of the articles found on the blog openly encourage readers to call in and “register a complaint” with their target’s employers and, in some cases, even supply telephone numbers and emails for readers to get started.

A collage of @lilsarg and @anoncommiestan’s tweets. Both Anoncommie and Sargent used their platforms to stoke fear and infighting among the White nationalist community, using the looming threat of doxing as a tool. Collage: Twitter.

The long list of politically and racially motivated targets chosen by Anoncommie included those with significant prominence, fame, or influence in their respective political spheres. The first of these doxxes, interestingly enough, were individuals who had regularly engaged with Sargent’s former obsession, Christopher Cantwell.

To add to these growing suspicions, Anoncommie’s tweets and blog posts often read like a direct mirror to the inactive @lilsarg, complete with a similar writing style, left-wing vernacular, and a tendency to use expletives and “all-caps” lettering to evoke an emphasis. Another trait that appeared similar between the two supposedly different Twitter users was their braggadocious, overly confident demeanor.

The account, as a rule, always ensures it has the last word in any interaction. The headstrong demands, quips, and emoji-laden attempts at humor were so similar it appeared to be a foregone conclusion.

Hilary Sargent’s involvement with anti-White extremism was always an open admission. While active on her personal @lilsarg account, Sargent would pen right-wing extremism articles, bemoan about “far-right” personalities, and breathlessly document the pro-White activist group Patriot Front. Under the Anoncommie account, this behavior would not only continue, but worsen. Collage: X/Twitter.

Regardless, Sargent’s intimate involvement in the seedy online research class of the Antifa movement was an open secret. When doxxing pioneer Christian Exoo, aka “Anti-Fash Gordon,” was outed as a notorious sex pest and abuser by fellow activists, Sargent, along with other top-billed ‘Antifa’ like Kristopher Goad, Nick Martin, and Talia Ben Ora, drew heat from the greater anarchist scene for refusing to disavow him.

To people like Sargent, Exoo’s skills as a doxer of private citizens were too great a gift. Together, they would be referred to as a “trash network” by more principled on-the-ground activists.

Hilary Sargent is a huge supporter of doxing and harassment campaigns, as well as superstar doxer Christian Exoo, aka “Anti-Fash Gordon.” In these series of tweets, Sargent, on her personal @lilsarg account, advocates for doxing and comes to Exoo’s defense amid news of a groundbreaking lawsuit. Photo: @lilsarg Twitter.

Despite her highly online devotion to the Antifa movement, however, faith in Sargent did not appear reciprocal. According to a November 6th, 2021 post made by Exoo himself, Sargent was considered unqualified to cover the “far right” in certain Antifa circles and was even accused of collaborating with police.

This begs the question: If Hilary Sargent is not involved with antifascism, why is her name constantly evoked alongside the movement’s top players?

“Several years ago, I was living and working in Manhattan, as an investigator for a law firm. With access to lots of expensive databases, I was often asked by colleagues and friends if I could run a quick search for them.”

Hilary Sargent, Medium

“(Christian Exoo’s) behavior is contemptible at best and should be treated as no different than a snitch, infiltrator, or collaborator,” asserted Portland-based anarchist NoBonzo in a Twitter post dated November 2021. “Same goes for all those who have continued to support him. Goad, Harper, Sargent, Jane, Jedeed, and all the rest of their trash network.”

Anarchist NoBonzo is famous in the Antifa scene for its illustrations, many of which appear on the covers of books, pamphlets, and “Zines” found in extremist circles from coast to coast. Their principled stance against Christan Exoo’s sexual proclivities formed a line in the sand that many Antifa walk today. Photo: Twitter/X

The infighting would later amount to a major cataclysm in the antifascist scene, only worsened by a high-stakes lawsuit between Exoo, Daryle Lamont Jenkins’ Torch Antifa Network, and a New Jersey activist who was terminated after being doxxed for his pro-White views. Internecine fighting surrounding the “Exoo question” would inadvertently unmask It’s Going Down columnist ‘GothBotAlice’—whose real name is Heidi K. Lightenburger of Denver, Colorado—as a supporter and potential ex-lover of Exoo.

