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Police arrest transwoman for double murder of elderly parents

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Washington, Utah – A transwoman led police on an hours-long manhunt on Wednesday after authorities say he shot and killed his two elderly parents execution-style for rejecting his “transition.”

Court documents now reveal that the unhinged suspect proudly confessed to the killings, and claims he would “do it again.”

The incident began Tuesday evening after police say 28-year-old Collin Troy Bailey—who refers to himself as “Mia” and had recently begun wearing wigs—broke into his parent’s home in Washington, Utah, a small town near the Arizona border. Bailey is alleged to have shot his own mother and father numerous times, including once each in the head to “make sure they were dead.”

28-year-old Collin Troy Bailey, aka “Mia,” was arrested for the gunshot murder of his two elderly parents. Bailey began legally transitioning into a woman in 2023, which may have caused “friction” with fellow family members, reports say. Photo: Washington Police Department.

Court documents state that after he killed his parents, Bailey then attempted to shoot his brother and sister-in-law, firing multiple times into the door of a room where the couple took refuge. Both survived the attack, while Bailey fled the scene in his yellow Kia Soul.

“Mia described that she returned to her father, who was lying on the ground, and shot him one more time in the head to make sure that he was dead,” read an arrest affidavit. “While doing that, Mia … walked back over to her mother and shot her in the head to make sure that she was dead.”

First responders arrived to quickly find Bailey’s elderly parents, identified as 70-year-old Joseph Bailey, and 69-year-old Gail Bailey, dead in the home’s living room. Police then advised residents to be on the lookout for an “armed and dangerous” transexual who was able to change his appearance with female wigs.

Early Wednesday morning, law enforcement spotted Bailey close to the crime scene but took off, sparking an hours-long search. Bailey was then said to have produced a handgun and held it to his head while luring police into a ravine.

Transgender suspect Collin “Mia” Bailey surrendered to a SWAT team following an hours-long manhunt. Bailey was said to have confessed to the crimes and even bragged about evading law enforcement capture during interrogation. Photo: KSLTV.

“Mia describes jumping fences or walls, hiding in bushes, sleeping in a park bathroom, and other efforts to elude law enforcement. Mia bragged about her ability to avoid the efforts of law enforcement to locate her, including evading officers, hiding from helicopters and hiding from drones,” said police.

Hours later, SWAT cornered Bailey in an area roughly 7 miles away from the crime scene in the town of St. George. He was eventually taken into custody and was found with the same caliber handgun as casings found near his dead parents.

“We have some good news. We have the suspect in custody,” said St. George Police Officer Tiffany Mitchell in a Facebook live broadcast regarding Bailey’s capture. “Everyone is safe. No one else was injured.”

During interrogation, Bailey was said to have confessed to the killings and described a “hatred” of his own family—particularly his brother—which served as a potential window into a motive behind the attack.

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“I would do it again. I hate them,” said Bailey during questioning. The affidavit further alleged that he “did not have remorse for her actions and that she would not change what she had done.”

The arrest affidavit states that Bailey had “strained relationships” with many of his relatives, including some who told police they were “afraid” of the transsexual amid his ongoing transition, which started in 2023. As a result, they were forced to find shelter during the manhunt, fearing retaliation.

For the series of brutal crimes, the transgender Bailey was placed into custody without bail. He now faces three felony counts of first-degree aggravated murder, one count of aggravated burglary, and seven additional counts of felony discharge of a firearm.

A spokesman for the Washington City Police Department said Bailey would be “treated in a fair way,” while in custody, possibly referring to the suspect’s alleged gender identity. It is currently unknown if Bailey will be sent to a male or female facility while incarcerated.

The home where Collin “Mia” Bailey was said to have shot and killed his own parents. An arrest affidavit states that Bailey’s father was shot twice and her mother four times, with each shot once in the head execution style. Photo: Morri Kessler, St. George News.

“This isn’t the end for her, right?” The spokesman said, preferring to use the self-confessed murderer’s preferred pronouns. “We want to make sure that she knows that we’re going to treat her in the correct way and in a fair way, make sure our justice system is followed and that she gets the respect that she needs.”

The gruesome killing of Joseph and Gail Bailey closely mirrors other high-profile attacks carried out by those who identify as “trans.” In May, a trans LGBTQ+ activist and artist, 26-year-old Jared Ravizza, was arrested for slashing a number of young girls inside a movie theater in Massachusetts.

Police allege that Ravizza—a wealthy jet setter with ties to the sports industry—committed a series of crimes, including murder, before ultimately being hunted down and placed into custody following a car crash.

In December, a trans “Instagram model” in New York City was arrested for the savage knife murder of his own father. Police say the attack was launched by 22-year-old “Nikki” Secondino, who had been photographed smiling during court appearances.

The yellow Kia Soul Bailey had allegedly fled inside following the brutal gunshot murder of his parents on Tuesday night. Police issued a shelter-in-place order for nearby residents until the transgender suspect was placed into custody. Photo: Washington City Police.

Authorities state Secondino killed his father with a knife and stabbed his sister over a dispute regarding a laptop device.

In March of 2023, a trans individual rocked the nation when she launched a sickening mass shooting on a majority White Christian school she once attended as a youth.

Police bodycam footage from the incident showed Police hunt down and neutralize 28-year-old Audrey “Aiden” Hale after she deliberately shot and killed six people, including three 9-year-old kids, at the now-infamous Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee.

Leaked pages of Hale’s manifesto ultimately revealed the school shooter held a deep hatred of White children and had carried out the racially motivated massacre to get back at those she perceived had “White privilege.” Despite this, authorities have “run cover” for Hale, and have prevented the manifesto’s full release. However, new details from the Hale saga continue to be leaked thanks to the work of journalists and police whistleblowers who have access to the documents.

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