Middle schoolers charged with ‘antisemitic’ hate crimes

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Calvert, Maryland – Three middle schoolers have been criminally charged over an alleged incident involving “antisemitic harassment.” The suspects, all of whom are only 13 years old, now face hate crime violations in the latest push to prosecute children for “hate speech” in the United States.

According to the Calvert County state’s attorney, three young students at Plum Point Middle School in southern Maryland have been charged with hate crimes in connection to the harassment of a fellow Jewish student.

The 13-year-old suspects are alleged to have “displayed swastikas, made Nazi salutes, and directed offensive comments to a classmate because of the classmate’s religious beliefs,” according to prosecutors. All three of the accused were not identified due to their status as minors, and the alleged comments were not explained further.

Plum Point Media Center. Photo: Ppmsmedia

According to the office of the State’s prosecutor, Robert Harvey, the alleged harassment began in December 2023. The unidentified victim is then said to have contacted the State Police, who filed charges after an investigation determined the accused had been asked numerous times to stop. The Maryland Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) is now reviewing the case. Harvey referred to the time of Maryland’s founding to chastise the students.

“(It’s) frankly astonishing that nearly 400 years later some people continue to persecute others based upon their religion,” said Harvey in a request for comment by the Washington Post. “Religious persecution has no place in our society.”

While neoliberal repression would manifest itself very quickly in defense of Jewish students at Plum Point, the same could not be said about White students in similar situations.

Calvert County Prosecutor, Robert Harvey. Photo: SOMD News

In 2023, White students of Kenwood Elementary School in Springfield, Ohio, were forced to support Black Lives Matter by a gang of Black students. A video of the humiliating incident was later released to the Justice Report through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, where it quickly went viral.

Investigators later admitted that the incident appeared to be a case of anti-White hate, which would qualify for a hate crime charge. Despite this, no such charges were ever publicly announced, and the school board refused to provide updates to outraged White parents on what disciplinary actions were ultimately taken.

The incident would come on the heels of another abhorrent case of race-based schoolyard bullying. In Berkeley Township, New Jersey, 14-year-old Adriana Kuch was tormented into committing suicide, after Black students at Central Regional High School were said to have stalked, harassed, and brutally assaulted her on video. Shockingly, a principal at the school libeled the victim, by alluding that Kuch was a drug addict and blaming her parents—not the Black suspects—for her eventual suicide.

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While the system appears to come out in force to protect non-White and Jewish students from alleged acts of mild, non-violent bullying, some say that this alarming double standard has only intensified in recent years. Just this month, a different group of middle schoolers were charged for violating the civil rights of Black students, after they had allegedly made “racist” jokes in a private chatroom.

According to Littoria, hate speech cases similar to those in Plum Point have also occurred in places like Connecticut and Louisiana. In most of these alleged incidents, racial comments or slurs are said to have been uttered in jest and shared privately among friends.

Littoria goes on to allege that prosecutors have become increasingly emboldened in hate crime cases involving minors, due to the closed nature of juvenile courts. The veil of secrecy that surrounds these types of trials prevents the general public from accessing further information, allowing activist lawyers the ability to “characterize” incidents with impunity.

Infographic: White-Papers Policy Institute

It is currently unknown if harsh judicial punishment against White students will do anything to remedy the hostile atmosphere of American public schools, but data suggests the issue of rampant misbehavior largely falls on Black violence, not “hate speech.” According to the White-Papers Policy Institute, Black students are 85% more likely to engage in violence against their peers, while non-Whites are responsible for 72% of American school shootings.

The racial disharmony has so far resulted in a marked increase in US schools forced to deploy security guards, as well as a 7-10% decrease in the overall educational workforce due to sudden resignations.

American schools have proven to be an unsafe environment for White students, who increasingly become victimized by acts of non-White bullying, hyperviolence, and other depraved crimes. In 2022, a White student was stabbed in the back by a Black student in Fort Worth. In the aftermath, the school administration was more upset at online whistleblowers than the suspect himself.

In November, an eighth grader was assaulted and electrocuted by a Hispanic student with a taser in a notoriously progressive school district. Due to the racial dynamic at play, the story was completely covered up, forcing the victim’s father to sound the alarm by contacting citizen journalists.

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