While Sargent’s ties and previous life were suspicious, the evidence was circumstantial. But Justice Report counter-extremist researchers, armed with a leaked IP address, believed they finally had enough to test the theory and determine whether the long-suspected identity of one of the “Anonymous Comrade Collective’s” worst offenders was indeed correct.

The Investigation

Thanks to a tip submitted by a protected source in the IT industry, the Justice Report was able to track a verified Comcast/Xfinity residential IP address of Anoncommie to a physical location in Burlington, MA.

The source—whose identity will remain anonymous out of fears of personal safety—was able to scrape the IP belonging to the account after a series of posts were uploaded in 2022. The address that they provided was, which can be traced to a very specific two-mile radius around the city of Burlington, Massachusetts.

Hilary Sargent’s office at 100 District Avenue Suite 103 fell squarely inside the geographical radius of an IP scraped from a series of Anoncommie posts in 2022. The odds of there being two high-profile antifascist journalists with OSINT capabilities in such close proximity are improbable. Collage: Google Maps,

After speaking to an independent IT professional, we concluded that the Comcast/Xfinity IP address could not have been spoofed by a VPN service. This means that whoever was posting under Anoncommie did so with a direct connection to the Internet, likely to one of the area’s many Comcast/Xfinity public Wi-Fi hotspots.

Coincidentally, a building in the area—100 District Ave, in Burlington—had one such public Wi-Fi hotspot operating directly inside of it, evidenced by an online map maintained by the service provider. The address was also home to a Kelly’s Services corporate office—100 District Ave Suite 103—the very same company that Hilary Sargent admitted to working for in her now-deleted LinkedIn page.

Our investigation began by confirming Hilary Sargent’s current place of employment. Per the “experience” page, Sargent openly flaunts her position as a Strategic Marketing Insights Consultant for Kelly’s Services, a career she began in 2020. Interestingly enough, she also bills herself as a “licensed private investigator and researcher,” credentials that would prove invaluable in the world of open-source human intelligence (OSINT) and malicious online doxing.

In addition to Twitter, Hilary Sargent often takes her leftist fearmongering to her personal Linkedin and Facebook. Both pages would be deleted, however, after being exposed for her ties to the Anonymous Comrade Collective. Photo: Linkedin.

A quick search on Google Maps revealed that Kelly’s Services operated a north Boston office in Burlington at one point; however, it closed due to COVID-19 and switched to a work-from-home setting roughly the same time we obtained our anonymous tip.

Counter-extremist researchers needed to confirm that Hilary Sargent was still employed at Kelly’s Services at the time the IP was obtained to prove a link between the Anoncommie account and Sargent herself. The Justice Report did this by contacting the company directly and quickly confirmed with several employees—including some HR managers—that Hilary Sargent was indeed still employed and, in fact, retained the same position as listed on her LinkedIn profile.

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Through a few more communications, we were able to obtain Sargent’s internal email address, position, and even a rundown of employee benefits (up to four weeks of PTO, four mental health days, a chance to join so-called “Alliance Groups”, and the company’s new push for better diversity, equity, and inclusion).

It was also confirmed via telephone that Sargent had been working in the Burlington office when the IP address was scraped, officially confirming what many had already believed.

Once researchers publically confronted Anoncommie on X/Twitter with this information, a curious development happened. Anoncommie’s usual hubris was gone.

Instead, the Justice Report researcher was blocked immediately.

While “Anoncommie” has a long history of trolling those who comment negatively on her posts, we were banned instantly for being supportive and using her real first name.

Simultaneously, Sargent’s personal Twitter account, @lilsarg—which had thousands of tweets and engagements since its creation in 2009—had suddenly changed its profile picture to a black field and began to frantically scrub many of its tweets and “likes” from the platform—including likes she had made to her own posts on the Anoncommie account.

The Justice Report then contacted Hilary Sargent directly regarding her ties to anti-White extremism. She denied any involvement but did admit to following multiple antifascist accounts on Twitter.

Sargent regularly liked her own posts on the Anoncommie account. Many of her “likes” and original posts have now been scrubbed in the aftermath of the Justice Report’s Investigation into her identity. Collage: @lilsarg X/Twitter.

The rash decision to scrub a years-long social media account in what appeared to be a desperate act of self-censorship came off as an admission of guilt. It was settled: Sargent was sweating, and our counter-extremist team had all it needed to go public with the discovery.

Anoncommie and her overly cocksure attitude once claimed they would never retreat, but when confronted with their true identity, they appeared to retreat almost immediately. Photo: X/Twitetr

Profile of Anti-White Hate: Hilary Sargent

Hilary Sargent, the blueblooded daughter of clinical psychologist Susan Pickman Sargent and Architectural firm founder, Fitzwilliam Sargent, grew up in a version of the United States that is completely alien to most everyday people. Having a distant relative in the renowned English landscape painter John Singer Sargent, and “swindler and con man” Joseph Charles Van Ausdell, Hilary found herself a part of an elite, liberal New England aristocracy that was able to tap into a vast network of wealth, influence, and a life of abject privilege.

Alongside her brother George Sargent, the now CEO of Arnold Advertising, Hilary would quickly adopt a political worldview that would keep her well-rooted in the upper crust of American society: by gaining praise and prestige by advancing anti-White hatred online while politically oppressing White members of the lower class.

Sargent’s press ID during an internship. Photo courtesy of @lilsarg Twitter account.

Having attended the illustrious Milton Academy, whose alumni include Robert F. Kennedy and Anglo-American poet T.S. Eliot, Sargent would later be accepted into Boston College, where her studies would soon propel her into a career in journalism. From 1998 to 1999, she worked at the Boston Globe newspaper as an assistant, then as an intern, and eventually ascended to a senior editor in 2014.

At one point, Sargent falsely accused her lead editor, Brian McGrory, of sexual harassment. The accusation came amid the height of the “Me Too” movement, but because Sargent had refused to give up text messages and communications to investigators, McGrory was cleared of any wrongdoing. In his honor, January 26th would be officially declared “Brian McGrory Day” by Boston Mayor Michelle Wu.

Sargent was also the brainchild behind the infographic website Chart Girl, which tracked mainstream political stories, public figures, and events. Her gimmick involved making the finer details of these stories more easily consumable by the greater public in the form of stylized charts. The creation of such a site proved to be a grim foreshadowing of her future role as a salacious, leftist spymaster, switching gears from mainstream topics to focus instead on the private lives of American citizens exclusively for their race and political beliefs.

Hilary Sargent and Joseph Ramadei, photo NYT

In 2009, Hilary married Joseph Ramadei, a Cornell graduate and lawyer, at an interfaith wedding ordained by Rabbi Mark Newton and officiated at the Harvard Club of Boston. Together, they would have a son, “Dash.” The marriage ultimately failed, however, and eventually, they would divorce. Ramadei would gain custody of their son as well as their lavish suburban home, forcing Hilary Sargent to seek living arrangements in her current neighborhood of Roslindale, MA.

It’s interesting to note that despite having come from such a prominent background and with access to near limitless opportunity, she chose the handle “Anonymous Comrade” or “Anoncommie” to masquerade as a communist member of the downtrodden workers that most Antifa claim to represent. According to one former victim of Sargent’s malicious doxing who was willing to speak on the record with the Justice Report, the irony is palpable.

“Imagine one of your distant ancestors is, Sargent, the painter, and your a dog mom who spends all day on Twitter. Ha!”

Anonymous former victim of Anoncommie

It’s unknown what lies in store for Hilary Elizabeth Sargent of Roslindale, MA, or the Anoncommie Twitter account/blog site, but the Justice Report will provide updates as they become available.

Hilary Sargent, aka Anoncommie’s threat of future dox material dated 12/15, threatens unknown victims with the intent to ruin their holiday season. She calls it “Doxmas”

The Aftermath

Update: 3/15/24: In the nearly two years since counter-extremism researchers exposed Hilary Sargent’s involvement in the Anonymous Comrade Collective, some Antifa accounts have loudly closed ranks around Sargent and aggressively peddled misinformation and lies about the story.

In an attempt to intimidate and gaslight journalists into taking the story down, many alluded to an impending lawsuit for “misidentifying” Sargent, calling it a “faildox.” Despite the threats—which were quickly dismissed—no lawsuit ever came. Instead, lengthy Twitter threads were formed, which appeared to accomplish little but give air to the story, and ensure it was seen by thousands of viewers all over the world.

In the years after the Justice Report published its Hilary Sargent story, the Anoncommie X/Twitter account faced periodic reminders of Sargent’s identity. Photo: X/Twitter.

In response, those in the nationalist community pointed to the obvious Antifa-Sargent connection, and accurately called out their denunciations as additional proof she was involved.

“The tiny community of people, maybe ten or fifteen of them, still interested in racially targeting White activists for doxing and harassment are the only people spilling their spaghetti on Twitter denying the Sargent article,” said White civil rights activist Mike Peinovich on Telegram. “(They’re) inventing elaborate copes and crying.”

“If she’s not connected to these people, why are they the only people caping for her and revealing they have personal contact?” He continued. “…They are telling several lies.”

Sargent’s Anoncommie account earned a community note for peddling fake news and misinformation on Elon Musk’s X/Twitter. A day later, she was permanently suspended from the platform. Photo: X/Twitter.

Undeterred, Sargent would continue with doxing, attacking the character of dozens of individuals for the greater part of the last two years. Some of her work, however, would fail to earn her the attention or respect of mainstream journalists she hoped to court with her “research.” In January of 2023, Axios retracted a story about “Dissident-Homeschool,” which had sourced Sargent’s Anoncommie account as the ones behind an alleged doxing of two Ohio-based parents and their kids. The move would cast doubts on the accuracy of their “reporting” going forward.

Then in 2024, after Sargent’s Anoncommie account allegedly doxed the beloved right-wing cartoonist “Stonetoss,” the veracity of her antifascist research once again came into question. The left-leaning Daily Dot, which had reported on Sargent’s Stonetoss discovery, did not mention the subject’s name and appeared to openly criticize her details.

Adding fuel to the fire, one of her posts in the alleged dox of Stonetoss was a “community note” from Twitter, a feature that allows users to refute “fake news” and misinformation from ill-informed pages. A veritable death sentence for an anti-fascist researcher.

Hilary Sargent’s long-standing @Anoncommiestan account, which had operated for years doxing dozens of perceived political enemies, was finally banned from X/Twitter on March 14th, 2024. Photo: X/Twitter

Then, on March 14th, Sargent’s Anoncommie account was finally removed from the platform, with Elon Musk appearing to uphold a site-wide “doxing ban” he had promised earlier in the year. The ban would be precipitated by locking and banning dozens of other Antifa-related accounts that mentioned Stonetoss’s alleged identity in protest. It is currently unknown if these bans will continue, or how many of them will remain permanent.

Self-proclaimed "anti-fascists" have long pretended to fight on behalf of the common man, only to be exposed as federal informants, capitalists, unhinged pedophiles, members of a trust fund elite, or common street thugs. In June, an Antifa radio host was arrested for the trafficking and rape of a Canadian child south of Portland, Oregon. In 2020, a heavily armed antifascist terrorist and self-professed member of the anti-White extremist militia, the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, committed an infamous firebombing attack in Tacoma, Washington, to protest immigration law. While police justifiably shot and killed the gunman, the attacker, 69-year-old Willem van Spronsen, would become a martyr in the name of militant antifascism.

Disclaimer: The Justice Report utterly denounces the act of "doxing" and recognizes it as a tool widely used by bad actors to intimidate, harass, and divide communities for strictly dishonest purposes.

The subject of the following article is so prolific in its doxing of innocent, private people, however, that we feel morally and ethically compelled to report on their identity.

Our communities deserve the right to know about the individuals they might share space with.

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